Development Services Committee Meeting Minutes

Meeting Number: 13
Live streamed
Roll Call
  • Mayor Frank Scarpitti
  • Regional Councillor Jim Jones
  • Regional Councillor Joe Li
  • Regional Councillor Alan Ho
  • Councillor Keith Irish
  • Councillor Ritch Lau
  • Councillor Reid McAlpine
  • Councillor Karen Rea
  • Councillor Andrew Keyes
  • Councillor Amanda Collucci
  • Councillor Juanita Nathan
  • Councillor Isa Lee
  • Deputy Mayor Michael Chan
  • Andy Taylor, Chief Administrative Officer
  • Arvin Prasad, Commissioner, Development Services
  • Trinela Cane, Commissioner, Corporate Services
  • Morgan Jones, Commissioner, Community Services
  • Claudia Storto, City Solicitor and Director of Human Resources
  • Giulio Cescato, Director of Panning & Urban Design
  • Frank Clarizio, Director, Engineering
  • Daniel Brutto, Senior Planner II
  • Loy Cheah, Senior Manager, Transportation
  • Darryl Lyons, Deputy Director, Planning & Urban Design
  • John Yeh, Manager, Strategy & Innovation
  • Liliana Da Silva, Senior Planner II, Policy
  • Martha Pettit, Deputy City Clerk
  • Erica Alligood, Election & Committee Coordinator
  • Melissa Leung, Planner II
  • Lily-Ann D’Souza, Senior Planner, Policy
  • Richard Fournier, Senior Manager, Parks & Open Space Development
  • Lawrence Yip, Acting Senior Manager,Urban Design
  • Mattson Meere, Project Manager, Parks Planning
  • Chris Rickett, Director, Economic Development, Culture and Entrepreneurship
  • Rajeeth Arulanantham, Assistant to Council / Committee
  • Maggie Cheung-Madar, Assistant City Solicitor
  • Clement Messere, Development Manager, West District
  • Deanna Schlosser, Senior Planner
  • Duran Wedderburn, Manager, Policy

Alternate formats for this document are available upon request

The Development Services Committee convened at 9:08 AM with Regional Councillor Jim Jones in the Chair.

Deputy Mayor Michael Chan sent his regrets. 

Councillor Nathan arrived at 9:37 AM.

Mayor Scarpitti arrived at 9:59 AM. 

The Committee recessed from 12:20 PM to 1:15 PM. 


We begin today by acknowledging the traditional territories of Indigenous peoples and their commitment to stewardship of the land. We acknowledge the communities in circle. The North, West, South and Eastern directions, and Haudenosaunee, Huron- Wendat, Anishnabeg, Seneca, Chippewa, and the Mississaugas of the Credit peoples. We share the responsibility with the caretakers of this land to ensure the dish is never empty and to restore relationships that are based on peace, friendship, and trust. We are committed to reconciliation, partnership and enhanced understanding.

There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest. 

  • Moved byRegional Councillor Alan Ho
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Joe Li
    1. That the minutes of the Development Services Committee meeting held May 16, 2023, be confirmed.

Marshall Smith, KLM Planning, made a deputation see Item # 8.1 for details. 


Bijan Pardis and Essy Taeb made deputations, see Item # 8.3 for details. 


Note: Please refer to item 8.3 for staff report.

  • Moved byCouncillor Keith Irish
    Seconded byCouncillor Ritch Lau
    1. That the communication submitted by Mike Everard, August National Inc., on behalf of Catholic Cemeteries & Funeral Services-Archdiocese of Toronto, providing comments regarding the above subject matter be received.

Arvin Prasad, Commissioner, Development Services, advised that this item is a recommendation memo related to a Stateview Homes application. Commissioner Prasad advised that as this application is under receivership, the receiver has requested deferral of this application to a later Development Services Committee meeting. 

  • Moved byCouncillor Karen Rea
    Seconded byCouncillor Reid McAlpine

    That this item be deferred to a future Development Services Committee. 

  • Committee had before it the original motion which was not voted on at this time.

    1. That the memorandum titled, “Conditions of Draft Plan Approval, Stateview Homes (Nao Towns) Inc., 5112, 5122, and 5248 14th Avenue and 7768, 7778, 7788, and 7798 McCowan Road, File: PLAN 22 243251 (19TM-22011) (Ward 8)”, be received; and,
    2. That Draft Plan of Subdivision 19TM-22011 be approved, in principle, subject to the conditions set out in Appendix ‘A’ of this memorandum; and,
    3. That the Director of Planning and Urban Design or designate, be the delegated authority to issue Draft Plan Approval, subject to the conditions set out in Appendix ‘A’, as may be amended by the Director of Planning and Urban Design or designate; and,
    4. That Draft Plan Approval for Draft Plan of Subdivision 19TM-22011 will lapse after a period of three years from the date of Council approval in the event that a Subdivision Agreement is not executed within that period; and,
    5. That servicing allocation for 96 units be assigned to Draft Plan of Subdivision 19TM-22011; and,
    6. That the City reserves the right to revoke or reallocate servicing allocation should the proposed development not proceed in a timely manner; and,
    7. That York Region be advised that servicing allocation for 96 units has been granted; and further,
    8. That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution. 

The Committee requested clarification of due dates within this report. 

Giulio Cescato, Director, Planning & Urban Design, clarified that there is a chart within the report which details estimated completion dates by quarter.

  • Moved byCouncillor Karen Rea
    Seconded byCouncillor Reid McAlpine
    1. That the report entitled, “Planning and Urban Design Department – 2023 Work Plan” be received; and further,
    2. That staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.
  • Moved byCouncillor Karen Rea
    Seconded byCouncillor Reid McAlpine
    1. That the minutes of the Heritage Markham Committee meeting held May 10, 2023 be received for information purposes.

Arvin Prasad, Commissioner, Development Services, introduced this item advising that it is related to the Milliken Centre Secondary Plan. Commissioner Prasad advised that City Staff are working to update Milliken Centre Secondary Plan and will be presenting the draft policy framework to the Committee which provides detailed direction on land uses, while recognizing the need for flexibility. Commissioner Prasad advised that Staff recommend that a statutory public meeting be hosted in the Fall of 2023 to further engage the community. Commissioner Prasad introduced Liliana da Silva to provide a presentation.

Liliana da Silva, Senior Planner II, delivered a presentation detailing the draft policy framework. 

Marshall Smith, KLM Planning Partners, provided a deputation on behalf of Kennedy Corners which fronts Kennedy Road. Mr. Smith advised that he has been in communication with Staff and believes that policies which support the location have been incorporated into the plan. Mr. Smith recommended that the densities and heights be increased for the Kennedy Corners site to 30 storeys, comparing it to higher density blocks along Steeles Avenue.  

The Committee provided the following feedback: 

  • Requested further 3D modelling to depict the proposed framework. Staff confirmed they would explore the feasibility of additional modelling considering budget constraints. 
  • Inquired about the integrated network of roads and vehicular traffic in the area. Staff advised that as this area is a major transit station area, the idea was not to increase vehicular traffic, but to allow for active transportation options including opportunities for cycling and walking. Staff confirmed that a new entrance would be created on the North-end of Steeles Avenue with a multi-use path. 
  • Inquired about ground level uses of multi-storey buildings. Staff advised that at grade uses would be non-residential, such as retail, with above-grade residential uses. 
  • Requested clarity on planned uses surrounding the transit station including information on schools, library, and a community centre. Staff advised that further detail will continue to be established but noted that the current process is meant to establish a vision for the area. 
  • Inquired about ongoing applications within the Milliken Centre area. Staff advised that there are several ongoing applications, noting that they are working with surrounding landowners and applicants throughout the secondary plan process. Darryl Lyons, Deputy Director, Planning & Urban Design advised that applications could be revised based on changes to the secondary plan, noting that additional work was undertaken to understand impacts on the surrounding transportation network and servicing. 
  • Requested clarification on how the proposed density came about. Staff confirmed that a detailed block plan exercise was undertaken by the planning consultant retained by the landowners’ group.
  • Requested an update on the Midland Avenue extension. Frank Clarizio, Director, Engineering, advised that the work is not in the capital program but noted that Staff is working with the development community to see if the land conveyance and construction could be accelerated.
  • Asked if there are plans to widen Old Kennedy Road. Staff advised that over time Old Kennedy would be transformed into a Main Street environment with various events and community activities. Staff confirmed that traffic calming measures are being explored to begin the initial transition to less vehicular traffic.
  • Inquired about parkland provisions post-Bill 23. Staff confirmed that the proposed parkland provisions within the draft secondary plan are aligned with Bill 23 for this area and are looking for additional parkland opportunities in the southwest quadrant of the secondary plan.
  • Requested that at the statutory public meeting to be held on this topic, that staff provide some initial information on the Planning process to ensure community members have policy context prior to presenting the draft plan.
  • Moved byRegional Councillor Joe Li
    Seconded byCouncillor Isa Lee
    1. That the staff report entitled, “Milliken Centre Secondary Plan - Draft Policy Framework” dated May 30, 2023, be received; and,
    2. That the deputation from Marshall Smith, KLM Planning, be received; and,
    3. That the written submission from Jonathan S. Cheng, Stikeman Elliot LLP, and Peter Chee, Miko Urban, be received; and,
    4. That Council authorize staff to schedule a statutory public meeting on the Milliken Centre Secondary Plan Draft Policies, attached as Appendix ‘A’ to this staff report; and further,
    5. That staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.

Arvin Prasad, Commissioner, Development Services, advised that this item is related to an off-leash dog area pilot program, which includes a site within each ward. Commissioner Prasad confirmed that Staff would report back to Development Services Committee on the success of the pilot program, addressing operational matters, animal control measures, and other considerations. 

The Committee requested that further information be provided on the specific sites within each park area, both to the local Councillor and residents.

  • Moved byCouncillor Karen Rea
    Seconded byCouncillor Isa Lee
    1. That the report entitled “2023 Pop-up Off-Leash Dog Area Pilot Program' dated May 30, 2023 be received; and,
    2. That Council endorse the recommended locations of the Off-Leash Dog Area Pilot Program as per Appendix A attached hereto; and,
    3. That a new 2023 Urban Design Capital Budget be established and funded from Development Charges (Parks Development Reserve) in the amount of $287,334; and further,
    4. That staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.


Arvin Prasad, Commissioner, Development Services Committee, introduced this item as related to a revision to an approved subdivision application submitted by Condor Properties Ltd., including revised conditions of approval. Commissioner Prasad advised that Staff is recommending approval of the revision application and entry into the agreement with RDG Tower One to secure site plan measures. Commissioner Prasad introduced Andrew Ferancik who was in attendance to provide a presentation on behalf of the Owner.

Andrew Ferancik, WND Associates, provided a presentation.

Bijan Pardis, Deputant, and owner of 28 Langstaff Road East inquired if the development would have any impact on his property. Giulio Cescato, Director, Planning & Urban Design, confirmed that Mr. Pardis' property would not be directly affected by this item.

Essy Taeb, Deputant, described his desire to purchase the existing church next to the subject property to build rental dwellings, but noted difficulty in doing so. Staff clarified that this item deals directly with the subject lands and recommended that the Deputant contact the Province in regards to the other parcel.

The Committee provided the following feedback:

  • Inquired about the potential relocation of the Munshaw House. Regan Hutcheson, Manager, Heritage Planning advised that Staff continues to work with Condor Properties Ltd. to find a final location for the Munshaw House.
  • Inquired if Condor Properties Ltd. is still willing to consider an Automated Vacuum Collection System (AVAC). Mr. Ferancik confirmed that no changes related to AVAC were contemplated as part of this application.

The Committee consented to defer the vote for this item until the corresponding confidential item was tabled. 

  • Moved byCouncillor Keith Irish
    Seconded byCouncillor Reid McAlpine
    1. That the staff report, dated May 30, 2023, containing the subjects titled, “RECOMMENDATION REPORT, Red Line Revision Application submitted by Condor Properties Ltd. to change Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision 19TM-18006 and its conditions (Ward 1); INFORMATION REPORT, Request by RDG Gateway Tower One to enter into an agreement under Section 47 (4.4) of the Planning Act to facilitate a mixed use development in the Langstaff Gateway Area consisting of two towers (46 and 49 storeys) atop a common podium for Block A on Draft Plan of Subdivision 19TM-18006 (Ward 1)”, be received; and,
    2. That the deputations from Bijan Pardis and Essy Taeb be received; and,
    3. That the written submission from Mike Everard, Augusta National Inc., be received; and,
    4. That the Red Line Revision Application submitted by Condor Properties Ltd. to change Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision 19TM-18006 and its conditions, attached hereto as Figure 7 and Appendix ‘B’, be approved; and,
    5. That the Director of Planning and Urban Design or designate, be delegated authority to issue Draft Plan Approval, subject to the revised conditions set out in Appendix ‘B’, as may be amended by the Director of Planning and Urban Design or designate; and,
    6. That servicing allocation for 1,132 units be assigned to Draft Plan of Subdivision 19TM-18006; and,
    7. That Council has no objection to the partial demolition of the non-heritage components and foundation of the Munshaw House subject to compliance with the Keep Markham Beautiful By-law requirements, to facilitate its relocation to a temporary storage location pending determination of its final location; and,
    8. That Council has no objection to the amendment of the existing Designation By-law (2104-20) to address any necessary revisions to the by-law including the legal description for the temporary location and the permanent location; and,
    9. That the City be authorized to enter in a development agreement with RDG under Section 47 (4.4) of the Planning Act to secure site plan like matters; and,
    10. That the City Solicitor be authorized to negotiate the terms of use of the Community Use Space, if deemed necessary, on terms satisfactory to the City Solicitor in consultation with the Commissioner of Development Services and the Commissioner of Community Services; and,
    11. That Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to amend the Construction Agreement, dated September 1, 2017 with Markham Gateway Developments Inc., as necessary, to allow for the construction of additional work, including but not limited to, covering/piping the Pomona Creek and the construction of the culvert over Pomona Mills Creek; and further,
    12. That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.



Arvin Prasad, Commissioner, Development Services, reminded the Committee that on April 6, 2023, the Province released the Helping Homebuyers, Protecting Tenants Act, on May 2, 2023, Staff brought forth a report to Development Services Committee providing comments on the Act. Commissioner Prasad advised that the Province is now proposing to replace provincial planning documents with an integrated Province-wide policy document focused on increasing the supply of housing. Commissioner Prasad cautioned that this could result in uncoordinated growth and may result in a negative impact to the supply of housing. Commissioner Prasad introduced Duran Wedderburn to provide a presentation.

Duran Wedderburn, Manager, Policy, provided a presentation. 

The Committee provided the following feedback:

  • Inquired about the number of dwellings currently approved or in the approval pipeline. Staff did not have the exact number of units but noted that there are quite a few proposals resulting in significant growth within the intensification area.  
  • Asked to clarify the rationale for this change. Giulio Cescato, Director, Planning & Urban Design, noted that the proposed changes is a supply-oriented solution, with the thought that if supply increases, prices will lower.
  • Suggested that a meeting be requested by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing with the GTA Mayors, Ontario Big City Mayors, and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) to continue working together on this initiative. 
  • Expressed concerns that if the response to this is not coordinated, it will result in servicing and infrastructure issues.
  • Expressed concerns that even with initiatives to increase the housing supply, the residents or purchasers may not see a reduction in prices of homes. 
  • Asked if municipalities were consulted while the planning statement was established. Commissioner Prasad confirmed that he is not aware of municipalities being consulted, noting that the development industry was possibly consulted. Commissioner Prasad also noted that without Provincial intervention, the City frequently reviews processes and policies to add efficiencies and expedite processes. 
  • Questioned the notion of removing office uses from employment areas , noting that further integration of office employment within residential areas would create more complete communities. Commissioner Prasad advised that the demand for employment lands is always evolving and land uses are not being separated as they once were, citing the recent uptick in demand for industrial land in employment areas. Mr. Cescato added that a mix of uses works better in some areas more than others, such as Markham Centre.
  • Inquired how the 80% of market value for affordable housing mentioned would work in practice. Mr. Wedderburn advised that the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing is to release a housing bulletin which will advise how  to calculate affordability across different market areas.

The Committee consented to defer the vote on the main recommendation to the Council meeting on May 31, 2023. 

  • Moved byMayor Frank Scarpitti
    Seconded byCouncillor Reid McAlpine

    That this item be referred to the May 31st Council Meeting. 

  • Committee had before it the original motion which was not voted on at this time.

    1. That the report dated May 30, 2023 titled “Comments on the Proposed Provincial Planning Statement” be received; and,

    2. That this report be forwarded to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing as the City of Markham’s comments on the Proposed Provincial Planning Statement; and,

    3. That Staff request that the Minister of Municipal Affairs meet with municipalities (GTA Mayors, Ontario Big City Mayors, AMO) to have a discussion on key areas that will fundamentally impact community planning; and,

    4. That the Province be advised of the City of Markham’s concerns in changes to the planning system in Ontario that eliminates the Provincial Policy Statement and Growth Plan, potentially resulting in less affordable housing, more urban sprawl, uncoordinated growth and inefficient use of infrastructure investments; and,

    5. That the Province include policies on affordable housing and maintain the definition of “affordable” tied to income thresholds for low to moderate income individuals in the Proposed Provincial Planning Statement; and,

    6. That the Province include growth forecasts in the Proposed Provincial Planning Statement for large and fast growing municipalities to continue the integrated and coordinated approach to managing growth and delivering infrastructure; and,

    7. That the Province maintain a standard methodology for determining the supply of land needed to support forecasted growth to ensure a consistent approach across Ontario; and,

    8. That the Province include policies in the Proposed Provincial Planning Statement requiring municipalities to meet minimum intensification targets and minimum density targets in greenfield areas to support the development of compact and complete communities and the efficient use of infrastructure; and,

    9. That the Province include policies in the Proposed Provincial Planning Statement for the creation of new settlement areas or settlement area boundary expansions to only occur as part of a comprehensive process through a municipally initiated official plan amendment; and,

    10. That the Province maintain the existing definition of employment area, including the discretionary consideration of institutional and commercial uses (retail and office) to support economic growth. Should the proposed definition be approved, provisions be included in the Proposed Provincial Planning Statement permitting the protection and continuation of existing employment area uses; and,

    11. That Council support the proposed flexibility to consider employment conversions outside of a municipal comprehensive review/comprehensive review, but recommends that the Province restrict conversions to those initiated by a municipality; and,

    12. That the Province maintain policies and growth forecasts from the Growth Plan that link land use planning and infrastructure planning to support growth in the Proposed Provincial Planning Statement. Should the Province proceed without growth forecasts, a methodology for identifying and protecting for longer term infrastructure should be provided to municipalities; and,

    13. That the Province include policies in the Proposed Provincial Planning Statement that includes the incorporation of development approved through a Minister’s Zoning Order as a part of the 25 year planning horizon, and not in excess; and,

    14. That Council support the inclusion of strategic growth area and major transit station area policies in the Proposed Provincial Planning Statement as they relate to fast and large growing municipalities; and,

    15. That Council not support the proposed new lot creation policies in rural areas and agricultural areas; and,

    16. That the Province consider adding a specific policy to address lot creation on a smaller parcel to enable the protection of protected heritage resources in rural and agricultural areas; and,

    17. That the Province re-introduce policies from the Provincial Policy Statement on Energy Conservation, Air Control and Climate Change in the Proposed Provincial Planning Statement and the overall approach to preparing for the impacts of a changing climate; and,

    18. That the Province maintain the existing cultural heritage and archaeological resource policies and definitions from the Provincial Policy Statement and Growth Plan in the Proposed Provincial Planning Statement, and add a new policy that addresses unprotected built heritage resources and cultural heritage landscapes; and,

    19. That the Province provide training to municipalities prior to the Proposed Provincial Planning Statement coming into effect as the changes represent a significant shift in the land use planning framework in Ontario; and further,

    20. That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.

Arvin Prasad, Commissioner, Development Services, introduced this item as related to the Citywide Parking Strategy, specifically a progress update on work underway on the policy framework. Commissioner Prasad introduced Frank Clarizio to provide further remarks. 

Frank Clarizio, Director, Engineering, provided further opening remarks introducing Transportation Staff and the WSP Team. Director Clarizio clarified that this presentation is not the Citywide Parking Strategy itself, which would be brought to Committee at a future date. 

Sharon Sterling, Principal Consultant, WSP, provided a presentation on the proposed policy framework related to the parking strategy and next steps.

The Committee provided the following feedback:

  • Inquired about paid permit parking in different areas of the City where parking does not accommodate all resident vehicles. Ms. Sterling clarified that the zoning map is preliminary and will likely change and evolve through the engagement process and that they expect through the engagement process significant changes will be made. Director Clarizio added that relevant stakeholders and the public will be consulted during Phase 3 of the project but noted that in addition to analyzing necessary parking strategies and measures, a reduction to utilization of vehicles is also being looked at. 
  • Requested that public engagement information be made available to Councillors to ensure it can be placed in their respective newsletters. Ms. Sterling confirmed that the information would be relayed, and confirmed that there would be opportunity for both virtual and in-person engagement.
  • Inquired about required parking ratios until the new policy is adopted. Loy Cheah, Senior Manager, Transportation, advised that new development applications requesting reduced parking ratios are assessed on a case-by-case basis to see if the request can be justified. 
  • Asked if WSP are completing any pilots related to autonomous vehicles. Ms. Sterling confirmed that there is a division within WSP dealing with autonomous vehicles. 
  • Moved byCouncillor Reid McAlpine
    Seconded byCouncillor Isa Lee
    1. That the report titled “Citywide Parking Strategy – Policy Framework and Progress Update #1” be received; and,
    2. That Council endorse the draft vision, guiding principles and parking zone criteria as the policy framework of the Citywide Parking Strategy Study; and,
    3. That staff conduct a workshop with Council to help refine the parking zone criteria and guidelines; and further,
    4. That staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.



Arvin Prasad, Commissioner, Development Services, introduced Salia Kalali to deliver a presentation on the changes to Municipal Class EA. 

Salia Kalali, Manager, Infrastructure & Capital Projects provided a presentation on recent changes to the municipal class EA process.

The Committee added a minor amendment to the recommendation, noting the importance of showing support for positive changes. 

  • Moved byMayor Frank Scarpitti
    Seconded byCouncillor Karen Rea
    1. That the memorandum entitled “Changes to Municipal Class EA as a Result of a Recent Amendment and Proposed Modernization by The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation & Parks (MECP)” be received; and,
    2. That City of Markham Council strongly supports the recently approved amendment and the proposed modernization of the Municipal Class EA (MCEA) and applaud the Provincial government in bringing these amendments forward in order to support the timely implementation of infrastructure; and further,
    3. That staff continue to monitor any additional proposals and decisions related to the Environmental Assessment process and raise any concerns or potential negative impacts that may affect the City's capital project delivery.
    Carried as Amended

Arvin Prasad, Commissioner, advised that this item is to recommend approval of participation in the 32nd World Hakka Conference in Longnan, Ganzhou, China, to continue building relationships, reminding the Committee that last year's conference was held in Markham.  

  • Moved byCouncillor Isa Lee
    Seconded byCouncillor Karen Rea
    1. That the report entitled “32nd World Hakka Conference, Longnan, Ganzhou, China, November 7 – 9, 2023” be received; and,
    2. That Council approve business travel for Mayor Scarpitti or designate, Chair of Economic Growth, Culture & Entrepreneurship Regional Councillor Alan Ho and Regional Councillor Joe Li to attend the 32nd World Hakka Conference in Longnan, Ganzhou, China from November 7 – 9, 2023; and,
    3. That the total cost of the 32nd World Hakka Conference in Longnan, Ganzhou, China not exceed $15,000 CDN and be funded from the Corporate Contingency Account, as the 2023 International Investment Attraction Operating Budget is fully allocated; and further,
    4. That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.



There were no motions. 

There were no notices of motion. 

There was no new business. 

There were no announcements. 

  • Moved byCouncillor Isa Lee
    Seconded byCouncillor Juanita Nathan

    That, in accordance with Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, Development Services Committee resolve into a confidential session to discuss the following matters:




DEVELOPMENT SERVICES COMMITTEE MINUTES - MARCH 21, 2023 AND MAY 2, 2023 (10.0) [MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001, SECTION 239 (2) (e), (f), (k)]





  • Moved byRegional Councillor Joe Li
    Seconded byCouncillor Juanita Nathan

    That the Development Services Committee adjourn at 2:13PM.

No Item Selected