Development Services Public Meeting Minutes

Meeting Number: 4
Live streamed
Roll Call
  • Mayor Frank Scarpitti
  • Regional Councillor Jim Jones
  • Regional Councillor Joe Li
  • Regional Counicllor Alan Ho
  • Councillor Keith Irish
  • Councillor Ritch Lau
  • Councillor Reid McAlpine
  • Councillor Karen Rea
  • Councillor Andrew Keyes
  • Councillor Amanda Collucci
  • Councillor Isa Lee
  • Deputy Mayor Michael Chan
  • Councillor Juanita Nathan
  • Rick Cefaratti, Senior Planner, West District
  • Hailey Miller, Planner I, West District
  • Laura Gold, Council/Committee Coordinator
  • Stephen Lue, Senior Manager, Development

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The Development Services Public Meeting convened at 7:06 PM with Regional Councillor Joe Li in the Chair.

There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest.

There were no deputations.



The Public Meeting this date was to consider an application submitted by 1628740 and 1628741 Ontario Inc. c/o Rob Lavecchia, KLM Planning Partners Inc.

The Committee Clerk advised that 147 notices were mailed on February 7, 2024 and a Public Meeting sign was posted on February 4, 2024.  There were 2 written submissions received regarding this proposal.

Stephen Lue, Senior Manager, Development, introduced the item.

Hailey Miller, Planner I, West District, gave a presentation regarding the proposal, the location, surrounding uses and outstanding issues.

Billy Tung, KLM Planning Partners Inc., provide a presentation on the proposed development.

There were no comments from the audience with respect to this application.

The Committee discussed the following relative to the proposed development:

  • Inquired whether the proposal will go to the Heritage Markham Committee for its feedback.
  • Inquired if the density of the proposal was similar to the development to the north of the subject lands.
  • Questioned if the widening of Elgin Mills Road will affect the proposed development.
  • Suggested that the heritage home located in lot one be moved to a more suitable location within the proposed development as it is too close to where the 404 ramp will be.
  • Preference was for the two heritage homes to be moved to a location where the future owners can add on to the homes, and they can be located side by side.
  • Noted that the amount of space allocated to the heritage homes needs to be balanced with the need for housing given the current housing crisis.
  • Noted that converting the land use from employment to residential aligns the land use with York Region’s Official Plan.

The following responses were provided to inquiries from the Committee.

Mr. Lue confirmed that the proposed development will be brought forward to the Heritage Markham Committee for its feedback at its March meeting.

Mr. Tung clarified that York Region has confirmed that there will be no additional widening of Elgin Mills Road in the location of the proposed development, and that the proposal’s proposed 14 metre setback meets their requirements. Mr. Tung advised that the Applicant is working with staff to re-locate the heritage home located on lot one as part of the lot falls within the lands the Ministry of Transportation has identified as a buffer between the proposed 404 ramp and the development.

Ms. Miller confirmed that density of proposed development is similar to the density of townhomes to the north, noting that the existing townhouses to the north are slightly wider than the proposed townhouses.

  • Moved byCouncillor Ritch Lau
    Seconded byCouncillor Amanda Collucci
    1. That the written submission by Pearline Lung, and Ursula Ng were received, and,
    2. That the Record of the Public Meeting held on February 27, 2024, with respect to the proposed applications for Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment to permit a residential subdivision consisting of 30 freehold townhouse units and the relocation of two single-detached heritage dwellings at 2716 and 2718 Elgin Mills Road East, File No. PLAN 23 150145 (Ward 2), be received; and,
    3. That the applications by 1628740 and 1628741 Ontario Inc., applications for Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment, File No. PLAN 23 150145, be referred back to Staff for a report and a recommendation; and further,
    4. That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.

The Development Services Public Meeting adjourned at 7:39 PM.