Electronic Development Services Public Meeting Minutes

Meeting Number 5
Live streamed
Roll Call
  • Mayor Frank Scarpitti
  • Deputy Mayor Don Hamilton
  • Regional Councillor Jack Heath
  • Regional Councillor Joe Li
  • Regional Councillor Jim Jones
  • Councillor Keith Irish
  • Councillor Alan Ho
  • Councillor Reid McAlpine
  • Councillor Karen Rea
  • Councillor Andrew Keyes
  • Councillor Amanda Collucci
  • Councillor Khalid Usman
  • Councillor Isa Lee
  • Biju Karumanchery, Director, Planning & Urban Design
  • Ron Blake, Senior Manager, Development
  • Stacia Muradali, Acting Manager, East District
  • Laura Gold, Council/Committee Coordinator
  • Scott Chapman, Election & Council/Committee Coordinator

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In consideration of the ongoing state of emergency surrounding the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the emergency public health orders issued by the Government of Ontario, this meeting was conducted electronically to maintain physical distancing among participants. 

The Development Services Public Meeting convened at the hour of 7:00 PM with Councillor Keith Irish presiding as Chair.

Councillor Khalid Usman arrived at 7:31 PM.

Deputations were made for the following item:

4.1 - Incon Holdings (7350 Markham Road)

Refer to the individual item for the deputation details.

The Public Meeting for this date was to consider an application submitted by Incon Holdings (Markham Road) Ltd. to amend the Official Plan and applicable zoning by-law to permit a medium and high density development at 7350 Markham Road comprised of two 16-storey buildings with 593 apartment units, four-storey back-to-back and stacked townhouses, and three-storey townhouses.

The Committee Clerk advised that 1,062 notices were mailed on May 27, 2020 and that a Public Meeting sign was posted on the subject property on May 14, 2020. There were eight written submissions received in opposition to  this development proposal.

Stacia Muradali, Acting Manager, East District, delivered a presentation on the development application, providing members of Committee with an overview of the area context, conceptual site plan, applicable policy and zoning context, outstanding issues to be addressed through staff review, and next steps.

Jack Wong, Malone Given Parsons, consultant to the applicant, delivered a presentation on the proposal submitted by the applicant, including an overview of the application history and conceptual site plan. Prish Jain, TACT Architecture, consultant to the applicant, provided members of Committee with an overview of the proposed design for the development, including the conceptual site plan; built form, height and massing study; and conceptual renderings.

The following deputations were made on the development proposal:

Maaz Khan, resident expressed the following concerns regarding the development proposal:

  • The height of the condominium is too high;
  • The development proposal is too dense for the area;
  • The added density to the area may cause overcrowding at the local schools;
  • The impact the development proposal will have on traffic congestion and safety;
  • The impact of the entrance to the development proposal on Markham Road on traffic congestion and safety;
  • The congestion the development proposal may create on Golden Avenue.

Maqsood Mahboob, resident expressed the following concerns regarding the development proposal:

  • That people visiting the development will park on Golden Avenue;
  • The impact the development proposal will have on local traffic;
  • That the development will lower his property value;
  • The added density the development will add to the area;
  • That the development proposal will impact his privacy.

Indi Wicks, resident expressed the following concerns regarding the development proposal:

  • The impact the development proposal will have on pedestrian safety;
  • The height of the proposed condominium;
  • That the development will increase the traffic on Golden Avenue.

Lisa Wilkinson, President of the Condominium Board, 7542 Markham Road expressed the following concerns regarding the development proposal:

  • That the residents parking spots are being reduced when residents with more than one vehicle are likely to be purchasing these condominium units;
  • That reducing the number of resident parking spots may cause future issues, like residents parking in visitors spots and the Condominium Board having to hire enforcement to control the matter;
  • The transit in the area is not frequent enough to support the reduction of resident parking spots;
  • The density of the development proposal and the impact on traffic congestion in the area, including drivers cutting through the parking lot at 7542 Markham Road to avoid traffic.

Committee provided the following feedback on the development proposal:

  • The development proposal is too dense;
  • The amount of resident parking should not be permitted to be reduced, as the area is not that well served by transit;
  • The impact the development proposal will have on traffic safety and congestion;
  • Suggested that all  housing in the development proposal should be part of the Condominium Board to prevent future issues;
  • That York Region be asked to consider reducing the speed on Markham Road in this area to 50 km per hour;
  • That a sign be put up on Golden Avenue prohibiting U turns;
  • Asked what the size is of the townhouses being proposed;
  • Did not like how the design integrates with the streetscape;
  • Concerned that the development proposal did not include a public park, as it may not be in close enough proximity to an existing park;
  • Suggested that the Applicant consider the impact that COVID-19 may have on resident behavior, like choosing to drive rather than take transit;
  • Requested that a barrier or sign be put up on Markham Road preventing residents from stopping in front of the development proposal;
  • Suggested locating the condominium in the centre of the development proposal;
  • That the design of the condominium is too boxy;
  • Asked staff to compare the density of the development proposal with the density of the development at the south west corner of Markham Road and Dennison Street;
  • Asked if a hydrology study has been done to ensure the property can support a 3 level underground parking structure.

Jack Wong, consultant representing the Applicant responded to the residents' and Committee’s inquiries regarding the development proposal. Recently, the School Boards were consulted on the development proposal, and indicated that the schools have the capacity to accommodate the development.  In this proposal, the townhomes vary in size and model. The smallest unit is 482 square feet for a lower unit, and the largest unit is approximately 3,000 square feet. Most of the lane based townhouse models are 3 bedroom and have two parking spots, but the stacked units only have one parking spot. Some of the townhome models also have an option for a purpose-built secondary suite. Also, the applicant is still finalizing the details of the development proposal, including the management of the shared amenities if some of the townhome units are freehold. It is anticipated that the development will be built in phases.

Richard Pernicky, Senior Transportation Engineer, representing the Applicant responded to the residents’ and Committee’s questions regarding traffic. To start with, the Traffic Impact Study for the development proposal is currently being reviewed by City staff. York Region is also in the process of reviewing a proposal to permit left turns into the development from Markham Road. This is being proposed to York Region to help alleviate traffic on Markham Road. If this is not permitted by York Region, residents will only be able to make a right turn in and and a right turn out of the development from Markham Road. Furthermore, the resident parking requirement for the site is 972 spots, but the number of resident spots is being requested to be reduced by 98 parking spots. This is being proposed to try and encourage property purchasers/owners to use transit rather than rely on an automobile. The visitor parking requirement of 177 parking spots will be met, as visitor behavior cannot be controlled. Moreover, vehicle pick-up and drop-off will be located inside the development to prevent residents from stopping on Markham Road. Signs prohibiting stopping on Markham Road could also be installed.

Prishram Jain, Architect, representing the Applicant advised that the densest area of a development is typically put near the artery road, and away from nearby subdivisions. Also, that the building was designed to make it appear less boxy.

Staff responded to residents’ and Committee’s inquiries. Staff are still reviewing the Traffic Impact Study for this development proposal and have not provided feedback on the proposed parking proposal at this time. Similarly, staff are still reviewing the Applicant’s hydrology study to ensure that a three level underground parking structure can be supported on this site.  Comments from tonight’s meeting will be provided to the applicable City staff to consider when reviewing the studies. As part of the city’s Transit Demand Management (TDM) program, the parking and the units would likely be required to be sold separately. In addition, a new park is being built on the east side of Markham Road, which will be completed in the next two or three years. Brando Park is also approximately 450 m from the development proposal. Staff noted that the condominium complex across the street is of a comparable density to the development being proposed. Staff will report back on how the density of this development proposal compares with the density of the development located at Markham Road and Dennison Street.

  • Moved byCouncillor Khalid Usman
    Seconded byCouncillor Isa Lee
    1. That the deputations by Maaz Khan, Maqsood Mahboob, Indi Wicks, and Lisa Wilkinson regarding the “Preliminary Report, Incon Holdings (Markham Road) Ltd., Applications to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law to permit a high density residential development at 7350 Markham Road, Ward 7 (File Nos. PLN 19 141513)”, be received; and,
    2. That the written submissions by Mahindan Bala, Wilbert Co, Lisa Wilkinson, Maqsood Mahbood, Sulaksan Sabaratnam, Kam Wong, and Chirag Shah regarding the “Preliminary Report, Incon Holdings (Markham Road) Ltd., Applications to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law to permit a high density residential development at 7350 Markham Road, Ward 7 (File Nos. PLN 19 141513)”, be received; and,
    3. That the Development Services Commission report dated May 11th, 2020 and titled “Preliminary Report, Incon Holdings (Markham Road) Ltd., Applications to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law to permit a high density residential development at 7350 Markham Road, Ward 7 (File Nos. PLN 19 141513)” be received; and,
    4. That the record of the Public Meeting held on June 16th, 2020, with respect to the applications to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment (PLN 19 141513)) submitted by Incon Holdings (Markham Road) Ltd, to permit a high density residential development at 7350 Markham Road, be received; and further,
    5. That the applications to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law (PLN 19 141513) submitted by Incon Holdings (Markham Road) Ltd. to permit a high density residential development at 7350 Markham Road, be referred back to Staff.      


  • Moved byDeputy Mayor Don Hamilton
    Seconded byCouncillor Khalid Usman

    That the Development Services Public Meeting adjourn at 9:16 PM.

No Item Selected