Revised Council Meeting AgendaRevised items are identified by an asterisk (*)Meeting Number: 4Tuesday, March 25, 2025 at 1:00 P.m. - 4:30 P.m.Live streamed1.CALL TO ORDER INDIGENOUS LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTWe begin today by acknowledging the traditional territories of Indigenous peoples and their commitment to stewardship of the land. We acknowledge the communities in circle. The North, West, South and Eastern directions, and Haudenosaunee, Huron- Wendat, Anishnabeg, Seneca, Chippewa, and the Mississaugas of the Credit peoples. We share the responsibility with the caretakers of this land to ensure the dish is never empty and to restore relationships that are based on peace, friendship, and trust. We are committed to reconciliation, partnership and enhanced understanding.2.DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 3.APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MINUTES 3.1COUNCIL MINUTES - FEBRUARY 25, 2025 1.Meeting Minutes - CM_Feb25_2025 - English.pdf That the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on February 25, 2025, be adopted. 4.PRESENTATIONS 5.DEPUTATIONS 5.1DEPUTATION ITEM 8.3.1 - RECOMMENDATION REPORT – NEAMSBY INVESTMENTS INC. (10.3) APPLICATIONS FOR OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENTS TO PERMIT THREE APARTMENT BUILDINGS, TOWNHOUSES, A PUBLIC PARK AND PRESERVATION OF AN EXISTING HERITAGE DWELLING AT 5933 14TH AVENUE (BLOCKS 270 AND 271, PLAN 65M4686) (WARD 7), FILE PLAN 24 198977 (10.3, 10.5)Hongpeng Yang Yue Qing Huo(Item 8.3.1, By-law 2025-23 and By-law 2025-24) That the deputations from Hongpeng Yang and Yue Qing Huo providing comments regarding Item 8.3.1 “Recommendation Report - Neamsby Investment Inc.” be received. 6.COMMUNICATIONS 6.1LIQUOR LICENCE APPLICATION - TAI ER SUANCAI AND FISH RESTAURANT (WARD 4) (3.21) 1.Step 1 - Municipal Information Form.pdf2.Step 1 - Liquor Licence Questionnaire.pdf3.Step 1 - Floor Plan.pdf4.Step 1 - Menu.pdf(New Liquor Licence for indoor area) That the request for the City of Markham to complete the Municipal Information Form be received for information and be processed accordingly. 6.2LIQUOR LICENCE APPLICATION - LADIES GOLD CLUB OF TORONTO (WARD 1) (3.21) 1.2085e_municipal_info form.pdf2.fall menu 2023.pdf(New Liquor Licence for indoor and outdoor area) That the request for the City of Markham to complete the Municipal Information Form be received for information and be processed accordingly. 6.3LIQUOR LICENCE APPLICATION - KINTON RAMEN MARKHAM (WARD 3) (3.21) 1.2085E_Municipal Info_LSL.pdf2.Floor Plan.pdf3.2024_04_KRBC_Regular_Menu_8.5x14_v5.pdf(New Liquor Licence for indoor area) That the request for the City of Markham to complete the Municipal Information Form be received for information and be processed accordingly. 6.4LIQUOR LICENCE APPLICATION - NINE BALL LOUNGE (WARD 8) (3.21) 1.Municipal Information Form.pdf2.Nine Ball Floor Plan.pdf3.NINE BALL MENU A3 (1).pdf (New Liquor Licence for indoor area) That the request for the City of Markham to complete the Municipal Information Form be received for information and be processed accordingly. 6.5COMMUNICATION RE: ITEM 8.3.6 - REQUEST FOR DEMOLITION 10 RUGGLES AVENUE, WILLIAM MUNSHAW HOUSE, LANGSTAFF, WARD 1 (16.11.3) 1.Written Submission B. Nelson Munshaw Stabilization R1V5 Email.pdf2.Written Submission B. Nelson Munshaw Stabilization R1V5 PDF.pdf(Item 8.3.6) That the communication regarding Item 8.3.6 " Request for Demolition, 10 Ruggles Ave, William Munshaw House, Langstaff, Ward 1" from Barry Nelson be received. 7.PROCLAMATIONS 7.1PROCLAMATION AND FLAG RAISING REQUESTS (3.4) That the following new request for flag to be raised at the Anthony Roman Markham Civic Centre flagpole be approved and added to the Five-Year List of Request to Raise Flag approved by Council: Israel's 77th Independence Day (Yom Ha'atzmaut), May 1, 2025 (Organized by Goldie Plotkin on behalf of Chabad Lubavitch of Markham) 8.REPORT OF STANDING COMMITTEE 8.1REPORT NO. 5 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PUBLIC MEETING (MARCH 4, 2025) Please refer to your March 4, 2025 Development Services Public Meeting Agenda for reports.That the report of the Development Services Public Meeting be received & adopted. (Item 1):8.1.1 PUBLIC MEETING INFORMATION REPORT, RONGFAN HE AT 26 RIVER BEND ROAD, APPLICATION FOR ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT 1.26 River Bend Road - PMIR.pdf2.4.1- Staff PM Presentation - 26 River Bend_FINAL.pdf3.4.1 - Applicant 26 RIVER BEND ROAD.pdfTO FACILITATE A FUTURE SEVERANCE FOR THE CREATION OF TWO NEW LOTS WITH SITE-SPECIFIC PROVISIONS AT 26 RIVER BEND ROAD (WARD 3), FILE NO. PLAN PLAN 24 198332 (10.5) That the written submissions by Nixon Chen, and Anthony Lue Tam, be received; and, That the deputation by Anthony Lue Tam and Karen Lue Tam be received; and, That the report entitled “PUBLIC MEETING INFORMATION REPORT, Rongfan He, Application for Zoning By-law Amendment to facilitate a future severance for the creation of two new lots with site-specific provisions (Ward 3), File No. PLAN 24 198332”, be received; and, That the Record of the Public Meeting held on March 4, 2025 with respect to the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment application, be received; and, That the application by Rongfan He for the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment (PLAN 24 198332), be approved and the draft implementing Zoning By-law Amendment be finalized and enacted without further notice; and further, That staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution. 8.2REPORT NO. 6 GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING (MARCH 4, 2025) Please refer to your March 4, 2025 General Committee Meeting Agenda for reports.That the report of the General Committee Meeting be received & adopted. (Items 1 to 7):8.2.1030-S-25 SUPPLY & DELIVERY OF ONE BUCKET TRUCK (7.12) 1.030-S-25 Supply and Delivery of One Bucket Truck.pdf That the report entitled “030-S-25 Supply & Delivery of One Bucket Truck” be received; and, That the contract 030-S-25 for the supply and delivery of one bucket truck be awarded to Allan Fyfe Equipment Ltd. in the total amount of $393,645.33, inclusive of HST; and, That the award amount of $393,645.33 be funded from project #24418 Corporate Fleet Replacement – Non-Fire (account 057-6150-24418-005) with a budget available of $405,306.00; and, That the budget remaining in the amount of $11,660.67 ($405,306.00 - $393,645.33) be returned to the original funding source; and, That the tendering process be waived in accordance with Purchasing By-Law 2017-18, Part II, Section 11.1: (e) where the City is acquiring specialized vehicles or equipment…in which case the sources of supply may be identified based on technical specifications prepared by the User Department…; and,(g) where it is in the City’s best interest not to solicit a competitive Bid; and further, That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution. 8.2.2051-S-25 SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF ONE SINGLE AXLE AND ONE TANDEM AXLE TRUCK COMPLETE WITH WINTER CONTROL EQUIPMENT (7.12) 1.051-S-25 Supply and Delivery of One Single Axle Truck and One Tandem Axle Truck.pdf That the report entitled “051-S-25 Supply & Delivery of One Single Axle Truck and One Tandem Axle Truck” be received; and, That the contracts for the supply and delivery of one single axle truck be awarded as follows:a) Supply and delivery of one truck and chassis be awarded to Premier Truck Group in the amount of $171,045.85 inclusive of HST; and,b) Supply, installation, delivery and upfit of the winter control equipment on this one truck and chassis be awarded to Viking Cives in the amount of $214,159.01 inclusive of HST; and,c) That the total award amount for one single axle truck of $385,204.86 ($171,045.85 + $214,159.01) inclusive of HST be funded from capital project #25192 (057-5350-25192-005 New Fleet - Main Street Unionville) with available budget of $420,900.00; and, That the budget remaining for the one single axle truck (project #25192) in the amount of $35,695.14 ($420,900.00 - $385,204.86) be retained in the project for any future unforeseen related expenditure, with any remaining surplus budget being returned to the original funding source at the time of project closure; and, That the contracts for the supply and delivery of one tandem axle truck be awarded as follows: a) Supply and delivery of one truck and chassis be awarded to Premier Truck Group in the amount of $220,063.64 inclusive of HST; and,b) Installation and upfitting of the winter control equipment on this truck and chassis be awarded to Viking Cives in the amount of $220,920.96, inclusive of HST; and,c) That the total award amount of $440,984.60 ($220,063.64 + $220,920.96) inclusive of HST be funded from capital project #24418 (057-6150-24418-005 Corporate Fleet Replacement – Non-Fire) with available budget of $494,739.00; and, That the budget remaining for the tandem axle truck (project #24418) in the amount of $53,754.40 ($494,739.00 - $440,984.60) retained in the project for any future unforeseen related expenditure, with any remaining surplus budget being returned to the original funding source at the time of project closure; and, That the tendering process be waived in accordance with Purchasing By-Law 2017-18, Part II, Section 11.1:(a) where the City is acquiring specialized vehicles or equipment…in which case the sources of supply may be identified based on technical specifications prepared by the User Department; and,(b) where it is in the City’s best interest not to solicit a competitive Bid; and further, That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution. 8.2.32024 YEAR END RESULTS OF OPERATIONS (7.0) 1.2024 Year-End Results of Operations.pdf2.Appendix December 2024 YTD Review of Operations.pdf That the report titled “2024 Year-End Results of Operations” be received; and, That the City’s 2024 operations net favourable variance of $10.20M be transferred to the Life Cycle Capital Replacement and Capital Reserve Fund, as per the approved Financial Planning and Budgeting Policy; and further, That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution. 8.2.4300-T-24 MARKHAM VILLAGE PHASE 1B STORM SEWERS AND WATERMAIN UPGRADES (7.12) 1.300-T-24 Markham Village Phase 1B Storm Sewers and Watermain Upgrades.pdf2.Attachment A - Markham Village Phase 1B Location Map.pdf3.Attachment B - Markham Village - Overall Phasing Plan.pdf That the report entitled “300-T-24 Markham Village Phase 1B - Storm Sewers and Watermain Upgrades” be received; and, That the contract for 300-T-24 Markham Village Phase 1B - Storm Sewers and Watermain Upgrades be awarded to the lowest priced Bidder, Green Infrastructure Partners Inc. in the amount of $14,500,886.94 inclusive of HST; and, That a 10% contingency in the amount of $1,450,088.69 inclusive of HST, be established to cover any additional construction costs and that authorization to approve expenditures of the contingency amount up to the specified limit be in accordance with the Expenditure Control Policy; and, That the construction award in the amount of $15,950,975.64 ($14,500,886.95 + $1,450,088.69) be funded from the account 058-6150-25198-005 “Markham Village Flood Control Phase 1B – Construction with an available budget of $20,708,160.00; and, That funding in the amount of $100,000.00 be retained in the account for other services as described under Financial Considerations Section; and, That the remaining funds in the amount $4,657,184.36 ($20,708,160.00 - $15,950,975.64 - $100,000.00) be returned to the Stormwater Fee Reserve; and, That a 5-year moratorium be placed on any major servicing and utility installation along restored areas of the following streets:• Wootten Way North: (from Church Street to Ramona Blvd);• Sir Lancelot Drive: (from Church Street to Sir Gawaine Pl);• Sir Kay Drive: from Sir Lancelot Drive to Sir Gareth Court;• Sir Gawaine: (Place: from Sir Lancelot Drive to end of curve); • Sir Gareth Court; and• Sir Tristram Place; and further, That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution. 8.2.5ANNUAL WATER QUALITY REPORT (JANUARY - DECEMBER 2024) (5.3) 1.Annual Water Quality Report (January - December 2024).pdf2.2024 Annual Water Quality Report - Attachment A.pdf That the report titled “Annual Water Quality Report (January-December 2024)” as required by Schedule 22 of Ontario Regulation 170/03, under the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002, enclosed herein be received; and, That the Annual 2024 Regulatory Water Quality Report (Attachment “A”), containing information for the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) on water supply and quality as required by Section 11 of Ontario Regulation 170/03, under the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002, be received; and, That Council acknowledge that staff posted the Annual 2024 Detailed Regulatory Water Quality Report on the City’s website and that it has been made available electronically and in hard copy version by February 28, 2025 as per regulations; and further, That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution. 8.2.6DEFERRAL OF DEVELOPMENT CHARGES FOR HIGH-RISE RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (7.11) 1.Deferral of Development Charges for High-Rise Residential Buildings.pdf2.Appendix A - Development Charge Deferral Policy- High-Rise.pdf3.March 4 2025 - General Committee - DC Deferral.pdf That the report entitled, “Deferral of Development Charges for High-Rise Residential Buildings” be received; and, That the deputations from Gabe Vincent and Victoria DiMartino from BILD, be received; and, That the written submissions from Joran Weiner of Treasure Hill, James Stevenson of HBNG Holborn Group, and Victoria Mortelliti of BILD, be received; and, That the attached Development Charge Deferral Policy - High-Rise Residential Buildings be approved; and, That the Treasurer be authorized to modify the Policy to make any administrative changes deemed necessary for the implementation of the deferrals; and, That the Treasurer be authorized to execute Development Charge deferral agreements, in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor; and, That Staff report back with a comprehensive report on the deferral of Development Charges across all building types no later than the end of June; and further, That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution. 8.2.72024 SUMMARY OF REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES FOR COUNCILLORS AND APPOINTEES TO BOARDS (7.0) 1.2024 Summary of Remuneration and Expenses for Councillors and Appointees to Boards.pdf2.Appendix A - 2024 Summary of Remuneration and Expenses for Mayor and Council.pdf3.Appendix B - 2024 Summary of Remuneration and Expenses for Appointees to Local and Other Boards.pdf That the report entitled “2024 Summary of Remuneration and Expenses for Councilors and Appointees to Boards” be received; and further, That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution. 8.3REPORT NO. 7 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES COMMITTEE (MARCH 18, 2025) Please refer to your March 18, 2025 Development Services Committee Agenda for reports.That the report of the Development Services Committee Meeting be received & adopted. (Items 1 to 6):8.3.1RECOMMENDATION REPORT, NEAMSBY INVESTMENTS INC., APPLICATIONS FOR OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENTS TO PERMIT 1.Neamsby Rec Report Final for DSC(1).pdf2.Figs 1 to 6(1).pdf3.Appendix A - Draft OPA Neasmby DSC(1).pdf4.Appendix B - Neamsby Inc Draft ZBA DSC(1).pdfTHREE APARTMENT BUILDINGS, TOWNHOUSES, A PUBLIC PARK AND PRESERVATION OF AN EXISTING HERITAGE DWELLING AT 5933 14TH AVENUE (BLOCKS 270 AND 271, PLAN 65M4686) (WARD 7), FILE PLAN 24 198977 (10.3, 10.5)(Item 5.1, By-law 2025-23 and By-law 2025-24) That the March 18, 2025, report titled, “RECOMMENDATION REPORT, Neamsby Investments Inc., Applications for Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments to permit three apartment buildings, townhouses, a public park and preservation of an existing Heritage Dwelling at 5933 14th Avenue (Blocks 270 and 271, Plan 65M4686) (Ward 7), File PLAN 24 198977”, be received; and, That the Official Plan Amendment application, submitted by Neamsby Investments Inc., be approved and the draft Official Plan Amendment, attached as Appendix ‘A’, be finalized and brought forward to a future Council meeting to be adopted without further notice; and, That the Zoning By-law Amendment application, submitted by Neamsby Investments Inc., be approved and the draft Zoning By-law Amendment, attached as Appendix ‘B’, be finalized and brought forward to a future Council meeting to be enacted without further notice; and, That servicing allocation for 819 units be assigned to the proposed development and the City reserves the right to revoke or reallocate the servicing allocation should the development not proceed within three years from the date Council assigned servicing allocation; and, That York Region be advised that servicing capacity for 819 units has been assigned; and, That the commitment letters from Remington and MICAH be received; and, That the written submissions from Margaret Bergshoeff, Barbara Ribble, Rajmohan Rajah, and Dean Ip, be received; and, That the deputations from Chloe Au, Mike Clair, Yvonne Kelly, Tao Zhong, Mingcong Chen, Jane Chong, Amy Zhao, Roberto Gao Sen, Andrea Lin, Clovis Grant, and, Wei (Vivian) Wu be received; and further, That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution. 8.3.2RECOMMENDATION REPORT, 8180 - 8220 BAYVIEW LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, APPLICATIONS FOR OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT 1.8200 Bayview Rec Report - Final for DSC.pdf2.Figures 1 to 4 for Report.pdf3.Appendix A - Draft OPA - 8190 and 8200 Bayview Avenue.pdf4.Appendix B - Draft ZBA 8190-8200 Bayview.pdfTO PERMIT A MIXED-USE MID-RISE BUILDING AT 8190 TO 8200 BAYVIEW AVENUE (WARD 1), FILE PLAN 23 125307 (10.3, 10.5) That the March 18, 2025, report titled, “RECOMMENDATION REPORT, “8180 - 8220 Bayview Limited Partnership, Applications for Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment to permit a mixed-use mid-rise building at 8190 to 8200 Bayview Avenue (Ward 1), File PLAN 23 125307”, be received; and, That the Official Plan Amendment application, submitted by 8180 - 8220 Bayview Limited Partnership, be approved and the draft Official Plan Amendment, attached as Appendix ‘A’, be finalized and brought forward to a future Council meeting to be adopted without further notice; and, That the Zoning By-law Amendment application, submitted by 8180 - 8220 Bayview Limited Partnership, be approved and the draft Zoning By-law Amendment, attached as Appendix ‘B’, be finalized and brought forward to a future Council meeting to be enacted without further notice; and, That servicing allocation for 512 units be assigned to the proposed development and the City reserves the right to revoke or reallocate the servicing allocation should the development not proceed within three (3) years from the date Council assigned servicing allocation; and, That York Region be advised that servicing capacity for 512 units has been assigned; and, That the written submissions from Karen Haynes, Stephanie Jordan, Romfield Residents Association, and Aditya Parkar, be received; and, That staff review the requirements for intersection improvements; and further, That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution. 8.3.3RECOMMENDATION REPORT, W GARDEN CORPORATION, APPLICATIONS FOR DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION AND ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT 1.Recommendation Report - 186 Old Kennedy Road, 31 and 51 Victory Avenue.pdf2.Figure 1 - Location Map.pdf3.Figure 2- Area Context and Zoning.pdf4.Figure 3 - Aerial Photo.pdf5.Figure 4 - Draft Plan of Subdivision.pdf6.Figure 5 - Site Plan.pdf7.Appendix 'A' - Draft Zoning By-law Amendment.pdf8.Schedule A (R).pdf9.Appendix 'B' - Draft Plan Conditions.pdfTO PERMIT 94 TOWNHOUSE UNITS, A SCHOOL BLOCK, AND A PUBLIC ROAD (STREET ‘B’) AT 186 OLD KENNEDY ROAD AND 31 AND 51 VICTORY AVENUE (WARD 8), FILE PLAN 18 149630 (10.5, 10.7)(By-law 2025-25) That the report, dated March 18, 2025, titled, “RECOMMENDATION REPORT, W Garden Corporation, Applications for Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment to permit 94 townhouse units, a school block, and a public road (Street ‘B’), at 186 Old Kennedy Road and 31 and 51 Victory Avenue (Ward 8), File PLAN 18 149630”, be received; and, That the Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by W Garden Corporation be approved and the draft Zoning By-law, attached hereto as Appendix ‘A’, be finalized and brought to a future Council meeting for enactment without further notice; and, That Draft Plan of Subdivision 19TM-18003 be approved, subject to the conditions set out in Appendix ‘B’, of this report; and, That the Director of Planning and Urban Design or their designate, be delegated authority to issue Draft Plan Approval, subject to the conditions set out in Appendix ‘B’, as may be amended by the Director of Planning and Urban Design or their designate; and, That Draft Plan Approval for Plan of Subdivision 19TM-18003 will lapse after a period of three (3) years from the date of issuance in the event that a Subdivision Agreement is not executed within that period; and, That servicing allocation for 94 residential units be assigned to the proposed development; and, That the City reserves the right to revoke or reallocate the servicing allocation should the development not proceed within a period of three (3) years from the date that Council assigned servicing allocation; and further, That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution. 8.3.4CONDITIONS OF DRAFT PLAN APPROVAL, CAMCOS LIVING INC., 5112, 5122, AND 5248 14TH AVENUE, AND 7768, 7778, 7788, AND 7798 MCCOWAN ROAD (WARD 8), FILE PLAN 22 243251 (19TM-22011) (10.7) 1.Camcos Avenue Towns - Council Memo.pdf2.Appendix 'A' - Draft Plan Conditions.pdf That the Memorandum titled, “Conditions of Draft Plan Approval, Camcos Living Inc., 5112, 5122, and 5248 14th Avenue, and 7768, 7778, 7788, and 7798 McCowan Road (Ward 8), File PLAN 22 243251 (19TM-22011)”, be received; and, That Draft Plan of Subdivision 19TM-22011 be approved, in principle, subject to the conditions set out in Appendix ‘A’ of this memorandum; and, That the Director of Planning and Urban Design or designate, be the delegated authority to issue Draft Plan Approval, subject to the conditions set out in Appendix ‘A’, as may be amended by the Director of Planning and Urban Design or designate; and, That Draft Plan Approval for Draft Plan of Subdivision 19TM-22011 will lapse after a period of three years from the date of Council approval in the event that a Subdivision Agreement is not executed within that period; and, That servicing allocation for 96 units be assigned to Draft Plan of Subdivision 19TM-22011; and, That the City reserves the right to revoke or reallocate servicing allocation should the proposed development not proceed in a timely manner; and, That York Region be advised that servicing allocation for 96 units has been granted; and further, That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution. 8.3.5RECOMMENDATION REPORT, MEADOW PARK INVESTMENTS (BT) INC. (C/O JORAN WEINER), APPLICATIONS FOR OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT 1.(PLAN 22 244910) - (R) 77 Anderson Ave - Recommendation Report.pdf2.Figure 1 - Location Map(1).pdf3.Figure 2 - Area Context Zoning.pdf4.Figure 3 - Aerial Photo(1).pdf5.Figure 4 - Conceptual Site Plan.pdf6.Figure 5 - Conceptual Rendering.pdf7.Appendix ‘A’- Draft Official Plan Amendment.pdf8.Appendix ‘B’- Draft Zoning By-law Amendment.pdf9.Appendix ‘C’ - TRCA comment letter dated June 6, 2023.pdf10.Appendix “D” - With Prejudice Settlement Offer dated January 31, 2025.pdfTO PERMIT A 42-STOREY MIXED-USE BUILDING AT 77 ANDERSON AVENUE (WARD 5), FILE PLAN 21 144733 (10.3, 10.5) That the report dated March 18, 2025, titled, “RECOMMENDATION REPORT, Meadow Park Investments (BT) Inc. (c/o Joran Weiner), Applications for Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment to permit a 42-storey mixed-use building at 77 Anderson Avenue (Ward 5) File PLAN 21 144733”, be received; and, That the With Prejudice settlement offer of the Applicant’s Mount Joy Secondary Plan appeal be received and accepted, subject to Minute of Settlement prepared and executed to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor; and, That Staff are bringing the Recommendation Report forward on the basis that the applicant, who previously appealed the Markham Road Mount Joy Secondary Plan, has submitted a With Prejudice Settlement Offer with respect to that appeal; and, That the Official Plan Amendment application (PLAN 21 144733) be approved and that the draft Official Plan Amendment, attached hereto as Appendix ‘A’, be finalized and brought to a future Council meeting for adoption following a submission that reflects the revised proposal to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning and Urban Design without further notice; and, That the Zoning By-law Amendment application (PLAN 21 144733) be approved and the draft site-specific implementing Zoning By-law, attached hereto as Appendix ‘B’, be finalized and brought to a future Council meeting for enactment following a submission that reflects the revised proposal to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning and Urban Design without further notice; and, That servicing allocation for 490 residential units be assigned to the proposed 42-storey development; and, That the City reserves the right to revoke or reallocate the servicing allocation should the development not proceed within a period of three years from the date that Council assigned servicing allocation; and, That York Region be advised that servicing capacity for 490 units has been assigned; and further, That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution. 8.3.6REQUEST FOR DEMOLITION 10 RUGGLES AVENUE, WILLIAM MUNSHAW HOUSE, LANGSTAFF, WARD 1 (16.11.3) 1.Request for Demolition 10 Ruggles Avenue, William Munshaw House, Langstaff.pdf2.Item 9.6- Written Submission - Valerie Burke.pdf3.Item 9.6- Written Submission- Diane Berwick .pdf(Item 6.5) That the staff report titled “Request for Demolition, 10 Ruggles Ave, William Munshaw House, Langstaff, Ward 1” dated March 18, 2025, be received; and, That the Heritage Markham Committee recommendation indicating that the committee supports the demolition/dismantling of the Munshaw House subject to the replication of the building as per the conditions outlined in Appendix D of this staff report, be received as information; and, That Council support the proposed demolition of the Munshaw House due to the building’s existing condition associated with fire damage subject to the owner providing a contribution of $300K to the City’s Heritage Fund reflective of the order of magnitude costs associated with the restoration of the Munshaw House, and as per the 2024 Conditions of approval for the plan of subdivision, to provide and install two Markham Remembered interpretive plaques to commemorate a) the Munshaw House in the general vicinity of the building’s original location and b) the early 20th century history of the Langstaff community in a location acceptable to the City and the Owner which may include the park; and, That the deputations from Elizabeth Janz, Barry Nelson, and Evelin Ellison be received; and further, That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution. 8.4REPORT NO. 8 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PUBLIC MEETING (MARCH 18, 2025) Please refer to your March 18, 2025 General Committee Meeting Agenda for reports.That the report of the Development Services Committee Meeting be received & adopted. (Item 1):8.4.1PUBLIC MEETING INFORMATION REPORT, 4201 HIGHWAY 7 INC. AT 4201 AND 4217 HIGHWAY 7, APPLICATION FOR ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT TO PERMIT 1.PMIR - 4201 Highway 7.pdf2.Item 4.1 - 4201-4217 Highway 7- Applicant Presentation.pdf3.Item 4.1 - Staff Presentation - 4201 Hwy 7 - SL Mar 17.pdfAN EIGHT-STOREY MIXED-USE RESIDENTIAL BUILDING ON THE NORTHERN PORTION OF 4201 AND 4217 HIGHWAY 7 (WARD 3), FILE NO. PLAN 24 185627 (10.5) That the report entitled “PUBLIC MEETING INFORMATION REPORT, Application for a Zoning By-law Amendment to permit a proposed eight-storey mixed-use residential building on the northern portion of 4201 and 4217 Highway 7, Ward 3, File No. PLAN 24 185627”, be received; and, That the Record of the Public Meeting held on March 18, 2025 with respect to the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment application, be received; and, That the application by 4201 Highway 7 Inc. (Rouge View LP, c/o Nord Hub Canada Inc. – Metropole Developments Inc.) for a proposed Zoning By-law Amendment (PLAN 24 185627) be approved and the draft implementing Zoning By-law Amendment be finalized and enacted without further notice; and, That the deputations by Nixon Chang and Stephan Kuzoff be received; and, That the written submission by Eric Shultz be received; and further, That staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution. 9.MOTIONS 10.NOTICE OF MOTION TO RECONSIDER 11.NEW/OTHER BUSINESS As per Section 2 of the Council Procedural By-Law, "New/Other Business would generally apply to an item that is to be added to the Agenda due to an urgent statutory time requirement, or an emergency, or time sensitivity".12.ANNOUNCEMENTS 13.BY-LAWS - THREE READINGS That By-laws 2025-23 to 2025-25 be given three readings and enacted.Three Readings13.1BY-LAW 2025-23, 5933 14TH AVE. - OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 62 (NEAMSBY INVESTMENTS INC.) 1.OPA Neasmby Council.pdf2.Schedule A - OPA Neamsby.pdf3.Schedule B - OPA Neamsby.pdfThe OPA NO. 62 modifies the City’s 2014 Official Plan to rezone the lands to permit three apartment buildings, townhouses, preservation of a detached heritage dwelling and a public park on the subject lands. (Neamsby Investments Inc.,14th Avenue, Blocks 270 and 271, Plan 65M4686, PLAN 24 198977)(Item 5.1, Item 8.3.1 and By-law 2025-24)13.2BY-LAW 2025-24, 5933 14TH AVE. - ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT (NEAMSBY INVESTMENTS INC.) 1.By-law 2025-24 ZBA Neasmby Council.pdf2.By-law 2025-24 ZBA SCHEDULE 'A' TO BY-LAW.pdfBeing a By-law to amend By-law 2024-19, as amended, to rezone the lands to permit three apartment buildings, townhouses, preservation of a detached heritage dwelling and a public park on the subject lands. (Neamsby Investments Inc.,14th Avenue, Blocks 270 and 271, Plan 65M4686, PLAN 24 198977)(Item 5.1, Item 8.3.1 and By-law 2025-23)13.3BY-LAW 2025-25, 186 OLD KENNEDY ROAD - ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT (W GARDEN CORPORATION) 1.By-law 2025-25 186 Old Kennedy Road, 31 and 51 Victory Avenue.pdf2.By-law 2025-25 Schedule A.pdfBeing a By-law to re-zone and delete the subject lands from By-law 177-96, as amended, and incorporate them into By-law 2024-19. (W Garden Corporation, 186 Old Kennedy Road, 31 & 51 Victory Avenue, PLAN 18 149630)(Item 8.3.3)14.CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS That, in accordance with Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, Council resolve into a private session to discuss the following confidential matters:14.1COUNCIL Public Comments: 14.1.1RACE RELATIONS BOARD ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS (16.24) Public Comments: PERSONAL MATTERS ABOUT AN IDENTIFIABLE INDIVIDUAL, INCLUDING MUNICIPAL OR LOCAL BOARD EMPLOYEES [MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001, Section 239 (2)(b)]14.1.2HEINTZMAN HOUSE COMMUNITY CENTRE BOARD ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS (16.24) Public Comments: PERSONAL MATTERS ABOUT AN IDENTIFIABLE INDIVIDUAL, INCLUDING MUNICIPAL OR LOCAL BOARD EMPLOYEES [MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001, Section 239 (2)(b)]14.1.3CONFIDENTIAL UPDATE - REQUEST FOR DIRECTION, ONTARIO LAND TRIBUNAL APPEAL BY EASTSIDE CHEVROLET GMC BUICK LTD., Attachments | Public Comments1.OPA Neasmby Council.pdf2.Schedule A - OPA Neamsby.pdf3.Schedule B - OPA Neamsby.pdfAPPEAL OF OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATIONS TO PERMIT A MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT CONSISTING TWO 35-STOREY BUILDINGS AT 8435 WOODBINE AVE. (WARD 8) (10.5) (LITIGATION OR POTENTIAL LITIGATION, INCLUDING MATTERS BEFORE ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNALS, AFFECTING THE MUNICIPALITY OR LOCAL BOARD;) [MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001, Section 239 (2) (e)]14.2GENERAL COMMITTEE Public Comments: 14.2.1PROPOSED OR PENDING DISPOSITION OF LAND BY CITY OR LOCAL BOARD (WARD 5); A PROPOSED OR PENDING ACQUISITION OR DISPOSITION OF LAND BY THE MUNICIPALITY OR LOCAL BOARD Public Comments: [MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001, SECTION 239 (2) (C)] (7.0)14.2.2PROPOSED OR PENDING DISPOSITION OF LAND BY CITY OR LOCAL BOARD (WARD 1); A PROPOSED OR PENDING ACQUISITION OR DISPOSITION OF LAND BY THE MUNICIPALITY OR LOCAL BOARD Public Comments: [MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001, SECTION 239 (2) (C)] (7.0)14.3DEVELOPMENT SERVICES COMMITTEE Public Comments: 14.3.1REQUEST FOR DIRECTION - ONTARIO LAND TRIBUNAL APPEALS RE: NEW COMPREHENSIVE ZONING BY-LAW (10.5) Public Comments: (LITIGATION OR POTENTIAL LITIGATION, INCLUDING MATTERS BEFORE ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNALS, AFFECTING THE MUNICIPALITY OR LOCAL BOARD;) [MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001, Section 239 (2) (e)]14.3.2REQUEST FOR DIRECTIONS - ONTARIO LAND TRIBUNAL APPEAL OF DESIGNATION BY-LAW FOR 10732 VICTORIA SQUARE BLVD (WARD 2) (16.11.3) Public Comments: (LITIGATION OR POTENTIAL LITIGATION, INCLUDING MATTERS BEFORE ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNALS, AFFECTING THE MUNICIPALITY OR LOCAL BOARD;) [MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001, Section 239 (2) (e)]14.3.3REQUEST FOR DIRECTION - ONTARIO LAND TRIBUNAL APPEALS OF THE OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT 5871 HIGHWAY 7 (WARD 4) (10.3, 10.5) Public Comments: (LITIGATION OR POTENTIAL LITIGATION, INCLUDING MATTERS BEFORE ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNALS, AFFECTING THE MUNICIPALITY OR LOCAL BOARD;) [MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001, Section 239 (2) (e)]15.CONFIRMATORY BY-LAW - THREE READINGS 1.By-Law 2025-22 Confirmatory By-Law.pdfThat By-law 2025-22 be given three readings and enacted. Three Readings BY-LAW 2025-22 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 25, 202516.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.030-S-25 Supply and Delivery of One Bucket Truck.pdf1.051-S-25 Supply and Delivery of One Single Axle Truck and One Tandem Axle Truck.pdf1.2024 Year-End Results of Operations.pdf2.Appendix December 2024 YTD Review of Operations.pdf1.300-T-24 Markham Village Phase 1B Storm Sewers and Watermain Upgrades.pdf2.Attachment A - Markham Village Phase 1B Location Map.pdf3.Attachment B - Markham Village - Overall Phasing Plan.pdf1.Annual Water Quality Report (January - December 2024).pdf2.2024 Annual Water Quality Report - Attachment A.pdf1.Deferral of Development Charges for High-Rise Residential Buildings.pdf2.Appendix A - Development Charge Deferral Policy- High-Rise.pdf3.March 4 2025 - General Committee - DC Deferral.pdf1.By-Law 2025-22 Confirmatory By-Law.pdf1.2085e_municipal_info form.pdf2.fall menu 2023.pdf1.Step 1 - Municipal Information Form.pdf2.Step 1 - Liquor Licence Questionnaire.pdf3.Step 1 - Floor Plan.pdf4.Step 1 - Menu.pdf1.2085E_Municipal Info_LSL.pdf2.Floor Plan.pdf3.2024_04_KRBC_Regular_Menu_8.5x14_v5.pdf1.Meeting Minutes - CM_Feb25_2025 - English.pdf1.By-law 2025-25 186 Old Kennedy Road, 31 and 51 Victory Avenue.pdf2.By-law 2025-25 Schedule A.pdf1.8200 Bayview Rec Report - Final for DSC.pdf2.Figures 1 to 4 for Report.pdf3.Appendix A - Draft OPA - 8190 and 8200 Bayview Avenue.pdf4.Appendix B - Draft ZBA 8190-8200 Bayview.pdf1.Recommendation Report - 186 Old Kennedy Road, 31 and 51 Victory Avenue.pdf2.Figure 1 - Location Map.pdf3.Figure 2- Area Context and Zoning.pdf4.Figure 3 - Aerial Photo.pdf5.Figure 4 - Draft Plan of Subdivision.pdf6.Figure 5 - Site Plan.pdf7.Appendix 'A' - Draft Zoning By-law Amendment.pdf8.Schedule A (R).pdf9.Appendix 'B' - Draft Plan Conditions.pdf1.Camcos Avenue Towns - Council Memo.pdf2.Appendix 'A' - Draft Plan Conditions.pdf1.(PLAN 22 244910) - (R) 77 Anderson Ave - Recommendation Report.pdf2.Figure 1 - Location Map(1).pdf3.Figure 2 - Area Context Zoning.pdf4.Figure 3 - Aerial Photo(1).pdf5.Figure 4 - Conceptual Site Plan.pdf6.Figure 5 - Conceptual Rendering.pdf7.Appendix ‘A’- Draft Official Plan Amendment.pdf8.Appendix ‘B’- Draft Zoning By-law Amendment.pdf9.Appendix ‘C’ - TRCA comment letter dated June 6, 2023.pdf10.Appendix “D” - With Prejudice Settlement Offer dated January 31, 2025.pdf1.Request for Demolition 10 Ruggles Avenue, William Munshaw House, Langstaff.pdf2.Item 9.6- Written Submission - Valerie Burke.pdf3.Item 9.6- Written Submission- Diane Berwick .pdf1.OPA Neasmby Council.pdf2.Schedule A - OPA Neamsby.pdf3.Schedule B - OPA Neamsby.pdf1.By-law 2025-24 ZBA Neasmby Council.pdf2.By-law 2025-24 ZBA SCHEDULE 'A' TO BY-LAW.pdf1.Municipal Information Form.pdf2.Nine Ball Floor Plan.pdf3.NINE BALL MENU A3 (1).pdf1.Neamsby Rec Report Final for DSC(1).pdf2.Figs 1 to 6(1).pdf3.Appendix A - Draft OPA Neasmby DSC(1).pdf4.Appendix B - Neamsby Inc Draft ZBA DSC(1).pdf1.Written Submission B. Nelson Munshaw Stabilization R1V5 Email.pdf2.Written Submission B. Nelson Munshaw Stabilization R1V5 PDF.pdf1.2024 Summary of Remuneration and Expenses for Councillors and Appointees to Boards.pdf2.Appendix A - 2024 Summary of Remuneration and Expenses for Mayor and Council.pdf3.Appendix B - 2024 Summary of Remuneration and Expenses for Appointees to Local and Other Boards.pdf1.26 River Bend Road - PMIR.pdf2.4.1- Staff PM Presentation - 26 River Bend_FINAL.pdf3.4.1 - Applicant 26 RIVER BEND ROAD.pdf1.PMIR - 4201 Highway 7.pdf2.Item 4.1 - 4201-4217 Highway 7- Applicant Presentation.pdf3.Item 4.1 - Staff Presentation - 4201 Hwy 7 - SL Mar 17.pdf