- That the report dated May 28, 2024 entitled “2024 Tax Rates and Levy By-law” be received; and,
- That the by-law to provide for the levy and collection of property taxes totalling $842,935,528 required by the City of Markham, the Regional Municipality of York, Province of Ontario (Education) and Business Improvement Areas, in a form substantially similar to Appendix A (attached), satisfactory to the City Solicitor and provides for the mailing of notices and requesting payment of taxes for the year 2024, as set out as follows, be approved; and,
City of Markham
Region of York
Province of Ontario (Education)
Markham Village BIA
Unionville BIA
3. That staff be authorized to levy against Markham Stouffville Hospital and Seneca College the annual levy pursuant to Section 323 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as outlined in Section 9 of the attached by-law once the required information is received from the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities; and,
4. That the attached by-law be passed to authorize the 2024 Tax Rates and Levy By-law; and further,
5. That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.