Revised Council Meeting AgendaRevised items are identified by an asterisk (*)Meeting Number: 7Wednesday, March 20, 2024 at 1:00 P.m. - 4:30 P.m.Live streamed1.CALL TO ORDER INDIGENOUS LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTWe begin today by acknowledging the traditional territories of Indigenous peoples and their commitment to stewardship of the land. We acknowledge the communities in circle. The North, West, South and Eastern directions, and Haudenosaunee, Huron- Wendat, Anishnabeg, Seneca, Chippewa, and the Mississaugas of the Credit peoples. We share the responsibility with the caretakers of this land to ensure the dish is never empty and to restore relationships that are based on peace, friendship, and trust. We are committed to reconciliation, partnership and enhanced understanding.2.DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 3.APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MINUTES 3.1SPECIAL COUNCIL MINUTES (BUDGET 2024) - FEBRUARY 28, 2024 1.Minutes - Special CM_Feb28_2024 - English.pdf That the Minutes of the Special Council Meeting (Budget 2024) held on February 28, 2024, be adopted. 3.2COUNCIL MINUTES - FEBRUARY 28, 2024 1.Minutes - CM_Feb28_2024 - English.pdf That the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on February 28, 2024, be adopted. 4.PRESENTATIONS 5.DEPUTATIONS 5.1DEPUTATION - ITEM 8.1.1 - PUBLIC MEETING INFORMATION REPORT, 2163321 ONTARIO INC., APPLICATIONS FOR OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT TO PERMIT A 30-STOREY BUILDING (24 STOREYS WITH A SIX-STOREY PODIUM), CONSISTING OF 372 RESIDENTIAL UNITS AT 35-51 KENNEDY ROADThat the following deputation providing comments regarding the above listed item be received for information purposes:(Item 8.1.1, By-law 2024-48 and By-law 2024-49) Gregory Karastergios 5.2DEPUTATION - ITEM 14.2.1 - OLT APPEAL BY HILTON MARKHAM SUITES HOTEL LIMITED, APPEAL OF THE OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATIONS (WARD 8) (10.3, 10.5) That the following deputation providing comments regarding the above listed item be received for information purposes:(Item 14.2.1) Jóska Zérczi 6.COMMUNICATIONS 6.1LIQUOR LICENCE APPLICATION - DAYALI RESTAURANT (WARD 8) (3.21) 1.Dayali Restaurant Ward 8.pdf That the request for the City of Markham to complete the Municipal Information Form be received for information and be processed accordingly. 6.2LIQUOR LICENCE APPLICATION - DOPAPEN COFFEE (WARD 2) (3.21) 1.Dopapen Coffee Ward 2.pdf That the request for the City of Markham to complete the Municipal Information Form be received for information and be processed accordingly. 6.3ONTARIO LAND TRIBUNAL (OLT) DECISION - ARYEH CONSTRUCTION LIMITED, 8293 AND 8303 WARDEN AVENUE (WARD 3) (10.3) (10.5) 1.By-Law 2024-44 OLT-22-003330-MAR-29-2023.pdfSummary from the City Solicitor:On March 29, 2023, the Ontario Land Tribunal (“OLT”) issued its Memorandum of Oral Decision delivered by the OLT on October 24, 2022 for Aryeh Construction Limited (“Aryeh”)’s appeal relating to 8293 and 8303 Warden Avenue (the “Property”). The OLT decision and order resulted from an appeal by Aryeh of the City’s non-decision of the Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision application for Aryeh’s proposed residential condominium development at the Property.Aryeh had sought to permit an increase from the previously approved development approvals, to increase the height of 2 residential towers from 19 storeys each to 45 and 42 storeys, respectively, and to increase the number of units by 303 units for a total of 833 units.Attendees at the hearing included Aryeh, the City, the Unionville Ratepayers Association and the Markham Centre Landowners Group. In the decision and order, the OLT approved the settlement that was reached between the City and Aryeh of the settled upon Zoning By-law Amendment and revisions to the Draft Plan of Subdivision. The OLT approved the settlement on the basis that the planning instruments conform with all applicable Planning legislation and policy. The City was given the authority to clear the Draft Plan Conditions and administer final approval of the Draft Plan of Subdivision. As the OLT has issued its final decision, the ZBA now requires assignment of a By-law number for administrative tracking purposes.(By-law 2024-44)6.4COMMUNICATION - OLT APPEAL BY HILTON MARKHAM SUITES HOTEL LIMITED, APPEAL OF THE OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATIONS (WARD 8) (10.3, 10.5) 1.Written submission Mr. F. Woo Item 14.2.1 OLT APPEAL BY HILTON MARKHAM SUITES HOTEL LIMITED(1).pdf2.Written Submission URA-HiltonCouncilComm2024-03-20.pdf3.Written Submission Ms. T. Mok Item 14.2.1 OLT APPEAL BY HILTON MARKHAM SUITES HOTEL LIMITED.pdf4.URA-HiltonOLT2024-03-15 T.Mok.pdfThat the following communications providing comments regarding "OLT Appeal by Hilton Markham Suites Hotel Limited, Appeal of the Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Amendment Applications" be received for information purposes:[Item 14.2.1 (WARD 8) (10.3, 10.5)] Frederick Woo Peter Miasek, Unionville Residents Association (URA) Tammy Mok, Unionville Residents Association (URA) That the communication submitted by the following providing comments regarding the above subject matter be received: Frederick Woo Peter Miasek, Unionville Residents Association (URA) Tammy Mok, Unionville Residents Association (URA) 7.PROCLAMATIONS 7.1PROCLAMATION AND FLAG RAISING REQUESTS (3.4) 1.Spanish Language Day.pdf That the following new request for proclamation be approved and added to the Five-Year Proclamations List approved by Council: SPANISH LANGUAGE DAY, April 23, 2024. 8.REPORT OF STANDING COMMITTEE 8.1REPORT NO. 8 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PUBLIC MEETING (FEBRUARY 13, 2024) Please refer to your February 13, 2024 Development Services Public Meeting Agenda for reports.Mayors and Members of Council:That the report of the Development Services Public Meeting be received & adopted. (Items 1):8.1.1PUBLIC MEETING INFORMATION REPORT, 2163321 ONTARIO INC., APPLICATIONS FOR OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT TO PERMIT A 30-STOREY BUILDING (24 STOREYS WITH A SIX-STOREY PODIUM), CONSISTING OF 372 RESIDENTIAL UNITS, 1.Public Meeting Information Report - 35-51 Old Kennedy Road (PLAN 23 148834).pdf2.Old Kennedy Road _ Staff Public Meeting Presentation.pdf3.Old Kennedy Road_ Applicant_ Public Meeting Presentation (February 13, 2024).pdf4.Letter from the Milliken Main Stree Landowners Group.pdf5.Milliken - GoodStanding_35-51 Old Kennedy Rd (2163321 Ontario Inc.).pdfINCLUDING FOUR INTEGRATED LIVE-WORK UNITS FRONTING OLD KENNEDY ROAD, AND 305 M2 OF GROUND LEVEL COMMERCIAL SPACE AT 35-51 OLD KENNEDY ROAD (2163321 ONTARIO INC. LANCE GAO) - (WARD 8) (10.3)(10.5)(Item 5.1 and By-law 2024-48 and By-law 2024-49) That the deputation by George Shi be received; and, That the written submissions received by George Shi, Gregory Karastergios, The Helen Mihailidi, on behalf of Milliken Main Street Landowners Group Inc., and Templar Tsang-Trinaistich, Delta Urban Inc. and Group Manager of the Milliken Main Street Landowners Group; and, That the report entitled “PUBLIC MEETING INFORMATION REPORT, 2163321 Ontario Inc., Applications for Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment to permit a 30-storey building (24 storeys with a six-storey podium), consisting of 372 residential units, including four integrated live-work units fronting Old Kennedy Road, and 305 m2 of ground level commercial space (Ward 8), File No. PLAN 23 148834”, be received; and, That the Record of the Public Meeting held on February 13, 2024 with respect to the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications, be received; and, That the applications by 2163321 Ontario Inc., for a proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment (PLAN 23 148834), be approved and the draft implementing Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment be finalized and enacted without further notice; and further, That staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution. 8.2REPORT NO. 9 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES COMMITTEE (MARCH 5, 2024) Please refer to your March 5, 2024 Development Services Committee Agenda for reports.Mayors and Members of Council:That the report of the Development Services Committee be received & adopted. (Items 1 to 3):8.2.1MEMORANDUM, COUNCIL APPROVAL FOR PARKLAND DEDICATION EXEMPTION: 11 AND 15 GRANDVIEW BOULEVARD (CSNT 20 127548, B/016/20, B/010/21) (6.3) 1.20240305 - MAR5 DSC_Parkland Exemption Memo_FINAL.pdf That the memorandum titled, “Council Approval for Parkland Dedication Exemption: 11 and 15 Grandview Boulevard (CSNT 20 127548, B/016/20, B/010/21)”, be received; and, That the Commissioner of Development Services or the Director of Planning and Urban Design be authorized to exempt parkland obligation for the existing lots and only collect parkland obligation for the newly created lot for the application identified in this memo; and, That the Parkland Dedication By-law be amended to authorize the Commissioner of Development Services or the Director of Planning and Urban Design to consider and approve any future requests for exemption of parkland dedication obligations based on criteria arising from similar contexts and elements as the subject application; and further, That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution. 8.2.2RECOMMENDATION REPORT, THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK AT 14TH AVENUE AND DONALD COUSENS PARKWAY, OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENTS AND SITE PLAN CONTROL APPLICATIONS TO PERMIT A FOUR AND SIX-STOREY AFFORDABLE RENTAL BUILDING 1.York Region Recommendation Report (PLAN 21 120261 and SPC 22 109682).pdf2.Figure 1 - Location Map(1).pdf3.Figure 2 - Aerial Photo.pdf4.Figure 3 - Area Context and Zoning.pdf5.Figure 4 - Site Plan.pdf6.Figure 5 - North and South Elevations.pdf7.Figure 6 - East and West Elevations.pdf8.Appendix A - Draft Official Plan Amendment.pdf9.OPA SCHEDULE A.pdf10.OPA SCHEDULE B.pdf11.OPA SCHEDULE C.pdf12.OPA SCHEDULE D.pdf13.Appendix B - Draft Zoning By-law Amendment.pdf14.ZBA Schedule.pdf15.DSC Presentation - Box Grove - PLAN 21 120261 and SPC 22 109682.pdfAT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF 14TH AVENUE AND DONALD COUSENS PARKWAY (AT 15 VETTESE COURT), (WARD 7) FILE PLAN 21 120261 AND SPC 22 109682 (10.3, 10.5)(By-law 2024-45 and By-law 2024-46) That the March 5, 2024, report titled, “RECOMMENDATION REPORT, The Regional Municipality of York, Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments and Site Plan Control applications to permit a four and six-storey affordable rental building at the southwest corner of 14th Avenue and Donald Cousens Parkway (Ward 7), File PLAN 21 120261 and SPC 22 109682”, be received; and, That the written submissions from Yang Meng and She Love received on March 4, 2024, be received; and, That the Official Plan Amendment application submitted by the Regional Municipality of York, be approved and the draft Official Plan Amendment, attached as Appendix ‘A’, be finalized and brought to a future Council meeting for adoption without further notice; and, That the Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by the Regional Municipality of York be approved and the draft site-specific Zoning By-law Amendment, attached as Appendix ‘B’, be finalized and brought to a future Council meeting for enactment without further notice; and, That the Site Plan application submitted by the Regional Municipality of York be endorsed in principle, and that Site Plan Approval be delegated to the Director of Planning and Urban Design or designate; and, That Council assign servicing allocation for 153 dwelling units for Site Plan Control File SPC 22 109682; and further, That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution. 8.2.3RECOMMENDATION REPORT, HNT INC. AT 8310 WOODBINE AVENUE, APPLICATION FOR A ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT SUBMITTED BY HNT INC. TO PERMIT A MULTI-UNIT COMMERCIAL BUILDING AT 8310 WOODBINE AVENUE (WARD 8), FILE NO. PLAN 22 258667 (10.5) 1.Recommendation Report Application for Zoning By-law Amendment at 8310 Woodbine Ave.pdf2.Figure 1 - Location Map.pdf3.Figure 2 - Area Context and Zoning.pdf4.Figure 3 - Aerial Photo.pdf5.Figure 4 - Conceptual Site Plan.pdf6.Figure 5 - Conceptual Elevations.pdf7.Appendix A - Draft Zoning By-law.pdf8.DSC_March05_2024_8.2 GWD Presentation.pdf(By-law 2024-53) That the report titled, “RECOMMENDATION REPORT, Application for a Zoning By-law Amendment submitted by HNT Inc. to permit a multi-unit commercial building at 8310 Woodbine Avenue (Ward 8), File No. PLAN 22 258667”, be received; and, That the written submission from Howard Buckman directed to the March 5th Development Services Committee be received; and, That the application submitted by HNT Inc. to amend Zoning By-law 165-80, as amended, be approved and the Zoning By-law, attached hereto as Appendix ‘A’, be approved; and further, That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution. 8.3REPORT NO. 10 GENERAL COMMITTEE (MARCH 19, 2024) Please refer to your March 19, 2024 General Committee Agenda for reports.Mayors and Members of Council:That the report of the General Committee be received & adopted. (Items 1 to 5):8.3.1294-T-23 BLOCK TREE PRUNING PROGRAM (YEAR 5 OF 8) (2.21) 1.294-T-23 Block Tree Pruning Program (Year 5 of 8).pdfThat the report entitled “294-T-23 Block Tree Pruning Program (Year 5 of 8)” be received; and, That the contracts for Tender 294-T-23 Block Tree Pruning Program (Year 5 of 8) be awarded to the lowest priced bidders as follows:Tree Doctors Inc. (three grid areas) in the amount of $46,300.80, inclusive of HST; andDavey Tree Expert Co. of Canada, Limited (two grid areas) in the amount of $343,412.04, inclusive of HST; for a total amount of $389,712.84 ($46,300.80 + $343,412.04), inclusive of HST; and, That the estimated costs of $389,712.84 be funded from account 700-101-5399-23463 (Block Pruning Initiative – Year 5 of 8) with budget available of $229,000.00; and, That the budget shortfall in the amount of $160,712.84 ($229,000.00 - $389,712.84) be funded from the Life Cycle Replacement and Capital Reserve Fund; and further, That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.8.3.22023 SUMMARY OF REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES FOR COUNCILLORS AND APPOINTEES TO BOARDS (7.0) 1.2023 Summary of Remuneration and Expenses for Councillors and Appointees to Boards.pdf2.Appendix A - 2023 Summary of Remuneration and Expenses for Mayor and Council.pdf3.Appendix B - 2023 Summary of Remuneration and Expenses for Appointees to Local and Other Boards.pdf That the report entitled “2023 Summary of Remuneration and Expenses for Councillors and Appointees to Boards” be received; and further, That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution. 8.3.32023 YEAR-END RESULTS OF OPERATIONS (7.0) 1.2023 Year-End Results of Operations Final.pdf2.Appendix December 2023 YTD Review of Operations FINAL_.pdf That the report titled “2023 Year-End Results of Operations” be received; and, That the City’s 2023 operations net favourable variance of $4.86M be transferred to the Life Cycle Capital Replacement and Capital Reserve Fund, as per the approved Financial Planning and Budgeting Policy; and further, That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution. 8.3.4 ANNUAL WATER QUALITY REPORT (JANUARY – DECEMBER 2023) (5.3) 1.Annual Water Quality Report (January - December 2023).pdf2.2024-03-19 Annual Water Quality Report(January - December 2023) - Attachment A.pdf That the report titled “Annual Water Quality Report (January-December 2023)” as required by Schedule 22 of Ontario Regulation 170/03, under the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002, enclosed herein be received; and, That the Annual 2023 Regulatory Water Quality Report (Attachment “A”), containing information for the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) on water supply and quality as required by Section 11 of Ontario Regulation 170/03, under the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002, be received; and, That Council acknowledge that staff posted the Annual 2023 Detailed Regulatory Water Quality Report on the City’s website and that it has been made available electronically and in hard copy version by February 28, 2024 as per regulations; and further, That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution. 8.3.5CITY OF MARKHAM COMMENTS ON THE PROPOSED GET IT DONE ACT, 2024 (BILL 162) (10.0) 1.GC Report - City of Markham Comments on the Proposed Get It Done Act 2024 (Bill 162).pdf2.GC PPT - City of Markham Comments on the Proposed Get It Done Act 2024 (Bill 162) - March 19 2024.pdf3.Letter December 5, 2023 Item 8.3.5.pdf That the report entitled "City of Markham Comments on the Proposed Get It Done Act, 2024 (Bill 162)" dated March 19, 2024, be received; and, That this report be forwarded to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing as the City of Markham’s comments on Bill 162; and note specifically, That the City of Markham supports Modification 22 the proposed removal of the Future Urban Area Overlay; and, That the City of Markham requests the Province to amend Bill 162 to address other comments raised in the letter from the City dated December 5, 2023; and, That this report be forwarded to York Region as the City of Markham’s comments on Bill 162; and further, That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution. 9.MOTIONS 10.NOTICE OF MOTION TO RECONSIDER 11.NEW/OTHER BUSINESS As per Section 2 of the Council Procedural By-Law, "New/Other Business would generally apply to an item that is to be added to the Agenda due to an urgent statutory time requirement, or an emergency, or time sensitivity".12.ANNOUNCEMENTS 13.BY-LAWS - THREE READINGS That By-laws 2024-43 and 2024-45 to 2024-53 be given three readings and enacted.Three Readings13.1BY-LAW 2024-43, A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW 108-81, AS AMENDED 1.By-law 2024-XX 3120 Steeles Avenue East.pdf2.Schedule A_3120 Steeles Avenue.pdfThe proposed by-law amendment applies to a parcel of land located on the north side of Steeles Avenue East and east of Woodbine Avenue. The purpose of this By-law is to rezone the subject lands under By-law 108-81, as amended to permit the sales, service, and open storage of motor vehicles on the site. (Weins Canada Inc., 3120 Steeles Avenue East, PLAN 22 262232)[Report No. 8 Development Services Committee Public Meeting (February 27, 2023)]13.2BY-LAW 2024-44, ARYEH CONTRUCTION LIMITED (8293 AND 8303 WARDEN AVENUE) - ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT (WARD 3) (10.3)(10.5) 1.BY-LAW 2024-XX, A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW 2004-196, ARYEH CONSTRUCTION LTD. 8293 AND 8303 WARDEN AVE.pdf2.OLT-22-003330-MAR-29-2023.pdf3.Schedule A.pdf4.Schedule L1.pdf5.Schedule L2.pdf6.Schedule L3.pdf7.Schedule L4.pdf8.Schedule X9.pdfA By-law to amend By-law 2004-196, as amended by 2017-54 amends an area that is located on the east side of Warden Avenue, south of Highway 7. The purpose of this by-law amendment is to incorporate the lands into the designated area of the Markham Centre Zoning By-law No. 2004-196 and zone them “Markham Centre Public Space One” and “Markham Centre Downtown Two” as shown on Schedule ‘A’ to the by-law, incorporating site specific use permissions and development standards to permit the majority of te property to be developed with a high density residential development. The entire area north of future Rougeside Promenade and portions of the area south of Rougeside Promenade are to be conveyed to the City of Markham as public parkland. (Aryeh Construction Limited, 8293 and 8303 Warden Avenue)By-law 2024-44 as approved by OLT, for information only to facilitate the assignment of a by-law number.(Item 6.3)13.3BY-LAW 2024-45, REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK ( 14TH AVENUE AND DONALD COUSENS PARKWAY, AT 15 VETTESE COURT) - ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT (WARD 7) (10.3)(10.5) 1.Zoning By-law - York Region Affordable Housing (DCP and 14th Avenue).pdf2.ZBA Schedule(1).pdfA By-law to Amend By-Law 304-87, as amended (to delete lands from the designated area of By-law 304-87) and to amend By-law 177-96, as amended (to incorporate lands into the designated area of By-law 177-96) The land affected is located at the southwest corner of Donald Cousens Parkway and 14th Avenue within the Box Grove Community. The subject lands are zoned Agriculture One (A1) Zone under By-law 304-87, as amended. The effect of this by-law amendment is to permit a four to six storey residential apartment building on the subject ands.(Regional Municipality of York, Part of Lots 4, 5 and 6, Concession 9, Part 6, 65R-30962, Donald Cousens Parkway and 14th Avenue, ZA 21 120261)(Item 8.2.2)13.4BY-LAW 2024-46, REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK (14TH AVENUE AND DONALD COUSENS PARKWAY, AT 15 VETTESE COURT) - OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 50 (WARD 7) (10.3)(10.5) 1.Official Plan Amendment - York Region Affordable Housing (DCP and 14th Avenue).pdf2.OPA SCHEDULE A(1).pdf3.OPA SCHEDULE B(1).pdf4.OPA SCHEDULE C(1).pdf5.OPA SCHEDULE D(1).pdfBeing a By-Law to adopt Amendment No. 50 to the City of Markham Official Plan 2014, as amended.(Item 8.2.2)13.5BY-LAW 2024-47, A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 2002-276, BEING A BY-LAW TO IMPOSE FEES OR CHARGES FOR SERVICES OR ACTIVITIES PROVIDED OR DONE BY THE CITY OF MARKHAM (2024 WATER/WASTEWATER RATE) 1.2024 Water and Wastewater Rate Bylaw.pdfA By-law to amend By-law No. 2002-276, being a by-law to impose fees or charges for services or activities provided or done by the City of Markham. (2024 Water/Wastewater Rate) 13.6BY-LAW 2024-48, 35-51 OLD KENNEDY ROAD (2163321 ONTARIO INC. LANCE GAO) - ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT (WARD 8) (10.3)(10.5) 1.By-law 2024-XX 35-51 Old Kennedy Road.pdf2.Schedule A(1).pdfA By-law to amend By-law 177-96, as amended applies to a 0.3 ha (0.75 ac) parcel of land located on the east side of Old Kennedy Road and north of Steeles Avenue and to rezone the subject lands to “Neighbourhood Commercial Three Exception 749 Hold [NC3*749(H)] Zone” and to implement site specific development standards to permit a mixed-use high-rise development. (2163321 Ontario Inc. Part of Lot 1, Concession 6, Plan 64R-1706 35-51, Old Kennedy Road, PLAN 23 148834)(Item 8.1.1)13.7BY-LAW 2024-49, 35-51 OLD KENNEDY ROAD (2163321 ONTARIO INC. LANCE GAO) - OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 265 (WARD 8) (10.3)(10.5) 1.By-law 2024-XX 2163321 Ontario Inc. (Lance Gao) OPA.pdf2.Schedule A(2).pdfBeing a By-Law to adopt Amendment No. 265 to amend the Official Plan (Revised 1987), as amended, to incorporate Amendment No. 3 to the Main Street Milliken Secondary Plan (PD 2-4) for part of the Risebrough Planning District (Planning District No. 2).(2163321 Ontario Inc. Part of Lot 1, Concession 6, Plan 64R-1706 35-51, Old Kennedy Road, PLAN 23 148834)(Item 8.1.1)13.8BY-LAW 2024-50, A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW 2017-27 KEEP MARKHAM BEAUTIFUL (MAINTENANCE) BY-LAW BEING A BY-LAW TO REGULATE AND PRESCRIBE STANDARDS FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF PRIVATE PROPERTY AND MUNICIPAL BOULEVARDS WITHIN THE CITY OF MARKHAM 1.Amendment to Keep Markham Beautiful By-law 2024 March5.pdfTo amend By-law 2017-27 Keep Markham Beautiful (Maintenance) By-law being a By-law to regulate and prescribe standards for the maintenance of private property and municipal boulevards within the City of Markham13.9BY-LAW 2024-51, A BY-LAW TO AMEND THE NOISE BY-LAW (2017-74), PROPERTY STANDARDS BY-LAW (2017-26), IDLING CONTROL BY-LAW (2005-192), SIGNS BY-LAW (2002-94) AND PARKS BY-LAW (167-92) BEING REGULATORY BY-LAWS WITHIN THE CITY OF MARKHAM 1.Amendment to various By-laws to add to AMP By-law March7.pdfTo amend the Noise By-law (2017-74), Property Standards By-law (2017-26), Idling Control By-law (2005-192), Signs By-law (2002-94) and Parks By-law (167-92) being regulatory By-laws within the City of Markham 13.10BY-LAW 2024-52, A BY-LAW TO DESIGNATE PART OF A CERTAIN PLAN OF SUBDIVISION NOT SUBJECT TO PART LOT CONTROL - CORNELL ROUGE DEVELOPMENTS CORP. 1.Cornell Rouge Developments PLC Bylaw Blks 9, 11, 14, 65M4674, Blk 15, 65M4656.pdfA by-law to designate part of a certain plan of subdivision not subject to Part Lot Control (east side of Cornell Rouge Boulevard, north of Highway 7 East). This by-law is to exempt the subject block from the part lot control provisions of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended. The By-law is to facilitate the conveyance of 24 townhouse units. (Ward 5, Cornell Rouge Developments Corp. Blocks 9, 11 and 14 Plan 65M-4674 and Block 18, Plan 65M-4656.)13.11BY-LAW 2024-53, A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW 165-80, AS AMENDED, AND TO AMEND BY-LAW 177-96, AS AMENDED - ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT AT 8310 WOODBINE AVENUE (HNT INC.) (WARD 8) (10.3)(10.5) 1.Zoning By-law Amendment at 8310 Woodbine Avenue, PLAN 22 258667.pdf2.Schedule A(3).pdfThis is a Zoning By-law to amend by-law 165-80, as amended, (to delete lands from the designated areas of by-law 165-80), and to amend By-law 177-96, as amended, (to incorporate lands into the designated area of by-law 177-96). It rezones the subject lands under By-law 177-96, as amended, located on the southwest corner of Woodbine Avenue and Lanark Road, municipally known as 8310 Woodbine Avenue in order to permit a one storey multi-unit commercial building on the subject lands.(Ward 8, File No. Plan 22 258667)(Item 8.2.3)14.CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS That, in accordance with Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, Council resolve into a private session to discuss the following confidential matters:14.1COUNCIL Attachments | Public Comments1.Minutes - CM_Feb28_2024 - English.pdf14.1.1CONFIDENTIAL COUNCIL MINUTES - FEBRUARY 28, 2024 [MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001, Section 239 (2) (e)] Public Comments: 14.1.2REQUEST FOR DIRECTION – KINGDOM DEVELOPMENT INC. 4077, 4101, AND 4121 HIGHWAY 7 E. (WARD 3) Public Comments: (LITIGATION OR POTENTIAL LITIGATION, INCLUDING MATTERS BEFORE ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNALS, AFFECTING THE MUNICIPALITY OR LOCAL BOARD.) [MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001, Section 239 (2) (e)]14.1.3CONFIDENTIAL UPDATE - FOURO TOWERS BUILDERS LTD. AND SASSON CONSTRUCTION INC., ONTARIO LAND TRIBUNAL APPEALS FOR ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT AND SITE PLAN APPLICATIONS TO FACILITATE A MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT Public Comments: CONSISTING OF TWO RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (37 AND 42 STOREYS) AND NINE INTEGRATED TOWNHOUSE UNITS AT 9331 TO 9399 MARKHAM ROAD (WARD 5) (LITIGATION OR POTENTIAL LITIGATION, INCLUDING MATTERS BEFORE ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNALS, AFFECTING THE MUNICIPALITY OR LOCAL BOARD.) [MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001, Section 239 (2) (e)]14.2REPORT FROM DEVELOPMENT SERVICES COMMITTEE - MARCH 5, 2024 Public Comments: 14.2.1OLT APPEAL BY HILTON MARKHAM SUITES HOTEL LIMITED, APPEAL OF THE OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATIONS (WARD 8) (10.3, 10.5) Attachments | Public Comments1.Spanish Language Day.pdf(LITIGATION OR POTENTIAL LITIGATION, INCLUDING MATTERS BEFORE ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNALS, AFFECTING THE MUNICIPALITY OR LOCAL BOARD.) [MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001, Section 239 (2) (e)](Item 5.2 and Item 6.4)14.2.2REQUEST FOR DIRECTION – OLT APPEAL BY EASTSIDE CHEVROLET GMC BUICK LTD., APPEAL OF THE OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATIONS (WARD 8) (10.3, 10.5) Public Comments: (LITIGATION OR POTENTIAL LITIGATION, INCLUDING MATTERS BEFORE ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNALS, AFFECTING THE MUNICIPALITY OR LOCAL BOARD.) [MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001, Section 239 (2) (e)]14.2.3REQUEST FOR DIRECTION - ONTARIO LAND TRIBUNAL APPEAL OF DESIGNATION BY-LAW FOR 10159 MCCOWAN ROAD (WARD 6) (16.11.3) Public Comments: (LITIGATION OR POTENTIAL LITIGATION, INCLUDING MATTERS BEFORE ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNALS, AFFECTING THE MUNICIPALITY OR LOCAL BOARD.) [MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001, Section 239 (2) (e)]15.CONFIRMATORY BY-LAW - THREE READINGS 1.By-Law 2024-42 Confirmatory By-Law.pdfThat By-law 2024-42 be given three readings and enacted. Three Readings BY-LAW 2024-42 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 20, 2024.No attachment16.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.Dayali Restaurant Ward 8.pdf1.Dopapen Coffee Ward 2.pdf1.20240305 - MAR5 DSC_Parkland Exemption Memo_FINAL.pdf1.York Region Recommendation Report (PLAN 21 120261 and SPC 22 109682).pdf2.Figure 1 - Location Map(1).pdf3.Figure 2 - Aerial Photo.pdf4.Figure 3 - Area Context and Zoning.pdf5.Figure 4 - Site Plan.pdf6.Figure 5 - North and South Elevations.pdf7.Figure 6 - East and West Elevations.pdf8.Appendix A - Draft Official Plan Amendment.pdf9.OPA SCHEDULE A.pdf10.OPA SCHEDULE B.pdf11.OPA SCHEDULE C.pdf12.OPA SCHEDULE D.pdf13.Appendix B - Draft Zoning By-law Amendment.pdf14.ZBA Schedule.pdf15.DSC Presentation - Box Grove - PLAN 21 120261 and SPC 22 109682.pdf1.Recommendation Report Application for Zoning By-law Amendment at 8310 Woodbine Ave.pdf2.Figure 1 - Location Map.pdf3.Figure 2 - Area Context and Zoning.pdf4.Figure 3 - Aerial Photo.pdf5.Figure 4 - Conceptual Site Plan.pdf6.Figure 5 - Conceptual Elevations.pdf7.Appendix A - Draft Zoning By-law.pdf8.DSC_March05_2024_8.2 GWD Presentation.pdf1.By-Law 2024-42 Confirmatory By-Law.pdf1.By-law 2024-XX 3120 Steeles Avenue East.pdf2.Schedule A_3120 Steeles Avenue.pdf1.BY-LAW 2024-XX, A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW 2004-196, ARYEH CONSTRUCTION LTD. 8293 AND 8303 WARDEN AVE.pdf2.OLT-22-003330-MAR-29-2023.pdf3.Schedule A.pdf4.Schedule L1.pdf5.Schedule L2.pdf6.Schedule L3.pdf7.Schedule L4.pdf8.Schedule X9.pdf1.Zoning By-law - York Region Affordable Housing (DCP and 14th Avenue).pdf2.ZBA Schedule(1).pdf1.By-Law 2024-44 OLT-22-003330-MAR-29-2023.pdf1.Spanish Language Day.pdf1.2024 Water and Wastewater Rate Bylaw.pdf1.Official Plan Amendment - York Region Affordable Housing (DCP and 14th Avenue).pdf2.OPA SCHEDULE A(1).pdf3.OPA SCHEDULE B(1).pdf4.OPA SCHEDULE C(1).pdf5.OPA SCHEDULE D(1).pdf1.By-law 2024-XX 35-51 Old Kennedy Road.pdf2.Schedule A(1).pdf1.By-law 2024-XX 2163321 Ontario Inc. (Lance Gao) OPA.pdf2.Schedule A(2).pdf1.Amendment to Keep Markham Beautiful By-law 2024 March5.pdf1.Amendment to various By-laws to add to AMP By-law March7.pdf1.Cornell Rouge Developments PLC Bylaw Blks 9, 11, 14, 65M4674, Blk 15, 65M4656.pdf1.Zoning By-law Amendment at 8310 Woodbine Avenue, PLAN 22 258667.pdf2.Schedule A(3).pdf1.Written submission Mr. F. Woo Item 14.2.1 OLT APPEAL BY HILTON MARKHAM SUITES HOTEL LIMITED(1).pdf2.Written Submission URA-HiltonCouncilComm2024-03-20.pdf3.Written Submission Ms. T. Mok Item 14.2.1 OLT APPEAL BY HILTON MARKHAM SUITES HOTEL LIMITED.pdf4.URA-HiltonOLT2024-03-15 T.Mok.pdf1.Minutes - Special CM_Feb28_2024 - English.pdf1.Minutes - CM_Feb28_2024 - English.pdf1.294-T-23 Block Tree Pruning Program (Year 5 of 8).pdf1.2023 Summary of Remuneration and Expenses for Councillors and Appointees to Boards.pdf2.Appendix A - 2023 Summary of Remuneration and Expenses for Mayor and Council.pdf3.Appendix B - 2023 Summary of Remuneration and Expenses for Appointees to Local and Other Boards.pdf1.Annual Water Quality Report (January - December 2023).pdf2.2024-03-19 Annual Water Quality Report(January - December 2023) - Attachment A.pdf1.GC Report - City of Markham Comments on the Proposed Get It Done Act 2024 (Bill 162).pdf2.GC PPT - City of Markham Comments on the Proposed Get It Done Act 2024 (Bill 162) - March 19 2024.pdf3.Letter December 5, 2023 Item 8.3.5.pdf1.2023 Year-End Results of Operations Final.pdf2.Appendix December 2023 YTD Review of Operations FINAL_.pdf1.Public Meeting Information Report - 35-51 Old Kennedy Road (PLAN 23 148834).pdf2.Old Kennedy Road _ Staff Public Meeting Presentation.pdf3.Old Kennedy Road_ Applicant_ Public Meeting Presentation (February 13, 2024).pdf4.Letter from the Milliken Main Stree Landowners Group.pdf5.Milliken - GoodStanding_35-51 Old Kennedy Rd (2163321 Ontario Inc.).pdf