Summary from the City Solicitor:
On November 29, 2024, the Ontario Land Tribunal (the “Tribunal”) approved and issued an order regarding the settlement between 1107656 Ontario Inc. (Times Group) (the “Appellant”) and the City of Markham with respect to an appeal by the Appellant from the City’s non-decisions regarding applications to amend the Official Plan (“OPA”) and the Zoning By-law (“ZBL”) to facilitate a mixed-use development, for the “Subject Lands” located on the south side of Highway 7 East, between South Park Road and Bayview Avenue in the Leitchcroft community.
The Tribunal approved a settlement which revised the Proposed Development to include: six apartment towers with heights ranging between 34 and 50 storeys joined by podiums. The Proposed Development also includes two parks and a school block. This zoning bylaw amendment also includes site-specific provisions to permit the development of a supermarket within the Leitchcroft community.
In its decision, the Tribunal allowed the appeals of OPA and ZBL and ordered those planning instruments be assigned a number. The OPA modifies the City’s 2014 Official Plan to permit residential uses, limited retail and service uses adjacent to Highway 7 East, building heights of up to 50 storeys and an overall 5.0 Floor Space Index (FSI), along with area and site specific policy revisions to secure the school site, on the Subject Lands. The ZBL rezones the Subject Lands under By-law 177-96, as amended, to permit the Proposed Development. As the Tribunal has issued its final decision, the OPA and ZBL now requires assignment of By-law numbers for administrative tracking purposes.
As the OLT has issued its final decision, the ZBA and OPA now require assignment of a By-law number and Amendment number for administrative tracking purposes.
(By-law 2024-216 and By-law 2024-217)