Heritage Markham Committee Minutes

Meeting #:Meeting Number: 1
Canada Room
  • Ken Davis
  • Evelin Ellison
  • Shan Goel
  • Councillor Keith Irish
  • Councillor Reid McAlpine
  • David Nesbitt
  • Paul Tiefenbach
  • Jennifer Peter-Morales
  • Graham Dewar
  • Doug Denby
  • Anthony Farr
  • Councillor Karen Rea
  • George Duncan, Senior Heritage Planner
  • Regan Hutcheson, Manager, Heritage Planning
  • Peter Wokral, Senior Heritage Planner
  • Victoria Hamilton, Committee Secretary (PT)

Ken Davis, Vice Chair, convened the meeting at 7:20 PM by asking for any disclosures of interest with respect to items on the agenda.

There were no disclosures of interest.

  1.  Addendum Agenda
    • 45 John Street, Thornhill Heritage Conservation District
  2. New Business from Committee Members
  • Recommendation:

    That the January 8, 2020 Heritage Markham Committee agenda be approved, as amended.


Extracts: R. Hutcheson, Manager of Heritage Planning

  • Recommendation:

    That the minutes of the Heritage Markham Committee meeting held on December 11, 2019 be received and adopted, as presented.


Extracts: R. Hutcheson, Manager of Heritage Planning

Regan Hutcheson, Manager of Heritage Planning, addressed the Committee and reviewed the memo.

In response to a query regarding the reduction in site plan control applications, R. Hutcheson noted that changes in provincial government policy may have resulted in some applicants delaying the submission of site plan applications until 2020. He further stated that the reduction in site plan applications likely contributed to the reduced number of permit and sign applications.

  • Recommendation:

    That the presentation be received as information.


FILE NUMBER: HE 19 141611
Extracts: R. Hutcheson, Manager of Heritage Planning

  • Recommendation:

    That Heritage Markham receive the information on the heritage permit approved by Heritage Section staff under the delegated approval process.


• 19 132299 AL
• 19 138150 AL
Extracts: R. Hutcheson, Manager of Heritage Planning

  • Recommendation:

    That Heritage Markham receive the information on building and sign permits approved by Heritage Section staff under the delegated approval process.


Extracts: R. Hutcheson, Manager of Heritage Planning

  • Recommendation:

    That the following correspondence be received as information:

    1. Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries: Organizational Realignment 



1 BEECH STREET (16.11)
R. Hutcheson, Manager of Heritage Planning
P. Wokral, Senior Planner

Peter Wokral, Senior Heritage Planner, addressed the Committee and summarized the details outlined in the memo.

  • Recommendation:

    That Heritage Markham has no objection from a heritage perspective to the requested variance to permit (0) additional parking spaces for the existing accessory dwelling unit at 1 Beech Street. 


• A/16/19
• A/151/19
R. Hutcheson, Manager of Heritage Planning
J. Leung, Secretary, Committee of Adjustment

George Duncan, Senior Heritage Planner, addressed the Committee and summarized the details outlined in the memo. He indicated that the Applicant had received an order to comply and that the current application was to legalize the existing commercial parking lot in the rear yard of 107 Main Street, and that no further parking spaces would be created and no trees would be affected. 

The Committee expressed concern regarding the precedent that would be set by supporting a variance to allow a paved rear lot of a residentially-zoned property.

In response to a query, G. Duncan confirmed that both 105 and 107 Main Street were located in the flood plain and that Staff would be contacting the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) for their comments on the application.

Councillor R. McAlpine noted that the residential property at 107 Main Street was previously used as commercial space and therefore may have required the additional parking spaces, however the property was currently being used residentially, and did not require the additional parking spaces any longer. 

The Committee proposed a recommendation to support by-law enforcement's efforts to return the rear parking lot of 107 Main Street to greenspace in residential use, and in compliance with the zoning bylaw.

  • Recommendation:

    That Heritage Markham supports by-law enforcement's efforts to return the rear parking lot of 107 Main Street to greenspace in residential use, as per the zoning by-law requirements.


Doors Open Markham 2020

Staff confirmed that the event would be held on September 12, 2020. It was noted that Heintzman House was interested in being a site this year.

In response to a Committee member's proposal to hold the event over two days, G. Duncan advised that the event had started as a two-day event, but was changed to one-day because some property owners did not wish to participate in the event for two days. In addition, the reduction in size of the organizing committee and number of volunteers over time affected the committee's ability to run the event effectively over two days. 

A Committee member proposed dividing the sites between the two days, which would allow attendees to view a greater number of properties. G. Duncan noted that a number of the sites participated in Doors Open every year, allowing attendees continued opportunities to visit the sites. G. Duncan would present the two-day proposal to the Doors Open Committee at their next meeting.


Heritage Week, February 2020

In response to a query, P. Wokral noted that there would be a display in the main lobby of the Civic Centre during Heritage Week.


Ontario Heritage Conference, May 2020

In response to a query, R. Hutcheson stated that this item was in progress and that a detailed update would be provided at the February 2020 Heritage Markham meeting. 


Unionville Heritage Centre Secondary Plan

In response to a query, R. Hutcheson noted that an update was expected in the near future.


FILE NUMBER: SPC 19 142354

R. Hutcheson, Manager of Heritage Planning
F. Hemon-Morneau, Development Technician

George Duncan, Senior Heritage Planner, addressed the Committee and summarized the details outlined in the memo. He also noted Staff concerns regarding the proposed masonry surrounds and the entrance door height.

The applicant's representative, Daniel Falzon of Lasonne Engineering Ltd., was in attendance and responded to the Committee's questions. He confirmed that the proposed dwelling was a 1-storey bungalow and clarified that the window above the garage was part of the attic space, and that trusses would be used for the framework.

The Committee discussed the roof height and massing compared to the ground floor, and the square footage. D. Falzon confirmed that the dwelling would be built within the by-law size requirement.

In response to a query, D. Falzon advised that none of the original house could be salvaged or reused; there was misalignment of the foundation walls and the wood frame was completely destroyed.

The applicant's representative stated that the windows were within the bird friendly guidelines, and requested that the Committee further consider permitting the protrusion of the garage past the front porch to allow them to maximize the internal area while conforming to the by-laws. The applicant's representative advised that they were willing to work with Staff on the recommended changes.

A Committee member noted a preference for the design to be more consistent with the heritage style of the Thornhill community because the property was located close to the historic core area of Thornhill.

In response to a comment on existing houses with projecting garages, G. Duncan noted that the heritage district in Thornhill did not exist until 1986, and that dwellings built prior to the establishment of the heritage district were grandfathered and would not be permitted today.

A Committee member expressed concern that the applicant would build a second storey in the future, based on the height of the roof. R. Hutcheson noted that such a change would require the submission of another application, which would come before the Heritage Markham Committee.

  • Recommendation:

    That Heritage Markham recommends that the applicant address the comments identified in the memo and that a revised design be brought back to the Heritage Markham Committee for further review.


The Heritage Markham Committee meeting adjourned at 8:28 PM.