Revised Council Meeting AgendaRevised items are identified by an asterisk (*)Meeting Number: 2Tuesday, January 28, 2025 at 1:00 P.m. - 4:30 P.m.Live streamed1.CALL TO ORDER INDIGENOUS LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTWe begin today by acknowledging the traditional territories of Indigenous peoples and their commitment to stewardship of the land. We acknowledge the communities in circle. The North, West, South and Eastern directions, and Haudenosaunee, Huron- Wendat, Anishnabeg, Seneca, Chippewa, and the Mississaugas of the Credit peoples. We share the responsibility with the caretakers of this land to ensure the dish is never empty and to restore relationships that are based on peace, friendship, and trust. We are committed to reconciliation, partnership and enhanced understanding.2.DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 3.APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MINUTES 3.1COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 18, 2024 1.Minutes - CM_Dec18_2024 - English.pdf That the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on December 18, 2024, be adopted. 4.PRESENTATIONS 5.DEPUTATIONS 6.COMMUNICATIONS 7.REPORT OF STANDING COMMITTEE 7.1REPORT NO.1 GENERAL COMMITTEE (JANUARY 21, 2025) Please refer to your January 21, 2025 General Committee Agenda for reports.That the report of the General Committee be received & adopted. (Items 1 to 4):7.1.1261-S-24 FIRE RADIO REPLACEMENT (7.15) 1.261-S-24 Fire Radio Replacement.pdf That the report titled “261-S-24 Fire Radio Replacement” be received; and, That the contract for 261-S-24 Fire Radio Replacement be awarded to Motorola Solutions Canada Inc. in the amount of $690,514.98 inclusive of HST; and, That the award be funded from the 2025 Capital Project # 25061 – Radio Equipment Replacement, with an approved budget in the amount of $610,500.00; and, That the budget shortfall in the amount of $80,014.98 ($690,514.98 - $610,500.00) be funded from an additional draw from the Life Cycle Reserve; and, That the tendering process be waived in accordance Purchasing By-Law 2017-8, Part II, Section 11 Non-Competitive Procurement, item 1 (b) which states “where there is only one source of supply for the goods to be purchased”; and further, That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution. 7.1.2MAIN STREET MARKHAM RECONSTRUCTION FROM BULLOCK DRIVE TO 16TH AVENUE – DESIGN BUDGET UPDATE (7.0) 1.Main Street Markham Bullock Dr to 16th Ave GC Report Final.pdf That the report entitled “Main Street Markham Reconstruction from Bullock Drive to 16th Avenue – Design Budget Update” be received; and, That capital account #083-6150-24271-005 in the amount of $962,500.00 for Consulting Services for pre-design and detailed design of Main Street Markham Reconstruction from Bullock Drive to 16th Avenue be increased by $1,454,726.24 (from $962,500.00 to $2,417,226.24) inclusive of HST to account for changes to the design elements, regulatory changes, new standards, inflation, and process changes; and, That the additional costs be funded from the following sources:• Development Charges – $290,945.25• Life Cycle/Waterworks/Stormwater – $1,163,780.99; and, That the Chief Administrative Officer be given the delegated authority to award the contract for the Consulting Services for the for pre-design and detailed design of Main Street Markham reconstruction from Bullock Drive to 16th Avenue; and further, That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution. 7.1.32025 CHINESE HERITAGE MONTH EVENTS (16.23) That in accordance with 10.1 (j) (viii) of the Council Code of Conduct, Council authorize the following exemptions only for the purposes of the 2025 Chinese Heritage Month Events: That Mayor Frank Scarpitti, Deputy Mayor Michael Chan and Regional Councillor Joe Li, be exempt from the $30,000 annual fundraising limit as noted in 10.1 (j) (vi) of the Code of Conduct and the $5,000 limit for one-source donations as noted in 10.1 (j) (vii); and, That Councillor Ritch Lau, Councillor Amanda Collucci and Councillor Isa Lee be exempt from the $20,000 annual fundraising limit as noted in 10.1 (j) (vi) of the Code of Conduct and the $5,000 limit for one-source donations as noted in 10.1 (j) (vii); and, That staff be authorized to provide accounting and financial transaction services in support of the Chinese Heritage Month Events; and, That all revenue and expense transactions comply with the financial controllership processes as required by the Treasurer; and further, That Staff be directed and authorized to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution. 7.1.4MAYOR SCARPITTI’S 2025 CHINESE NEW YEAR DINNER (16.23) That in accordance with 10.1 (j) (viii) of the Council Code of Conduct, Council authorize the following exemptions only for the purposes of the Mayor Scarpitti’s 2025 Chinese New Year Dinner: That Mayor Frank Scarpitti, Deputy Mayor Michael Chan, Regional Councillor Joe Li, and Regional Councillor Alan Ho be exempt from the $30,000 annual fundraising limit as noted in 10.1 (j) (vi) of the Code of Conduct and the $5,000 limit for one-source donations as noted in 10.1 (j) (vii); and, That Councillor Ritch Lau, Councillor Isa Lee, and Councillor Amanda Collucci be exempt from the $20,000 annual fundraising limit as noted in 10.1 (j) (vi) of the Code of Conduct and the $5,000 limit for one-source donations as noted in 10.1 (j) (vii); and, That staff be authorized to provide accounting and financial transaction services in support of the Mayor Scarpitti’s Chinese New Year Dinner; and, That all revenue and expense transactions comply with the financial controllership processes as required by the Treasurer; and further, That Staff be directed and authorized to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution. 7.2REPORT NO. 2 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES COMMITTEE (JANUARY 27, 2025) Please refer to your January 27, 2025 Development Services Committee Agenda for reports.7.2.1REQUEST FOR DEMOLITION 11172 WARDEN AVE., HISTORIC CLAYTON SCHOOLHOUSE, WARD 2 (16.11.3) 1.Request for Demolition 11172 Warden Ave., Historic Clayton Schoolhouse, Ward 2(1).pdf2.HM1 - Item 6.3 - Demolition Permit 11172 Warden Avenue.pdf That the staff report titled “Request for Demolition, 11172 Warden Ave., Historic Clayton Schoolhouse, Ward 2” dated January 27, 2025, be received; and, That Council has no objection to the proposed complete demolition of the Historic Clayton Schoolhouse; and, That the Designation By-law for the Historic Clayton Schoolhouse under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act be repealed; and, That as a condition of the demolition approval, the owner provide and install at their cost, an interpretive baked enamel “Markham Remembered Plaque” to commemorate the history and architecture of the Historic Clayton Schoolhouse; and further, That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution. 7.2.2RECOMMENDATION REPORT RULAND PROPERTIES INC. (THE REMINGTON GROUP) SITE PLAN APPLICATION TO FACILITATE A NEW 35-STOREY RESIDENTIAL BUILDING 1.RECOMMENDATION REPORT - Remington K2 (SPC 15 155470) - 190 Enterprise Blvd (Revised).pdf2.Figure1 - Location Map.pdf3.Figure2 - Area Context and Zoning.pdf4.Figure3 - Aerial Photo.pdf5.Figure4 - Conceptual Site Plan.pdf6.Figure5 - Conceptual Site Context Plan.pdf7.Figure6 - Conceptual North and East Elevation.pdf8.Figure7 - Conceptual West and South Elevation.pdf9.Figure8 - Conceptual Rendering Looking Northwest.pdf10.Figure9 - Conceptual Rendering Looking Southwest.pdfWITH 335 UNITS AT 190 ENTERPRISE BOULEVARD IN MARKHAM CENTRE (WARD 3), FILE SPC 15 155470 (10.6) That the report titled, “RECOMMENDATION REPORT, Ruland Properties Inc. (The Remington Group), Site Plan Application to facilitate a new 35-storey residential building with 335 units at 190 Enterprise Boulevard in Markham Centre (Ward 3), File SPC 15 155470”, be received; and, That the Site Plan application (SPC 15 155470) submitted by Ruland Properties Inc. (The Remington Group), be endorsed in principle, subject to the conditions in Appendix ‘A’, and that Site Plan Approval be delegated to the Director of Planning and Urban Design or their designate; and, That Council assign servicing allocation for a maximum of 335 residential units; and, That the City reserves the right to revoke or reallocate the servicing allocation should the development not proceed within a period of three (3) years from the date that Council assigned servicing allocation; and, That York Region be advised that servicing allocation for 335 residential units has been confirmed; and, That Site Plan Endorsement shall lapse, and Site Plan Approval will not be issued after a period of three (3) years from the date of endorsement in the event that the Site Plan Agreement is not executed within that time period; and further, That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution. 7.2.3YONGE CORRIDOR SECONDARY PLAN STUDY - INTERIM REPORT (10.8) 1.YCSP Interim Report.pdf2.Figure 1 Study area and Preliminary Secondary Plan boundary.pdf3.Figure 2 Proposed Place-Based Approach.pdf4.Figure 3 (R) Employment Lands.pdf5.Figure 4 Preliminary Height Distribution.pdf6.Appendix A Yonge Corridor Secondary Plan Interim Report.pdf7.Urban Strategies Emerging Concept DSC Presentation.pdf That the report and presentation dated January 27, 2025, entitled, “Yonge Corridor Secondary Plan Study - Interim Report” be received; and, That the deputations from Marilyn Ginsberg, Elizabeth Janz, Katie Kadambini, and Evelin Ellison, be received; and, That the Yonge Corridor Secondary Plan Study - Interim Report and emerging concept be released for public consultation and input; and, That staff be directed to facilitate Special Development Services Committee meetings for the purposes of a breakdown of the Yonge Corridor Secondary Plan that includes a review of the proposed intensification on both sides of Yonge Street, and open space opportunities for the development of a complete community, and further, That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution. 8.MOTIONS 9.NOTICE OF MOTION TO RECONSIDER 10.NEW/OTHER BUSINESS As per Section 2 of the Council Procedural By-Law, "New/Other Business would generally apply to an item that is to be added to the Agenda due to an urgent statutory time requirement, or an emergency, or time sensitivity".11.ANNOUNCEMENTS 12.BY-LAWS - THREE READINGS That By-laws 2025-3 to 2025-16 be given three readings and enacted.Three Readings12.1BY-LAW 2025-3, A BY-LAW TO DESIGNATE PART OF A CERTAIN PLAN OF SUBDIVISION NOT SUBJECT TO PART LOT CONTROL (RCH WARDEN HOMES INC.) 1.2024 197006 PTLT by RCH Warden Homes Inc. 65M4794 Blocks 85 to 88, 107, 111 to 115, and 128 to 133.pdfBeing a By-law to designate part of a certain plan of subdivision not subject to Part Lot Control12.2BY-LAW 2024-4, A BY-LAW TO AMEND PARKING BY-LAW 2005-188 (WILLOWDALE NO PARKING) 1.Willowdale Parking Amendment.pdf2.Willowdale Parking Map .pdf3.Willowdale Parking Observations .pdfBeing a By-law pertaining to "No Parking" on Willowdale Boulevard, between Glen Cameron Road & Clark Avenue.12.3BY-LAW 2025-5, A BY-LAW TO AMEND TRAFFIC BY-LAW 106-71 (DUFFIELD & MCDOWELL STOPS) 1.Duffield@McDowell All-Way Stop.pdf2.Duffield@McDowell AWS Map.pdfBeing a By-law pertaining to "Compulsory Stops" on Duffield Drive & McDowell Gate.12.4BY-LAW 2025-6, A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW 2005-188 (ARROWDALE NO PARKING) 1.Arrowdale No Parking By-law.pdfBeing a By-law pertaining to "No Parking" on Crofting Crescent, Furrow Street and Willow Street.12.5BY-LAW 2025-7, A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW 106-71 (ARROWDALE STOPS) 1.Arrowdale Compulsory Stops By-law.pdfBeing a By-law pertaining to "Compulsory Stops" on Furrow Street at Hammersly Boulevard, Furrow Street at Fred McLaren Boulevard, Willow Street at Hammersly Boulevard, Crofting Crescent at Hammersly Boulevard (East) and Crofting Crescent at Hammersly Boulevard (West).12.6BY-LAW 2025-8, A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW 2017-104 (ARROWDALE MAXIMUM SPEED OF 40 KMS) 1.Arrowdale Max Speed By-law.pdfBeing a By-law pertaining to "maximum speed of 40 kms" on Furrow Street, Willow Street, Crofting Crescent and Hammersly Boulevard.12.7BY-LAW 2025-9, A BY-LAW TO DESIGNATE A PROPERTY AS BEING OF CULTURAL HERITAGE VALUE OR INTEREST “GORMLEY-WIDEMAN HOUSE” 3490 NINETEETH AVENUE 1.3490 Nineteenth Avenue.pdfBeing a By-law to designate Gormley-Wideman House, 3490 Nineteenth Avenue, under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act as a property of cultural heritage value or interest. (Development Services Report No. 45, December 4, 2024 Council, Item 7.1.1)12.8BY-LAW 2025-10, A BY-LAW TO DESIGNATE A PROPERTY AS BEING OF CULTURAL HERITAGE VALUE OR INTEREST “JOHN DONER/TOLL HOUSE” 3693 ELGIN MILLS ROAD EAST 1.3693 Elgin Mills Road East.pdfBeing a By-law to designate John Doner/Toll House, 3693 Elgin Mills Road East, under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act as a property of cultural heritage value or interest. (Development Services Report No. 33, September 25, 2024 Council, Item 7.1.1)12.9BY-LAW 2025-11, A BY-LAW TO DESIGNATE A PROPERTY AS BEING OF CULTURAL HERITAGE VALUE OR INTEREST “WIDEMAN-COBER HOUSE” 3812 NINETEENTH AVENUE 1.3812 Nineteenth Avenue.pdfBeing a By-law to designate Wideman-Cober House, 3812 Nineteenth Avenue, under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act as a property of cultural heritage value or interest. (Development Services Report No. 33, September 25, 2024 Council, Item 7.1.1)12.10BY-LAW 2025-12, A BY-LAW TO DESIGNATE A PROPERTY AS BEING OF CULTURAL HERITAGE VALUE OR INTEREST “JOHN AND SARAH HAGERMAN HOUSE” 4272 FOURTEENTH AVENUE 1.4272 Fourteenth Avenue.pdfBeing a By-law to designate John and Sarah Hagerman House, 4272 Fourteenth Avenue, under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act as a property of cultural heritage value or interest. (Development Services Report No. 33, September 25, 2024 Council, Item 7.1.1)12.11BY-LAW 2025-13, A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW 177-96, AS AMENDED (REMOVAL OF HOLD PROVISION) 1.Hold Removal By-law, La Tache Crescent, HOLD 24 192311.pdf2.Schedule A.pdfBeing a By-law amendment that applies to the property on the north of Elgin Mills Road East and west of Woodbine Avenue. The effect of this By-law is to remove the Holding Symbol from the zoning of the subject lands to permit two industrial warehousing/office buildings. [1000139172 Ontario Inc. (Shakeel Sammady), La Tache Crescent, CON 3 PT LOT 26 RP 65R36783 PART 3]12.12BY-LAW 2025-14, A BY-LAW TO DESIGNATE A PROPERTY AS BEING OF CULTURAL HERITAGE VALUE OR INTEREST “ABRAM AND MARGARET RAYMER HOUSE” 7530 NINTH LINE 1.7530 Ninth Line.pdfBeing a By-law to designate Abram and Margaret Raymer House, 7530 Ninth Line, under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act as a property of cultural heritage value or interest. (Development Services Report No. 33, September 25, 2024 Council, Item 7.1.1)12.13BY-LAW 2025-15, A BY-LAW TO AMEND PARKING BY-LAW 2005-188 (EUREKA STREET) 1.Eureka St Parking Bylaw.pdfBeing a By-law pertaining to "“Prohibited Parking” and “Parking for a Restricted Period” on Eureka Street.12.14BY-LAW 2025-16, A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW 2021-120 & 2023-93, BEING A BY-LAW TO APPOINT CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL, DEPUTY CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIALS AND BUILDING INSPECTORS 1.2025-16-Building Inspector Appt 27012025.pdfBeing a By-law to amend By-laws 2021-120 and 2023-93, being a By-law to appoint Chief Building Official, Deputy Chief Building Officials and Building Inspectors.13.CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS That, in accordance with Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, Council resolve into a private session to discuss the following confidential matters:13.1COUNCIL Attachments | Public Comments1.Minutes - CM_Dec18_2024 - English.pdf13.1.1CONFIDENTIAL COUNCIL MINUTES - DECEMBER 18, 2024 [MUNICIPAL ACT, SECTION 239 (2) (e)(f)] Public Comments: 13.1.2VARLEY-MCKAY ART FOUNDATION OF MARKHAM - BOARD/ COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS - PERSONAL MATTERS ABOUT AN IDENTIFIABLE INDIVIDUAL, INCLUDING MUNICIPAL OR LOCAL BOARD EMPLOYEES (16.24) Public Comments: [MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001, Section 239 (2)(b)]13.1.3REQUEST FOR DIRECTION, ONTARIO LAND TRIBUNAL APPEAL BY EASTSIDE CHEVROLET GMC BUICK LTD., APPEAL OF OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATIONS TO PERMIT A MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT CONSISTING TWO 35-STOREY BUILDINGS AT 8435 WOODBINE AVE. (WARD 8) Public Comments: LITIGATION OR POTENTIAL LITIGATION, INCLUDING MATTERS BEFORE ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNALS, AFFECTING THE MUNICIPALITY OR LOCAL BOARD. [MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001, Section 239 (2) (e)] 13.2DEVELOPMENT SERVICES COMMITTEE Public Comments: 13.2.1REQUEST FOR DIRECTION - ONTARIO LAND TRIBUNAL APPEAL OF A MINOR VARIANCE APPLICATION 86 JOHN STREET (WARD 1) (8.0) Public Comments: (LITIGATION OR POTENTIAL LITIGATION, INCLUDING MATTERS BEFORE ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNALS, AFFECTING THE MUNICIPALITY OR LOCAL BOARD;) [MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001, Section 239 (2) (e)]14.CONFIRMATORY BY-LAW - THREE READINGS 1.By-Law 2025-2 Confirmatory By-Law.pdfThat By-law 2025-2 be given three readings and enacted. Three Readings BY-LAW 2025-2- A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 28, 2025.15.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.261-S-24 Fire Radio Replacement.pdf1.Main Street Markham Bullock Dr to 16th Ave GC Report Final.pdf1.By-Law 2025-2 Confirmatory By-Law.pdf1.2024 197006 PTLT by RCH Warden Homes Inc. 65M4794 Blocks 85 to 88, 107, 111 to 115, and 128 to 133.pdf1.Willowdale Parking Amendment.pdf2.Willowdale Parking Map .pdf3.Willowdale Parking Observations .pdf1.Duffield@McDowell All-Way Stop.pdf2.Duffield@McDowell AWS Map.pdf1.Arrowdale No Parking By-law.pdf1.Arrowdale Compulsory Stops By-law.pdf1.Arrowdale Max Speed By-law.pdf1.3490 Nineteenth Avenue.pdf1.3693 Elgin Mills Road East.pdf1.3812 Nineteenth Avenue.pdf1.4272 Fourteenth Avenue.pdf1.Hold Removal By-law, La Tache Crescent, HOLD 24 192311.pdf2.Schedule A.pdf1.Minutes - CM_Dec18_2024 - English.pdf1.Eureka St Parking Bylaw.pdf1.7530 Ninth Line.pdf1.Request for Demolition 11172 Warden Ave., Historic Clayton Schoolhouse, Ward 2(1).pdf2.HM1 - Item 6.3 - Demolition Permit 11172 Warden Avenue.pdf1.RECOMMENDATION REPORT - Remington K2 (SPC 15 155470) - 190 Enterprise Blvd (Revised).pdf2.Figure1 - Location Map.pdf3.Figure2 - Area Context and Zoning.pdf4.Figure3 - Aerial Photo.pdf5.Figure4 - Conceptual Site Plan.pdf6.Figure5 - Conceptual Site Context Plan.pdf7.Figure6 - Conceptual North and East Elevation.pdf8.Figure7 - Conceptual West and South Elevation.pdf9.Figure8 - Conceptual Rendering Looking Northwest.pdf10.Figure9 - Conceptual Rendering Looking Southwest.pdf1.YCSP Interim Report.pdf2.Figure 1 Study area and Preliminary Secondary Plan boundary.pdf3.Figure 2 Proposed Place-Based Approach.pdf4.Figure 3 (R) Employment Lands.pdf5.Figure 4 Preliminary Height Distribution.pdf6.Appendix A Yonge Corridor Secondary Plan Interim Report.pdf7.Urban Strategies Emerging Concept DSC Presentation.pdf1.2025-16-Building Inspector Appt 27012025.pdf