Whereas the City of Markham is committed to achieving Goal #2 of its Strategic Plan in that “We are an inclusive city, engaging everyone in building a livable, caring and culturally vibrant community”, and;
Whereas the mailing radius for notification of applications coming before the City’s Statutory Public Meetings is 200-metres of the property boundary, and;
Whereas The City of Markham has been asked to support a request for a Minister’s Zoning Order for subject lands that are 21.4 ha (52.9 ac) in size, and are generally located east of Cedar Avenue, south of Highway 407 and west of Bayview Avenue, in the Langstaff Gateway of Thornhill, and;
Whereas the subject lands are currently occupied with a variety of uses including light industrial, outdoor storage, natural heritage and very limited residential.
Therefore, Be It Resolved That the notification area be extended for this application, scheduled for a public hearing June 25, 2024, to include, as a courtesy, residences on the following nearby streets outside the 200-metre radius: Sycamore Drive, Evergreen Crescent, Mulberry Mews, Stately Way, Jondan Crescent and Romfield Circuit (house numbers 202 to 242 and 209 to 235).