Summary from the City Solicitor:
On May 7, 2024, the Ontario Land Tribunal (the “Tribunal”) approved and issued a final order, regarding the settlement between Zonix Group Inc. (the “Appellant”) and the City of Markham with respect to appeals by the Appellant from the City’s non-decision regarding applications to amend the Official Plan (“OPA”) and the Zoning By-law (“ZBL”) (“Applications”), at 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46 & 48 Steeles Avenue East and 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 47 & 49 Highland Park Avenue, located on the north east corner of Steeles Avenue East and Dudley Avenue, (the “Subject Lands”) in Thornhill.
The Settlement Proposal proposes two towers with maximum heights of 40 and 44 storeys on a six-storey podium with a total gross floor area of 74,467 square metres (“m2”) and a Floor Space Index (“FSI”) of 8.2. The development proposes 1,060 residential units, 510 vehicle parking spaces provided at a parking ratio of 0.48 parking spaces per unit based on 0.38 resident parking spaces per unit and 0.1 visitor parking spaces per unit. A total of 740 bicycle parking spaces are proposed. Driveway access will be provided from both Dudley Avenue and Highland Park Boulevard. The Settlement Proposal also proposes that a park, having an area of 1,829 m2, is to be dedicated to the City, through a stratified conveyance, along the southerly side of Highland Park Boulevard. A privately owned public space (“POPS”) is also proposed along the easterly property edge, comprising an area of 450 m2. The Settlement Proposal includes a combined indoor and outdoor amenity area ratio of 4.0 m2 per unit (the “Settlement Proposal”).
The Tribunal approved the Settlement Proposal and allowed appeals of the OPA and ZBL applications. The proposed OPA adds a new subsection to the City’s Thornhill Secondary Plan (PD 3-1) to permit the Settlement Proposal having maximum tower heights of 44 and 40 storeys and a maximum density of 8.75 FSI. The ZBL amends the City’s By-law 2237 and By-law 177-96, as amended, and zones the Subject Lands with site-specific development standards to permit the majority of the property be developed with a high-density residential development. A portion of the Subject Lands is to be conveyed to the City of Markham as a stratified public park (with private underground parking). As the Tribunal has issued its final decision, the OPA and ZBL now require assignment of by-law numbers for administrative tracking purposes.
As the OLT has issued its final decision, the ZBA and OPA now require assignment of a By-law number and Amendment number for administrative tracking purposes.
(By-law 2024-84 and By-law 2024-85)