Development Services Committee Meeting Minutes

Meeting Number: 10
Live streamed
Roll Call
  • Mayor Frank Scarpitti
  • Deputy Mayor Michael Chan
  • Regional Councillor Jim Jones
  • Regional Councillor Joe Li
  • Regional Councillor Alan Ho
  • Councillor Keith Irish
  • Councillor Ritch Lau
  • Councillor Reid McAlpine
  • Councillor Karen Rea
  • Councillor Andrew Keyes
  • Councillor Juanita Nathan
  • Councillor Isa Lee
  • Councillor Amanda Collucci
  • Andy Taylor, Chief Administrative Officer
  • Arvin Prasad, Commissioner, Development Services
  • Trinela Cane, Commissioner, Corporate Services
  • Morgan Jones, Commissioner, Community Services
  • Claudia Storto, City Solicitor and Director of Human Resources
  • Joseph Silva, Treasurer
  • Maggie Cheung-Madar, Assistant City Solicitor
  • Giulio Cescato, Director of Planning & Urban Design
  • Darryl Lyons, Deputy Director, Planning & Urban Design
  • Frank Clarizio, Director, Engineering
  • Stephanie DiPerna, Director, Building Standards
  • Stephen Lue, Senior Manager, Development
  • Regan Hutcheson, Manager, Heritage
  • Mark Visser, Senior Manager, Financial Strategy & Investments
  • Loy Cheah, Senior Manager, Transportation
  • Stacia Muradali, Manager, Development - East
  • John Yeh, Manager, Strategy & Innovation
  • Hailey Miller, Planner I, West District
  • Patrick Wong, Senior Natural Heritage Planner
  • Peter Wokral, Senior Planner
  • Lawrence Yip, Senior Planner, Urban Design
  • Duran Wedderburn, Manager, Policy
  • Lily-Ann D’Souza, Senior Planner, Policy
  • Michael Sraga, Senior Planner II
  • Erica Alligood, Election / Committee Coordinator
  • Rajeeth Arulanantham, Assistant to Council / Committee
  • Evan Manning, Senior Planner, Heritage
  • Soran Sito, Manager, Environmental Engineering
  • Christopher Kalimootoo, Senior Manager, Engineering Review
  • Henry Lo, Manager, Transportation Planning
  • Abdullah Hossain, Environmental Engineer

Alternate formats for this document are available upon request

The Development Services Committee was called to order at 9:07 AM with Regional Councillor Jim Jones in the Chair.

The Committee recessed from 1:23 PM to 2:00 PM.


We begin today by acknowledging the traditional territories of Indigenous peoples and their commitment to stewardship of the land. We acknowledge the communities in circle. The North, West, South and Eastern directions, and Haudenosaunee, Huron- Wendat, Anishnabeg, Seneca, Chippewa, and the Mississaugas of the Credit peoples. We share the responsibility with the caretakers of this land to ensure the dish is never empty and to restore relationships that are based on peace, friendship, and trust. We are committed to reconciliation, partnership and enhanced understanding.

There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest.

  • Moved byCouncillor Andrew Keyes
    Seconded byCouncillor Juanita Nathan
    1. That the minutes of the Development Services Committee meeting held on April 2, 2024, be confirmed.

The Development Services Committee recognized the following members of staff:

Chief Administrative Office - People Services
Joie Kwan, Compensation & Benefits Administrator, People Services, 5 years

Chief Administrative Office - Fire & Emergency Services
Tyler Duffin, Firefighter, Fire and Emergency Services, 5 years
Anderson Leung, Firefighter, Fire and Emergency Services, 5 years
Rachel Malfara, Firefighter, Fire and Emergency Services, 5 years
Jeremy Peters, Firefighter, Fire and Emergency Services, 5 years
Connor Simonds, Firefighter, Fire and Emergency Services, 5 years
Edmond Tang, Firefighter, Fire and Emergency Services, 5 years
Filip Wandas, Firefighter, Fire and Emergency Services, 5 years
Bowman Webster, Firefighter, Fire and Emergency Services, 5 years
Victoria Wells, Firefighter, Fire and Emergency Services, 5 years

Community Services Commission
James Bingham, Supervisor, Parks Operations, Operations, 25 years
Sheila Fockler, Group Leader, Operations, 25 years
Tim Ballagh, Supervisor, Waterworks, Environmental Services, 20 years
Damian Barron, Operations Labourer/Driver, Operations, 5 years

Corporate Services Commission
Lyrae Ignacio, Client Advisor ITS, Information Technology Services, 15 years

Development Services Commission
Rafael Saa, Building Inspector II, Building Standards, 20 years
Alberto Lim, Engineer, Capital Works, Engineering, 15 years
Daniel Brutto, Senior Planner, Development, Planning and Urban Design, 10 years

E. Bruce Solomon, Joseph Virgilio, and Francis Lapointe made deputations on Item 8.5 as detailed with the respective item. 

Rose Bortolussi made a deputation on Item 8.6 as detailed with the respective item.

Adam Layton, Rob Lavecchia, Elizabeth Brown, Stephen Edgell, and Teresa Paz-Soldan delivered deputations on Item 10.1 as detailed with the respective item. 

Note: Please refer to item 8.6 for staff report.

    1. That the communication submitted by Rose Bortolussi providing comments regarding the above subject matter be received.

Note: Please refer to item 8.7 for staff report.

  • Moved byCouncillor Juanita Nathan
    Seconded byCouncillor Andrew Keyes
    1. That the communications submitted by Joe Grant, LLF Lawyers LLP (representing the owner of 7696 9th Line), providing comments regarding the above subject matter be received.

Note: Please refer to item 10.1 for staff report.

  • Moved byCouncillor Karen Rea
    Seconded byCouncillor Reid McAlpine
    1. That the communications submitted by the following providing comments regarding the above subject matter be received:
      • Don Payne
      • John Clark
      • Tenny Silva
      • Rob Lavecchia, KLM Planning Partners Inc., representing the owner of the lands located at 9408 - 9426 Markham Road
      • Nancy E. Walton
      • Dave Clapperton
      • Adam Layton, Evans Planning, representing the owner of the property at 9999 Markham Road
      • Marvin Tang
      • Rosemarie L. Humphries, Humphries Planning, on behalf of Meadowpark Investments (BT) Inc.
      • Rosemarie L. Humphries, Humphries Planning, on behalf of Krashnik Investments Limited
      • Dianne and Alan More
      • Dianne More on behalf of the Markham Village Conservancy
      • Donna Knight
      • Eddy Y
      • Elisabeth Tan
      • Keith MacKinnon, KLM Planning, on behalf of Wismer Markham (Commercial) Developments Inc. c/o Metrus Properties
      • Lucia Mariani
      • Thomas Tingchaleun
      • Sandy Koteles
      • Siobhan Covington
      • Francesco Fiorani

Note: Please refer to item 8.5 for staff report.

  • Moved byCouncillor Karen Rea
    Seconded byCouncillor Reid McAlpine
    1. That the communications submitted by Joseph Virgilio and Francis Lapointe, representing the owner of the property at 7507 Kennedy Road, providing comments regarding the above subject matter be received.

There were no petitions.

  • Moved byRegional Councillor Joe Li
    Seconded byCouncillor Ritch Lau
    1. That the minutes of the Development Services Public Meetings held March 19 and April 2, 2024, be confirmed.
  • Moved byRegional Councillor Joe Li
    Seconded byCouncillor Ritch Lau
    1. That the minutes of the Cycling and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (CPAC) meeting held November 11, 2023, be received for information purposes.
  • Moved byRegional Councillor Joe Li
    Seconded byCouncillor Ritch Lau
    1. That the minutes of the Varley-McKay Art Foundation of Markham meetings held January 15, February 11, and March 18, 2024, be received for information purposes.
  • Moved byRegional Councillor Joe Li
    Seconded byCouncillor Ritch Lau
    1. ​That the minutes of the Doors Open Organizing Committee meetings held January 11, February 7, and March 6, 2024, be received for information purposes.

E. Bruce Solomon, deputant, advised that etter was sent, advised notice was rec'd by mail on April 12th, hired Mr. Lapointe who has done research - position is that they did not have input into the designation being put forth. Research is not consistent with Committee findings. 

Joe Virgilio, deputant, client has great degree of respect for Heritage in the City and support retaining heritage properties. Expressed concerns with the process behind designation and the timeline upon which they received notice of designation. Have prepared an extensive report responding to designation.

Francis Lapointe, deputant, expressed opposition to the designation of 7507 Kennedy Road, noting that he does not believe it is not a significant heritage resource, based on the criteria mandated by the Province. Mr. Lapointe expressed confusion with the heritage significance tied to this property, noting that based on his research it was likely formerly a commercial building, which is now in poor condition. Mr. Lapointe advised that he does not believe this property is worthy of designation. 

Giulio Cescato, Director, Planning & Urban Design, advised that the notice provided related to this designation was a courtesy notice which is part of the City's designation process and not legislated. Director Cescato confirmed that the notice for objection will be sent in July and advised that this is not the final decision on designation for this property but indicates the City's intention to designate.

The Committee expressed disappointment in the Provincial legislation which has forced municipalities to make a determination on designation but noted that there is time within the process for the Owner and their representatives to meet with Heritage Section Staff. 

  • Moved byMayor Frank Scarpitti
    Seconded byCouncillor Karen Rea
    1. That the Staff report, dated April 23, 2024, titled, "RECOMMENDATION REPORT, Designation of Priority Properties – Phase IX”, be received; and,
    2. That the deputations made by E. Bruce Solomon, Joseph Virgilio, and Francis Lapointe at the April 23, 2024 Development Services Committee be received; and,
    3. That the June 14, 2023, recommendation from the Heritage Markham Committee, in support of the designation of the following properties under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act (in accordance with Appendix ‘B’), be received as information:
      • 5011 Highway 7 East (Ward 3): “Eckardt-Sabiston House”; and,
      • 7792 Highway 7 East (Ward 5): “Armstrong-Coumans House”; and,
      • 7804 Highway 7 East (Ward 5): “Frank and Mary Jarvis House”; and,
      • 7842 Highway 7 East (Ward 5): “Russell and Alma Forster House”; and,
      • 7507 Kennedy Road (Ward 8): “John and Elizabeth Smith House”; and,
      • 10754 Victoria Square Blvd (Ward 2): “William and Hannah Hatton House”; and,
    4. That Council state its intention to designate 5011 Highway 7 East (Ward 3) under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act in recognition of its cultural heritage significance; and,
    5. That Council state its intention to designate 7792 Highway 7 East (Ward 5) under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act in recognition of its cultural heritage significance; and,
    6. That Council state its intention to designate 7804 Highway 7 East (Ward 5) under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act in recognition of its cultural heritage significance; and,
    7. That Council state its intention to designate 7842 Highway 7 East (Ward 5) under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act in recognition of its cultural heritage significance; and,
    8. That Council state its intention to designate 7507 Kennedy Road (Ward 8) under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act in recognition of its cultural heritage significance; and,
    9. That Council state its intention to designate 10754 Victoria Square Blvd (Ward 2) under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act in recognition of its cultural heritage significance; and,
    10. That if there are no objections to the designation in accordance with the provisions of the Ontario Heritage Act, the Clerk’s Department be authorized to place a designation by-law before Council for adoption; and,
    11. That if there are any objections in accordance with the provisions of the Ontario Heritage Act, the matter return to Council for further consideration; and further,
    12. That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.
  • Moved byCouncillor Karen Rea
    Seconded byCouncillor Reid McAlpine
    1. That the communications submitted by Joseph Virgilio and Francis Lapointe, representing the owner of the property at 7507 Kennedy Road, providing comments regarding the above subject matter be received.

Rose Bortolussi, deputant and owner of 7560 Ninth Line, expressed opposition to the designation of her property, advising that she submitted a formal opposition to designation. Ms. Bortolussi advised that she has resided in the community for 28 years and noted that there have been significant changes in the surrounding area, with many existing homes being demolished and replaced by more modern homes, removing the feel of a heritage hamlet. Ms. Bortolussi expressed concerns with the impact that designation may have on selling her property in future and requested that the property not be designated. 

The Committee asked if the designation would prevent redevelopment of the property in future, noting that there are examples throughout the City of heritage homes being maintained on properties where additional development has been incorporated. 

Giulio Cescato, Director, Planning & Urban Design, advised that there are opportunities for redevelopment following designation of a property, acknowledging that this often requires more thought as demolition of the entire structure is unlikely to be permitted. Director Cescato advising that additions could be built onto the structure, with partial demolition at times being permitted. Director Cescato also confirmed that tri-plexes are permitted as-of-right and would be permitted following designation as designation only provides controls for the exterior of the home, not the interior. 

  • Moved byCouncillor Karen Rea
    Seconded byCouncillor Reid McAlpine
    1. That the Staff report, dated April 23, 2024, titled "RECOMMENDATION REPORT, Objection to Notice of Intention to Designate – Phase VI Properties”, be received; and,
    2. That the deputation by Rose Bortolussi made at the April 23, 2024 Development Services Committee be received; and,
    3. That the written objection to designation under the Ontario Heritage Act as submitted by the property owner of 7560 Ninth Line (Ward 7), be received as information; and,
    4. That Council affirm its intention to designate 7560 Ninth Line (Ward 7) under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act in recognition of its cultural heritage significance; and,
    5. That the Clerk’s Department be authorized to place a designation by-law before Council for adoption; and,
    6. That the Clerk’s Department be authorized to publish and serve notice of Council’s adoption of the designation by-law as per the requirements of the Ontario Heritage Act; and further,
    7. That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.
  • Moved byRegional Councillor Joe Li
    Seconded byCouncillor Ritch Lau
    1. That the April 23, 2024, report titled, “RECOMMENDATION REPORT - Notice of Objection to the Inclusion of a Property on the Markham Register of Property of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest, 7696 Ninth Line, Ward 7”, be received; and,
    2. That the recommendation from the Heritage Markham Committee on February 20, 2024, that 7696 Ninth Line is not a significant cultural heritage resource and has no objection to removal of the property from the Markham Register of Property of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest (in accordance with Appendix ‘E’ of this report), be received as information; and,
    3. That Council supports removal of 7696 Ninth Line from the Markham Register of Property of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest; and further,
    4. That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.

Arvin Prasad, Commissioner, Development Services, introduced this item as a response to a request made by Committee at a previous meeting, requesting a presentation providing an overview of development activity in key development areas. Commissioner Prasad advised that the presentation would provide an overview for secondary plan areas including Markham Centre, Yonge Corridor, Langstaff Gateway, Markville, Markham Road - Mount Joy, Milliken Centre, and Cornell Centre, and would provide overall context for growth. Commissioner Prasad introduced John Yeh to deliver a presentation. 

John Yeh, Manager, Strategy and Innovation, delivered a presentation. 

Commissioner Prasad noted that for Markham Centre, as often happens while preparing maps and several versions, the application for Lifetime was inadvertently left off which is a two-phase active application for 2930 total units.  

The Committee provided the following feedback:

  • Emphasized the need for a comprehensive development strategy along Old Kennedy Road. Commissioner Prasad noted that the presentation provided was not intended to be City-wide, but to provide updates on key areas of growth. Commissioner Prasad confirmed that the Milliken Centre secondary plan would likely be brought before Committee in May or June, following extensive consultation. 
  • Expressed support for the Milliken Centre Secondary Plan including the equivalent area on the Toronto side to inform what their plans are. 
  • Milliken - would be nice to include equivalent area on Toronto side to see what their plans are. 
  • Expressed concerns with the population numbers outlined in the presentation. Darryl Lyons, Deputy Director, Planning & Urban Design, advised that Staff provided numbers indicating full build out to fully understand appropriate infrastructure and community amenities needed so that continual work is not required to redevelop infrastructure. Mr. Lyons added that this strategy would ensure that Official Plan Amendments would not be required with every application, as appropriate infrastructure would already be in place and reasonable growth forecasts would be outlined in the Official Plan.
  • Asked when the population in the City should be capped. Giulio Cescato, Director, Planning & Urban Design, commented that Staff are always planning for what can reasonably be accommodated based on servicing, amenities, and transit, stressing the importance of a growth mindset to ensure that housing remains affordable and the City is a desirable place for young people to live. Mr. Lyons added that a secondary plan and forecasting differ in that a secondary plan is intended to establish an end-state in order to determine required infrastructure and community planning, noting that it can continue to evolve over time. 
  • Encouraged a Unionville Sub-Committee meeting be scheduled to discuss the Markham Centre Secondary Plan. Director Cescato confirmed that the intention is to present to the Unionville Sub-Committee.
  • Moved byCouncillor Andrew Keyes
    Seconded byCouncillor Keith Irish
    1. That the Presentation titled “Key Secondary Plans Development Activity and Forecasted Unit Growth” dated April 23, 2024 be received; and further,
    2. That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.

Arvin Prasad, Commissioner, Development Services, introduced this item as a recommendation report for the adoption of the Markham Road - Mount Joy Secondary Plan (“Secondary Plan”) which has been a multi-year process. Commissioner Prasad reminded the Committee that the initial draft of the Secondary Plan was presented to the Committee in June 2023 and at a public meeting in November 2023. Commissioner Prasad advised that one of the key updates in the Secondary Plan is the addition of a new policy to incentivize the development of affordable housing. He added that Staff are recommending that Council adopt the Secondary Plan and that it be forwarded to York Region for approval. Commissioner Prasad introduced Lily-Ann D'Souza, Senior Planner, Policy to deliver a presentation.   

Lily-Ann D'Souza delivered a presentation. 

Adam Layton, deputant, Evans Planning, on behalf of owners of 9999 Markham Road, expressed support for the Secondary Plan proceeding but noted concerns with the heights and densities identified on the Subject Lands and the ability to achieve them. Mr. Layton commented that a Developers’ Group is needed to deliver the vision for the Secondary Plan Area and requested assistance from the City to form one, noting that without a Developers’ Group approval may be premature at this point. Mr. Layton in response to an inquiry from Councillor Rea noted that the City seems to have capped heights for mid-rise buildings at less than 12-storeys, whereas other municipalities base the mid-rise designation on the width of the right-of-way. He added that there is a zoning by-law amendment application for a 12-storey building on a portion of the Subject Lands but the Secondary Plan only provides for a 10-storey building.  

Ms. D'Souza clarified that the Secondary Plan takes a different approach to identifying maximum heights. The maximum heights identified in the Secondary Plan are separated from land use designations and based on the community structure established for the Secondary Plan Area. She noted that the maximum height for mid-rise is generally 8-storeys but there is some variation.   

Rob Lavecchia, deputant, KLM Planning, representing owners of 9408 and 9426 Markham Road, expressed, further to their submitted letter, that a  ‘High Rise’ designation would be more appropriate for the lands of these two properties, as high rise building types would better support nearby retail uses. Mr. Lavecchia added his belief that the proposed heights and densities in the Secondary Plan for these lands would not promote appropriate intensification for a Major Transit Station Area (“MTSA”) and requested that this be referred back to Staff for further consultation.   

Elizabeth Brown, deputant, expressed support to daylight a portion of Mount Joy Creek and policies in the Secondary Plan related to the ravine lands. Ms. Brown expressed concerns about the population and employment growth anticipated in the Secondary Plan Area, and inquired why the numbers changed. Ms. Brown asked if the increased heights proposed would include affordable housing and purpose-built rental. Ms. Brown commented on the change from employment area to mixeduse neighbourhood area, commenting on the need for employment. Ms. Brown expressed concerns with railroad crossings through major and minor roads, expressing the need for a plan to manage and mitigate safety issues and traffic delays.  

Darryl Lyons, Deputy Director, Planning & Urban Design, responded that the population and employment projections released early in the Secondary Plan Study were preliminary and would be further refined through subsequent analysis. He explained that the employment lands in the Secondary Plan Area are no longer identified as an employment area in the York Region Official Plan, however the lands are being retained for employment with expanded uses in the Secondary Plan.. Mr. Lyons added that the Secondary Plan includes targets for affordable housing, 25% outside the Mount Joy GO Station MTSA and 35% inside the Mount Joy GO Station MTSA. He also noted that there are policies within the Secondary Plan  that provide flexibility in terms of heights and densities if affordable housing is included in a development. Loy Cheah, Senior Manager, Transportation, added with respect to railway crossings, that Staff would continue to look at and study improvements to the transportation network to meet the intent of the Secondary Plan.  

The Committee sought confirmation on a Provincial policy preventing third-party appeals. Mr. Lyons confirmed that potential restrictions or limitations to third-party appeals is proposed in Bill 185, which has not yet come into effect, noting that Staff will be presenting an update in early May.  

The Committee asked if there is a possibility for a municipal partnership with respect to lands owned by Metrolinx. Mr. Lyons advised that work is ongoing both with Metrolinx and with the City's Recreation department to determine what needs to be developed to service the surrounding community.  

Stephen Edgell, deputant, expressed concerns with the proposed density, achievement of a mixed-use neighbourhood, lack of community amenities, ratio of jobs to residents, and the lack of currently available transit. Mr. Edgell asked about plans for a school on the site which currently houses a Home Depot and made comparisons to the North York Secondary Plan Area in the City of Toronto. Mr. Lyons clarified that the Secondary Plan establishes a vision to guide the development of a complete community with a mix of uses, schools and parks over the long term. He also clarified that while Staff endeavor to support the creation of as many jobs as possible, in areas without a planned subway, the ratio also needs to be reasonable based on the context. Mr. Lyons added that school boards have been engaged throughout the Secondary Plan process, and that the appropriate time to obtain lands for the new school sites will be determined based on population growth in the Secondary Plan Area.  

Teresa Paz-Soldan, deputant, asked if there could be a session in the evening to provide an overview to residents on the Secondary Plan. Mr. Lyons advised that throughout the process there has been extensive consultation, including community meetings held in the evenings.  

The Committee provided the following feedback: 

  • Expressed concern with the amount of congestion and traffic in the area, understanding that there are a number of infrastructure pieces critical to moving forward the Secondary Plan.  
  • Asked if the Treasure Hill application at the corner of Bur Oak Ave and Anderson Ave is now void as the area has been designated as employment. Ms. D'Souza advised that the need to maintain employment uses on these lands was identified through the Secondary Plan process, noting that there is flexibility within the policy framework that would allow for residential above employment uses. Giulio Cescato, Director, Planning & Urban Design, added that as the application was in prior to the Secondary Plan, the application would be measured against the policies in effect at the time of the application submission.  
  • Asked if Metrolinx seems open to conversations surrounding an additional GO Rail Station at Major Mackenzie Drive East. Mr. Lyons confirmed that there are ongoing conversations with Metrolinx about appropriate service levels. Frank Clarizio, Director, Engineering, advised that a working group and working framework have been developed, noting that Staff have been advocating for two additional stations on the Stouffville GO Railway Corridor (i.e., Major Mackenzie Drive East and Denison Street). Director Clarizio advised that the approval of the Secondary Plan is a key milestone, following which appropriate analysis would be undertaken to develop a ridership forecast.  
  • Expressed concerns with the proposed density and the end look of the area, noting that many of the infrastructure improvements are longterm. The Committee asked if only what is feasible in 2024 should be planned for, with future revisions to the Secondary Plan as transportation infrastructure is developed. Commissioner Prasad confirmed the importance of combining what is currently occurring and planning for the future. Commissioner Prasad emphasized the added costs to only planning infrastructure short-term.  
  • Asked if the working group with Metrolinx is only related to future stations or if it extends to infrastructure upgrades. Director Clairizio confirmed that the working group discusses existing and planned stations, and that once there is an indication of service upgrades or proposals, they then look at technical aspects for feasibility including grade separation.  
  • Asked if Metrolinx is committed to supporting the Secondary Plan. Director Clarizio confirmed that Metrolinx is enthusiastic about the Secondary Plan which will allow them to further explore and analyze infrastructure and servicing upgrades.  
  • Emphasized the need for a stronger connection between population projections and infrastructure with population caps tied to transit development, understanding that the instrument is the Zoning By-law and that holds would be placed.  
  • Asked how FSIs are tied to heights, noting that some of the indicated FSIs appear to make the indicated heights unachievable. Director Cescato advised that the FSIs do not need to be conformed to but are measures to guide development.  
  • Moved byCouncillor Andrew Keyes
    Seconded byMayor Frank Scarpitti
    1. That the Staff report dated April 23, 2024 entitled “RECOMMENDATION REPORT, City Initiated Official Plan Amendment for the Markham Road – Mount Joy Secondary Plan” be received; and,
    2. That the deputations by Adam Layton, Rob Lavecchia, Elizabeth Brown, Stephen Edgell, and Teresa Paz-Soldan, made at the April 23, 2024 Development Services Committee be received; and,
    3. That the Official Plan Amendment for the Markham Road – Mount Joy Secondary Plan, attached as Appendix “2”, be endorsed in principle, subject to further revisions as discussed at the Development Services Committee pertaining to the link between population growth and transportation improvements, and forwarded to Council for adoption, and subsequently forwarded to York Region for approval; and further,
    4. That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.


Peter Wokral, Senior Heritage Planner, introduced this item as a recommendation report for a zoning by-law amendment application and site plan at 162 Main Street North. Mr. Wokral explained that the Owner looking to legalize the use of a professional office as they have a tenant seeking to lease the building with that use.

  • Moved byCouncillor Karen Rea
    Seconded byCouncillor Reid McAlpine
    1. That the report dated April 23, 2024 titled “RECOMMENDATION REPORT, 1377402 Ontario Inc., Applications for Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan to permit the development of the lands municipally known as 162 Main Street North (Markham Village) for a Business Office with Residential as an additional use (Ward 4), Files ZA 15 147635 and SC 15 147635”, be received; and,
    2. That the Zoning By-law Amendment application (File ZA 15 147635) submitted by 1377402 Ontario Inc. to amend Zoning By-law 1229, as amended, to permit Business Office and Residential as additional uses at 162 Main Street North, and to amend the development standards to permit the existing parking lot, be approved, and the draft By-law, attached as Appendix ‘C’, be finalized and enacted without further notice; and,
    3. That the Site Plan application (File SC 15 147635) submitted by 1377402 Ontario Inc. to permit the existing parking lot at 162 Main Street North, be endorsed in principle, subject to the conditions attached as Appendix ‘A’; and,
    4. That the Site Plan application (File SC 15 147635) be delegated to the Director of Planning and Urban Design, or designate, with the issuance of Site Plan Approval following the execution of a Site Plan Agreement; and further,
    5. That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.

AT 2716-2730 ELGIN MILLS ROAD EAST (WARD 2) FILE PLAN 23 150145 (10.3, 10.5)

Arvin Prasad, Commissioner, Development Services, introduced this item as related to a recommendation report for an Official Plan amendment and Zoning By-law amendment application at 2716-2730 Elgin Mills Road East to permit a 32-unit residential sub-division. 

Billy Tung, KLM Planning, provided a presentation on behalf of the Owner. 

The Committee thanked the applicant, Planning Staff, and the Heritage Markham Committee for treating the heritage homes on site in a respectable manner and the efforts to accommodate them.

  • Moved byCouncillor Ritch Lau
    Seconded byMayor Frank Scarpitti
    1. That the report titled, “RECOMMENDATION REPORT Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications submitted by 1628740 and 1628741 Ontario Inc. to permit a 32-unit residential subdivision at 2716-2730 Elgin Mills Road East (Ward 2), File PLAN 23 150145”, be received; and,
    2. That the Official Plan Amendment application be approved and that the draft Official Plan Amendment, attached as Appendix ‘A’, be finalized and brought forward to a future Council meeting to be enacted without further notice; and,
    3. That the Zoning By-law Amendment application be approved and that the draft site-specific Zoning By-law, attached as Appendix ‘B’, be finalized and brought forward to a future Council meeting to be enacted without further notice; and,
    4. That servicing allocation for 32 units be assigned to the development and that the servicing allocation will be revoked or reallocated after a period of three (3) years from the date of Council approval should the development not proceed in a timely manner; and further,
    5. That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution. 


Arvin Prasad, Commissioner, Development Services, introduced this item as an application for a draft plan of subdivision, located on the West side of Warden Avenue in the Berczy Glen secondary plan area, which would facilitate the development of 137 lane-based townhouses, 136 back-to-back townhouses and mixed-use blocks. Commissioner Prasad recommended approval of the draft plan of subdivision in principle and introduced Emily Grant to deliver a presentation. 

Emily Grant, Malone Given Parsons, delivered a presentation. 

The Committee emphasized the need for more community amenities in this area considering continued development and proposed densities.

  • Moved byMayor Frank Scarpitti
    Seconded byCouncillor Ritch Lau
    1. That the report titled, “RECOMMENDATION REPORT, Application for Draft Plan of Subdivision by TH (Warden) Developments (BT) Inc. to facilitate the development of 137 lane-based townhouses, 136 back-to-back townhouses, mixed use blocks, a 2 ha dual use park/stormwater management block, a secondary school block, and the supporting road/lane network at 10506 and 10508 Warden Avenue (Ward 2), File PLAN 22 265291”, be received; and,
    2. That the Draft Plan of Subdivision 19TM-22021 be approved in principle, subject to the conditions set out in Appendix ‘A’ of this report and be brought forward to a future Council meeting once all outstanding matters have been resolved to the satisfaction of the Director, Planning and Urban Design; and,
    3. That the Director of Planning and Urban Design, or designate, be delegated authority to issue Draft Plan Approval, subject to the conditions set out in Appendix ‘A’, as may be amended by the Director of Planning and Urban Design, or designate; and,
    4. That Draft Plan Approval for Draft Plan of Subdivision 19TM-22021 will lapse after a period of three (3) years from the date of Council approval in the event that a Subdivision Agreement is not executed within that period; and,
    5. That servicing allocation for 1,443 units be assigned to Draft Plan of Subdivision 19TM-22021; and,
    6. That the servicing allocation will be revoked or reallocated after a period of three (3) years from the date of Council approval should the development not proceed in a timely manner; and further,
    7. That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.

S. Hill, ext. 7545

Arvin Prasad, Commissioner, Development Services, introduced this item as a recommendation report on an update of the Flato Markham Theatre 2024 Terms of Reference which focus on the strategic priorities of the theatre. Commissioner Prasad introduced Scott Hill, Acting Manager of the Theatre who was available for questions.

The Committee asked if the foundation associated with the Flato Markham Theatre is included in these terms of reference. 

Scott Hill, Acting Manager, Flato Markham Theatre, advised that there is a separate board in the process of being created which will represent the fundraising arm of the theatre, which will have a separate terms of reference.

  • Moved byCouncillor Reid McAlpine
    Seconded byCouncillor Karen Rea
    1. That the report titled “2024 Updated Terms of Reference - Flato Markham Theatre Advisory Board” be received; and,
    2. That Council approve the updated Flato Markham Theatre Advisory Board Terms of Reference; and further,
    3. That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.



There were no motions.

There were no notices of motion.

There was no new business. 

There were no announcments. 

  • Moved byCouncillor Isa Lee
    Seconded byCouncillor Juanita Nathan

    That, in accordance with Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, Development Services Committee resolve into a confidential session to discuss the following matters:















  • Moved byDeputy Mayor Michael Chan
    Seconded byCouncillor Reid McAlpine

    That the Development Services Committee adjourn at 2:49 PM.

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