General Committee Meeting
Revised Agenda
Revised items are identified by an asterisk (*)

Meeting Number: 4
Live streamed

Please bring this General Committee Agenda to the Council meeting on April 22, 2025


We begin today by acknowledging the traditional territories of Indigenous peoples and their commitment to stewardship of the land. We acknowledge the communities in circle. The North, West, South and Eastern directions, and Haudenosaunee, Huron- Wendat, Anishnabeg, Seneca, Chippewa, and the Mississaugas of the Credit peoples. We share the responsibility with the caretakers of this land to ensure the dish is never empty and to restore relationships that are based on peace, friendship, and trust. We are committed to reconciliation, partnership and enhanced understanding.

    1. That the minutes of the March 4, 2025 General Committee meeting be confirmed.

Note: Please refer to item 11.2 for the Auditor General's Reports

    1. That the following presentations from the Auditor General be received: 
      1. Fleet Operations Audit - Presentation;
      2. Cornell Community Park - Lessons Learned Review - Presentation;
      3.  Auditor General - Follow Up Procedure Report - Presentation;
      4. Contact Centre Review - Presentation; and further,
    2. That staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.

Note:   Questions regarding Regional correspondence should be directed to Chris Raynor, Regional Clerk.

The following York Region Communications are available on-line only.

D. Chung, ext. 2025 / D. McDowell, ext. 3526 / J. Chan, ext. 2073

    1. That the report entitled “177-R-24 Electrical Services for Various City Facilities” be received; and,
    2. That the contract be awarded to the highest ranked / Lowest Priced bidder, Igman Electric Ltd., for a term of four years in the estimated amount of $1,594,160.00 inclusive of HST as per the following;
      Year 1 - April 1, 2025 - March 31, 2026 - $ 398,540.00
      Year 2 - April 1, 2026 - March 31, 2027 - $ 398,540.00
      Year 3 - April 1, 2027 - March 31, 2028 - $ 398,540.00
      Year 4 - April 1, 2028 - March 31, 2029 - $ 398,540.00
      Total: $ 1,594,160; and,

      Pricing will be firm for the initial two years of the contract ending March 31, 2027 and year 3 commencing April 1, 2027 will be subject to Consumer Price Index (CPI) increase to a maximum of 3%; and,
    3. That the contract includes an option for the City (in its sole discretion) to extend the contract for up to four additional years to be exercised in two (2) year periods. Pricing will be subject to CPI increase to a maximum of 3% if the extension is exercised on April 1, 2029 and again on April 1, 2031; and,
    4. That the Director of Sustainability & Asset Management and Senior Manager of Procurement & Accounts Payable be authorized to extend the contract for an additional four years, in two (2) year periods, subject to adoption of the annual operating budget and satisfactory performance; and,
    5. That the estimated annual amount of $398,540.00 (inclusive of HST) be funded from various operating accounts; and,
    6. That the annual operating shortfall in 2025 in the amount of $103,290 (budget of $295,250 – cost of award of $398,540) be absorbed as part of the 2025 results of operations and that the incremental operating budget impact as a result of the shortfall be adjusted as part of the 2026-2033 operating budgets subject to adoption; and,
    7. That the award amounts in 2026 to 2033 be subject to Council adoption of the respective annual operating budgets; and further,
    8. That staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.

N. Azmy, ext. 2197 / T. Casale. ext. 3190

    1. That the report entitled “138-R-24 - Consulting Services for Pre-Design, Detailed Design and Tender Preparation for the Glynnwood Tributary Area Surcharge Flood Remediation” be received; and,
    2. That the contract for 138-R-24 - Consulting Services for Pre-Design, Detailed Design and Tender Preparation for the Glynnwood Tributary Area Surcharge Flood Remediation be awarded to the highest ranked, lowest priced Bidder, AECOM Canada Ltd. in the amount of $970,536.97 inclusive of HST; and,
    3. That provisional allowances in the amount of $396,864.00, inclusive of HST, be established for subsurface utility engineering (SUE) Level A, permit to take water, utility relocation inspection, excess soil management, additional boreholes and monitoring wells, additional legal survey, additional analysis to identify new solutions as a result of the pond modelling, design support during construction and for an annual external financial audit which may be required; and,
    4. That a 10% contingency in the amount of $136,740.10 inclusive of HST, be established to cover any additional design costs and that authorization to approve expenditures of the contingency amount up to the specified limit be in accordance with the Expenditure Control Policy; and,
    5. That the Engineering Department Capital Administration fee in the amount of $135,372.70 be transferred to revenue account 640-998-8871 (Capital Administration Fee); and,
    6. That the cost in the amount of $1,639,513.77 ($970,536.97 + $396,864.00 + $136,740.10 + $135,372.70) be funded from capital account 083-5350-24408-005 with available budget of $1,299,900; and,
    7. That the budget shortfall in the amount of $339,613.77 be funded from Stormwater Fee Reserve; and further,
    8. That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.

D. Chung, ext. 2025 / J. Ramsaran, ext. 3526 / J. Chan, ext. 2073

    1. That the report entitled “Award of Contract #012-R-24 Janitorial and Carpet Cleaning Services for Various City Locations” be received; and,
    2. That the contract be awarded to the highest ranked / lowest priced bidder, Kleenway Building Maintenance, for a term of four years in the total amount of $3,153,233.44 inclusive of HST as per the following;
      Year 1 - June 1, 2025 - May 31, 2026 - $ 788,308.36
      Year 2 - June 1, 2026 - May 31, 2027 - $ 788,308.36
      Year 3 - June 1, 2027 - May 31, 2028 - $ 788,308.36
      Year 4 - June 1, 2028 - May 31, 2029 - $ 788,308.36
      Total: $ 3,153,233.44; and,

      Pricing will be firm for the initial two years of the contract ending May 31, 2027 and year 3 commencing June 1, 2027 will be subject to Consumer Price Index (CPI) increase to a maximum of 3%; and,
    3. That the contract includes an option for the City (in its sole discretion) to extend the contract for up to four additional years to be exercised in two (2) year periods. Pricing will be subject to CPI increase to a maximum of 3% if the extension is exercised on June 1, 2029 and again on June 1, 2031 for a total maximum increase of 9% over 8 years if extension years are exercised; and,
    4. That the Director of Sustainability & Asset Management and Senior Manager of Procurement & Accounts Payable be authorized to extend the contract for an additional four years, in two (2) year periods, subject to adoption of the annual operating budget, vendor performance; and,
    5. That the annual amount of $788,308.36 (inclusive of HST) be funded from various operating accounts; and,
    6. That the award amounts in 2026 to 2033 be subject to Council adoption of the respective annual operating budgets; and,
    7. The 2025 annual budget shortfall of $125,465.36 be reported as part of the year end results of operations and that the future departmental operating budgets be adjusted accordingly, subject to approval of the 2026-2033 operating budgets; and further,
    8. That staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.

D. Chung, ext. 2025 / J. Chan, ext. 2073

    1. That the report entitled “Award of Contract #163-R-24 Supply and Delivery of Branded Merchandise and Workplace Apparel” be received; and,
    2. That the contract be awarded to the lowest priced, highest ranked bidder, Five Star Enterprise, for a term of two years in the total amount of $410,686 inclusive of HST as per the following;
      April 1, 2025 - March 31, 2026 - $ 205,343.00
      April 1, 2026 - March 31, 2027 - $ 205,343.00
      Total: $ 410,686; and,
    3. That the contract includes an option for the City (in its sole discretion) to extend the contract for up to two additional years. Pricing will be firm for the initial term of the contract (April 1, 2025 to March 31, 2027), and options to extend in years 3-4 (April 1, 2025 to March 31, 2027) will be subject to Consumer Price Index (CPI) increase to a maximum of 2%; and,
    4. That the Director of Recreation and Senior Manager of Procurement & Accounts Payable be authorized to extend the contract for an additional two years subject to adoption of the annual operating budget, vendor performance, and an increase based on the CPI to a maximum of 2%; and,
    5. That the annual amount of $205,343.00 (inclusive of HST) be funded from various operating accounts as illustrated in the financial considerations section; and,
    6. That the award amounts in 2026 to 2029 be subject to Council adoption of the respective annual operating budgets; and further,
    7. That staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.
    1. That the minutes and notes of the September 9 and December 2, 2024 Race Relations Committee be received for information purposes.
    1. That the minutes and notes of the November 6, 2024 Santa Claus Parade Organizing Committee be received for information purposes.
    1. That the minutes and notes of the November 28, 2024 Markham Environmental Advisory Committee be received for information purposes.
    1. That the minutes and notes of the January 20 and February 24, 2025 Advisory Committee on Accessibility be received for information purposes.
    1. That the minutes and notes of the January 25, 2025, Markham Public Library Board be received for information purposes.

C. Ching, ext. 2035

    1. That the report entitled “The MECP – Markham Distribution System – Drinking Water Inspection Report, January 30, 2025” be received; and further,
    2. That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.


D. Plant, ext. 4893

    1. That the report entitled “City Parks and Public Properties Bylaw” be received; and further,
    2. That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.

C. Nearing, ext. 5960

    1. That the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to execute this, and any future Donation Agreement, between the City of Markham and Seneca College, or other entity, and any and all associated documents, upon satisfactory review by the City Solicitor.

B. Frois, ext. 3792 / C. Jeyanathan, ext. 2322

Note: Attachments have been updated

    1. That the report entitled Building Markham’s Future Together (BMFT) 2020 – 2026 Strategic Plan Update be received; and further,
    2. That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.
    1. That the following updates from the Auditor General be received:
      1. Fleet Operations Audit;
      2. Cornell Community Park - Lessons Learned Review;
      3. Auditor General - Follow Up Report;
      4. Contact Centre Review - Final Report be received; and further,
    2. That staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.

A. Moore, ext. 4711

    1. That the report “Buy Canadian” Procurement Strategies be received; and,
    2. That Council approve in principle, a “Buy Canadian” approach in the City’s procurement of goods and services, where feasible and in the best interest of the City, and in compliance with applicable trade agreements and legislation; and,
    3. That the Senior Manager, Procurement, as approved by the City Treasurer and in consultation with the City Solicitor or their designate, be authorized to implement (as a temporary measure in response to U.S. tariffs) amendments to the City’s Procurement By-law and associated policies and procedures to give effect to the “Buy Canadian” approach noted under Recommendation #2, including, but not limited to:
      a.    Amendment of Part II - Methods of Procurement, Sections 5.1, 6.1 and 8.1 and Appendix A of Procurement By-Law 2017-8 to increase the open procurement dollar thresholds to match the dollar thresholds applicable to municipalities under the Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA), to enable Staff to procure goods and services directly from Canadian vendors below the thresholds; 
      b.    Inclusion of the requirement or preference, where feasible, in the best interests of the City and in compliance with the City’s trade agreement obligations, for the procurement of Canadian goods and services; and,
    4. That the Senior Manager, Procurement and the applicable Director, with approval from the City Solicitor and City Treasurer (or their designates), be authorized to amend or establish contracts for goods and services, as required, to manage the impacts of tariffs on costs and supply chains and ensure continuity of business operations in compliance with the City’s Expenditure Control Policy; and further,
    5. That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.



Note: The notice of this motion was given to the General Committee at its meeting held on March 4, 2025.

    1. That By-law 77-93 Section 11, Subsection 8 be deleted; and further,
    2. That this amendment not be applied retroactively.

As per Section 2 of the Council Procedural By-Law, "New/Other Business would generally apply to an item that is to be added to the Agenda due to an urgent statutory time requirement, or an emergency, or time sensitivity".

  • That, in accordance with Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, General Committee resolve into a confidential session to discuss the following matters:



GENERAL COMMITTEE CONFIDENTIAL MINUTES - MARCH 4, 2025 [Municipal Act, 2001, Section 239 (2) (c)]




[Municipal Act, 2001, Section 239 (2) (h)] (7.0)

No Item Selected