Heritage Markham Committee Minutes

Meeting Number: 8
Electronic Meeting
  • Councillor Reid McAlpine, Chair
  • Councillor Keith Irish
  • Ron Blake
  • David Butterworth
  • Victor Huang
  • Nathan Proctor
  • Tejinder Sidhu
  • Lake Trevelyan
  • Kugan Subramaniam
  • Vanda Vicars
  • Elizabeth Wimmer, Vice-Chair
  • Councillor Karen Rea
  • David Wilson
  • Regan Hutcheson, Manager, Heritage Planning
  • Evan Manning, Senior Heritage Planner
  • Erica Alligood, Election & Committee Coordinator
  • Rajeeth Arulanantham, Election & Committee Coordinator
  • Jennifer Evans, Legislative Coordinator

Councillor Reid McAlpine, Chair, convened the meeting at 7:03 PM by asking for any disclosures of interest with respect to items on the agenda.

There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest.

  1.  Addendum Agenda
  2. New Business from Committee Members

Councillor Keith Irish advised that he would like to introduce a motion under new business related to the compatibility of the Thornhill Heritage Conservation District Plan with the Yonge Corridor Secondary Plan.

  • Recommendation:

    That the August 14, 2024 Heritage Markham Committee agenda be approved.


See attached material.

  • Recommendation:

    That the minutes of the Heritage Markham Committee meeting held on July 10, 2024 be received and adopted.


File Numbers:

R. Hutcheson, Manager, Heritage Planning

Regan Hutcheson, Manager, Heritage Planning, introduced two new members of Heritage Markham which were appointed by Council and started their terms on August 1st : Vanda Vicars of the Unionville area and Kugan Subramaniam, an at-large member. 

Vanda Vicars and Kugan Subramaniam introduced themselves and expressed enthusiasm for participating and serving the community on the Heritage Markham Committee. 

  • Recommendation:

    That Heritage Markham welcomes new members Vanda Vicars and Kugan Subramaniam.


File Numbers:

R. Hutcheson, Manager, Heritage Planning
Y. Wu, Public Art Coordinator

Regan Hutcheson, Manager, Heritage Planning introduced this item as related to a heritage permit application for the Public Art Projects on Main Street Unionville and welcomed Yan Wu to deliver a presentation.

Yan Wu, Public Art Coordinator, provided an overview of the Public Art Projects that are proposed to be installed on Main Street Unionville as part of the overall streetscape restoration project. Ms. Wu reviewed the extensive process undertaken to date concerning the selection of public art submissions and the work provided by the jury to select the preferred projects. She presented conceptual drawings and artistic interpretations of the Staircase Fencing, Tree Guard/Tree Grate, and the Rouge Connection Pathway Art Projects.

The Committee expressed concerns with the overall look of the Staircase Fencing and Tree Guard/Tree Grate proposals as members felt it did not complement the heritage character of the street and would negatively affect the overall Heritage District. The Committee expressed concern with the proposed use of COR-TEN steel as it has a limited range of colour options and is out of character with Main Street, especially the manner in which it was proposed for use as tree guards. Ms. Wu advised that the drawings provided by the artist are conceptual and the feedback from the Committee will be helpful to consider revisions to ensure the community is satisfied. 

The Committee expressed further concerns with the future year-round maintenance of the proposed installation and the possibility of it staining the new pedestrian pavers over time. Ms. Wu advised that the COR-TEN steel was selected for its lower cost and durability but noted that there is budget allocated for future maintenance if needed. Ms. Wu added there is the possibility of minor discoloration over time however the installation of the material is done in a way to ensure any wash off is redirected away from the boulevard pavers.

The Committee requested that further consideration be made to help pedestrians understand the meaning behind the installations. Ms. Wu confirmed that dynamic panels and interactive elements will be installed to help decipher the code of the artwork.

The Committee requested this item be deferred to provide time for Public Art Staff to work with the artist to explore alternate colour options for the COR-TEN steel and revisions to the overall look of the tree guard/tree grate to better reflect the heritage character of the street. The Ward Councillor suggested using the standard tree guard/tree gate used by the City as a starting point for the discussion.

Regarding the Rouge Connection Pathway Art Project, the Committee enquired if the final colour treatment may change from the blue that was depicted on the illustrations and that Ms. Wu return to a future Heritage Markham meeting to share the final proposed design of this component of the Art Project.

  • Recommendations:

    That Heritage Markham defers the consideration of the Staircase Fencing Art Project and the Tree Guard/Tree Grate Art Project to the September Heritage Markham Committee meeting.

    That Heritage Markham has the following comments from a heritage perspective regarding the Heritage Permit in support of the Public Art projects identified for the Main Street Unionville Streetscape:

    • No objection to Rouge Connection Pathway Art Project conceptually, but that a final proposed design be brought back before Heritage Markham.


File Numbers:
24 179844 HE,
24 185076 HE

R. Hutcheson, Manager, Heritage Planning
E. Manning, Senior Heritage Planner

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Heritage Markham receive the information on the Minor Heritage Permits approved by Heritage Section staff under the delegated approval process.


123 MAIN ST. U., 347 MAIN ST. N., 1 BEECH ST., 175 MAIN ST. N., 8 DAVID GOHN CIRCLE, 43 MAIN ST. N., 4176 19TH AVE., 11030 WARDEN AVE.(16.11)

File Numbers:
DP 24 176623,
SP 24 165028,
HP 24 176601,
AL 24 182499,
HP 24 167174,
AL 24 171510,
HP 24 177741,
NH 23 142391

R. Hutcheson, Manager, Heritage Planning
P. Wokral, Senior Heritage Planner

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Heritage Markham receive the information on building permits approved by Heritage Section staff under the delegated approval process.



File Numbers:
24 181351 HE

R. Hutcheson, Manager, Heritage Planning
E. Manning, Senior Heritage Planner

  • Recommendations:

    THAT Heritage Markham has no objection from a heritage perspective to the proposed detached two-storey garage as detailed in the Major Heritage Permit application submitted for 329 Main Street North.

    AND THAT review of any other development application required for the proposed garage be delegated to Heritage Section staff should the placement and design be generally consistent with the conceptual drawings appended to this memo.



File Numbers:
23 148479 PLAN

R. Hutcheson, Manager, Heritage Planning
E. Manning, Senior Heritage Planner

  • Recommendations:

    THAT Heritage Markham has no comment from a heritage perspective to the proposed Minister’s Zoning Order for the eastern portion of the Langstaff Gateway Secondary Plan area;

    AND THAT consideration of the listed heritage resource at 139 Langstaff Road East be addressed as part of future development applications.



File Numbers:

R. Hutcheson, Manager, Heritage Planning
N. O’Laoghaire, Manager, Varley Art Gallery
J. Abrams, Exhibitions/Collections & Facility Coordinator, Varley Art Gallery
E. Manning, Senior Heritage Planner

Regan Hutcheson, Manager, Heritage Planning, introduced this item as related to a Heritage Permit Application from the Varley Art Gallery to address the uneven and failing pavers in the Art Gallery Courtyard and accessible parking area. Mr. Hutcheson noted that Heritage staff did ask if the Gallery had explored the possibility of using the same pavers as the Main Street Unionville streetscape project for continuity and an effort to aesthetically link the two projects together, noting that the Art Gallery chose not to pursue this option for budgetary reasons. Mr. Hutcheson advised that Heritage Section Staff have no objection to the proposal as presented in the application.

The Committee questioned if the two covered pathways of the Art Gallery Courtyard will also be replaced. Mr. Hutcheson indicated that it was his understanding that this will not be the case since they have less exposure to the elements and for the most part were not required to be replaced. 

The Committee expressed support for the same pavers being used for both the streetscape project and the accessible parking area for aesthetic continuity and due to its proximity to the boulevard. Mr. Hutcheson advised that he understands that a Request for Quotation has been released based on using the square grey paver units and there may have already been a site meeting for future bidders on the project. Mr. Hutcheson noted that in order to avoid any interference with the streetscape project this project must commence in October 2024 and be completed by December 2024.

  • Recommendation:

    That Heritage Markham has no objection from a heritage perspective to the proposed paver renewal project at the Varley Art Gallery (216 Main Street, Unionville)

    And that Heritage Markham recommends that the pavers used in the accessible parking area be the same as the pavers used in the sidewalk/boulevard area of the Main Street Unionville streetscape project. 



File Numbers:

R. Hutcheson, Manager, Heritage Planning
E. Manning, Senior Heritage Planner

Evan Manning, Senior Heritage Planner advised that this item concerns a Committee of Adjustment variance application for an accessory building containing a secondary suite, referred to as a ‘Garden Home’ in the new Comprehensive Zoning By-law. Mr. Manning confirmed that from a heritage perspective, Staff find that the proposal does not adversely impact the cultural heritage value of adjacent properties or the subject property. Russ Gregory was in attendance, on behalf of the property owners, to answer any questions from Committee members.

The Committee requested clarification on what they are offering comment on. Mr. Manning advised that Staff are requesting comments from the Committee on the proposed scale and massing of the proposal from a heritage perspective. Mr. Manning also noted that there will be a subsequent Major Heritage Permit application providing detailed information about the exterior treatment of the proposed residential accessory building.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Heritage Markham receives as information the opinion of Heritage Section staff as to the anticipated impact of the proposal on the cultural heritage value of 109 Main Street.



File Numbers:

R. Hutcheson, Manager, Heritage Planning

Regan Hutcheson, Manager, Heritage Planning introduced this item as a request from the Province seeking nominations for the Lieutenant Governor's Ontario Heritage Awards. Mr. Hutcheson noted that the deadline for nominations for any of the awards is October 11, 2024 and any nominations would need to be approved by Council prior to its submission. 

There were no comments from Committee.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Heritage Markham receive as information.



File Numbers:

R. Hutcheson, Manager, Heritage Planning

Regan Hutcheson, Manager, Heritage Planning provided an update on the Main Street Unionville Redevelopment Project with an overview of the project scope and timelines for the remainder of 2024 and 2025. Work will begin in late August on the East Lane portion of the project. Mr. Hutcheson advised there will be ongoing impacts related to access, vehicular movement and parking during construction, but that all businesses will still be accessible. 

The Ward Councillor noted that there will be project ambassadors stationed on-site to answer any questions and to liaise with the community, visitors to the area, and the Unionville BIA during construction. He also noted that there will be on-going communications and signage to keep residents and business owners informed of the project, and to minimize disruptions from construction work.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT the update on the Unionville Main Street Streetscape Project be received as information.  


Councillor Keith Irish introduced a motion under new business in support of ensuring the compatibility of the ongoing Yonge Corridor Secondary Plan study with the Thornhill Heritage Conservation District Plan.

Regan Hutcheson, Manager, Heritage Planning advised that Heritage Section staff are represented on the staff committee for the Yonge Corridor Secondary Plan Study project and once the policies in draft form, they will be brought to the Heritage Markham Committee for comment.

Heritage Markham Committee had the following motion for their consideration:

  • Whereas the Thornhill Heritage Conservation District Plan, the Thornhill Yonge Street Study (2005) and the City of Markham’s Official Plan (2014) each address ways how cultural heritage resources within and adjacent to the Conservation District are to be protected, and

    Whereas the City of Markham is presently studying the Yonge Corridor to determine the land use, parks, infrastructure, and community amenities (including schools) needed to support future growth; and,

    Whereas the terms of reference for the Yonge Corridor Secondary Plan specifically exclude the Heritage District but require that it ensure compatibility with the Thornhill Heritage Conservation District, namely the distinct character of the heritage buildings, sites and landscapes within the District; and,

    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the maximum height provisions in the Official Plan specific to the Area and Site Policies for the Thornhill Heritage Centre be added to the Thornhill Heritage Conservation District Plan; and further,

    That the Heritage Markham Committee supports the final Yonge Corridor Secondary Plan including policies that specifically address development/re-development - including urban design, built form, land uses and appropriate and respectful transitions - adjacent to the boundaries of the Thornhill Heritage Conservation District.


The Heritage Markham Committee adjourned at 9:23 PM.