Development Services Committee MeetingRevised AgendaRevised items are identified by an asterisk (*)Meeting Number: 8Tuesday, April 02, 2024 at 9:30 A.m. - 3:00 P.m.Live streamedPlease bring this Development Services Committee Agenda to the Council meeting on April 3, 2024.1.CALL TO ORDER INDIGENOUS LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTWe begin today by acknowledging the traditional territories of Indigenous peoples and their commitment to stewardship of the land. We acknowledge the communities in circle. The North, West, South and Eastern directions, and Haudenosaunee, Huron- Wendat, Anishnabeg, Seneca, Chippewa, and the Mississaugas of the Credit peoples. We share the responsibility with the caretakers of this land to ensure the dish is never empty and to restore relationships that are based on peace, friendship, and trust. We are committed to reconciliation, partnership and enhanced understanding.2.DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 3.APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MINUTES 3.1DEVELOPMENT SERVICES COMMITTEE MINUTES - MARCH 5, 2024 (10.0) 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - DSC_Mar05_2024 - English.pdf That the minutes of the Development Services Committee meeting held on March 5, 2024, be confirmed. 4.DEPUTATIONS 5.COMMUNICATIONS 6.PETITIONS 7.CONSENT REPORTS - DEVELOPMENT AND POLICY MATTERS 7.1HERITAGE MARKHAM COMMITTEE MINUTES – FEBRUARY 20 AND MARCH 13, 2024 (16.11) 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Heritage Markham Committee_Feb20_2024 - English.pdf2.Post-Meeting Minutes - Heritage Markham Committee_Mar13_2024 - English.pdf That the minutes of the Heritage Markham Committee meetings held February 20 and March 13, 2024 be received for information purposes. 7.2RECOMMENDATION REPORT, PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, REMOVAL OF LISTED PROPERTIES FROM REGISTER (16.11) 1.Proposed Amendment to the Ontario Heritage Act, Removal of Listed Properties from Register.pdfR. Hutcheson, ext. 2080 That the staff report, dated April 2, 2024, titled "Recommendation Report, Proposed Amendment to the Ontario Heritage Act, Removal of Listed Properties from Register", be received; and, That as per the Heritage Markham Committee recommendation attached as Appendix ‘A’ to this report, the Mayor or City Clerk be authorized to send this report and a letter to Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario, with copies to Michael Ford, Minister of Citizenship and Multiculturalism; Peter Bethlenfalvy, Minister of Finance; and John Ecker, Chair, Ontario Heritage Trust, requesting that Subsection 27(16) of the Ontario Heritage Act be amended to extend the deadline involving the removal of listed properties from a municipal heritage register for an additional five years from January 1, 2025 to January 1, 2030; and further, That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution. 7.3RECOMMENDATION REPORT, REQUEST FOR FUNDING ASSISTANCE, GROUP OF SEVEN THORNHILL HERITAGE PLAQUE RECOGNITION PROJECT (16.11) 1.Request for Funding Assistance, Group of Seven Thornhill Heritage Plaque Recognition Project.pdfR. Hutcheson, ext. 2080 That the staff report, dated April 2, 2024, titled, "Recommendation Report, Request for Funding Assistance, Group of Seven Thornhill Heritage Plaque Recognition Project", be received; and, That the concept of the Thornhill Historical Society’s Group of Seven Thornhill Heritage Plaque Recognition Project is supported and that the City provide financial assistance for each plaque consistent with funding provided through the City’s ‘Interpretive Plaques for Properties of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest in Heritage Conservation Districts’ program at a total cost of $700.00; and, That the funding be provided from the Heritage Preservation Account (087 2800 115); and further, That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution. 8.REGULAR REPORTS - CULTURE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MATTERS 8.1MARKHAM CENTRE AUTOMOBILITY DEMONSTRATION ZONE MICROMOBILITY PILOT (10.0) 1.Markham Centre Automobility Demonstration Zone Micro-Mobility Pilot.pdfC. Rickett, ext. 4871Note: Report is now attached. That the report entitled “Markham Centre Automobility Demonstration Zone Micro-Mobility Pilot” be received; and, That the City opt into participating in O.Reg 389/19 - Pilot Project - Electric Kick-Scooters; and, That City Staff be directed to deliver a micro-mobility pilot in Markham Centre Demonstration Zone, with the boundaries being Highway 7 to the north, Highway 407 to the south, Warden Avenue in the west, and Kennedy Road in the east, to assess the uptake and impact of the use of micro-mobility solutions in the City and report back to Council in Q2 2025 with details of the pilot; and, That City Staff be authorized to enter into an agreement to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering and Director of Operations with Scooty Mobility Incorporated to undertake a micro-mobility pilot in Markham Centre; and, That City Staff be directed to bring forward all necessary by-laws and by-law amendments to permit and regulate the use of e-scooters in the Markham Centre Demonstration Zone, in accordance with the Provincial Pilot (ON Reg. 389/19); and further, That City Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution. 9.MOTIONS 10.NOTICES OF MOTION 11.NEW/OTHER BUSINESS As per Section 2 of the Council Procedural By-Law, "New/Other Business would generally apply to an item that is to be added to the Agenda due to an urgent statutory time requirement, or an emergency, or time sensitivity".12.ANNOUNCEMENTS 13.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.Request for Funding Assistance, Group of Seven Thornhill Heritage Plaque Recognition Project.pdf1.Proposed Amendment to the Ontario Heritage Act, Removal of Listed Properties from Register.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Heritage Markham Committee_Feb20_2024 - English.pdf2.Post-Meeting Minutes - Heritage Markham Committee_Mar13_2024 - English.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - DSC_Mar05_2024 - English.pdf1.Markham Centre Automobility Demonstration Zone Micro-Mobility Pilot.pdf