Development Services Public Meeting Minutes

Meeting Number: 7
Live streamed
Roll Call
  • Mayor Frank Scarpitti
  • Deputy Mayor Michael Chan
  • Regional Councillor Jim Jones
  • Regional Councillor Joe Li
  • Regional Councillor Alan Ho
  • Councillor Keith Irish
  • Councillor Ritch Lau
  • Councillor Reid McAlpine
  • Councillor Karen Rea
  • Councillor Andrew Keyes
  • Councillor Amanda Collucci
  • Councillor Juanita Nathan
  • Councillor Isa Lee
  • Daniel Brutto, Senior Planner
  • Laura Gold, Council/Committee Coordinator
  • Stephen Lue, Senior Manager, Development
  • Nusrat Omer, Senior Planner

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The Development Services Public Meeting convened at 7:05 PM with Regional Councillor Joe Li in the Chair.

There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest.

Deputations were heard with the respective item.



Stephen Lue, Senior Manager, Development, introduced the item.

Nusrat Omer, Senior Planner, provided a presentation on the proposed development.

Randal Dickie, Urban Growth Inc., provided a presentation on the proposed development.

The Applicant explained their plans for the development proposal and the sustainability features of the proposal.

The following deputations were made on the proposed development:

Arthur Keoshkerian and his wife, residents, spoke in strong opposition to the proposed development, expressing the following concerns: that they were not aware that the Vicotria Square Community had lost its hamlet designation; that the proposal does not reflect the type of housing or character of the existing community;  that public transit is limited in the area; that the construction of the project may interfere with the water quality of existing residents as most of the existing homes currently get their water from wells; and that this is not the right location for an apartment building.

Neil Coultom, resident, spoke in opposition to the development proposal expressing that the it was not the right location for a mid-rise building due to the heritage character of the community. Mr. Coultom noted that the area was studied as a potential heritage conservation district in the past, but it was not approved at the time. Mr. Coultom spoke of the importance of preserving the Victoria Square Community for future generations to enjoy.

Matthew McKinlay, resident, spoke in opposition to the proposed development expressing the following concerns: the proposal is not sympathetic to the existing landscape; the proposal does not complement the heritage properties in the area; and that the proposal is out of proportion with the existing houses located in the community. Mr. McKinlay noted that the Woodbine Bypass was built to protect the Victoria Square Community and spoke of the importance of continuing to protect it.

Rayson Ho, resident, spoke in opposition to the proposed development and expressed concern that there have been many discussions regarding how to preserve the heritage properties and features of the Victoria Square Community, but the area still has not been designated as a heritage conservation district.  

Denise Charron spoke on behalf of the Victoria Square Ratepayers Association, suggesting that there should be a community information meeting to resolve some of the community’s issues with the proposal and to see how it could better fit into the community.

Nick Givalas, resident, spoke in support of the proposed development for the following reasons: he liked other projects that the developer has worked on, suggesting that this is the right developer if a building is to be erected in this location; the design of the building takes a tiered approach reducing the impact on the existing low-rise community; and the proposal likely would not have a significant impact on the community. Mr. Givalas noted that the hamlet is changing.

Annie Pinteric, resident, spoke in opposition to the proposed development, expressing the following concerns: the proposal does not fit the character of the existing community; the tall height of the building relative to other homes in the community; and that the proposal would be better located in another location.

Bethany McMullen spoke in opposition to the proposed development for the following reasons: six stories is too high; the proposal does not fit with the existing homes in the community; the impact the proposal will have on their water quality due to most of the existing homes in the community being on a well system; that the proposal does not fit with the heritage characteristic of the community; that the proposal does not include enough parking; and the lack of  walkability of the proposal.

Michael Davis, resident, advised that he had to build his house to reflect the character of the community and the neighbouring heritage homes, and suggested that the developer should also have to reflect the character and size of other buildings in the community.

The Committee provided the following feedback on the proposed development:

  • Suggested that staff need to look at how the proposed development’s geothermal system would affect the existing residents’ well water system.
  • Questioned if the Applicant would consider having a medical clinic on the ground level, as the building may attract a lot of seniors.
  • Clarified that the proposal is considered a midrise tiered building with a maximum height of six stories.
  • Advised that there is a tremendous stress to build more homes and that the proposal is a high-quality building.
  • Noted that condos being built on Highway 7 are 40 to 50 stories in height rather than 6 stories in height.
  • Discussed why the proposal to make the area a heritage district was not approved in the past, noting community push back as one of the reasons.
  • Noted that what happened in the past is not relevant to this application as the area is not a heritage district now.
  • Noted that a staff report will be brought forward to the Development Services Committee next month to designate one of the homes on the subject lands as a heritage property.
  • Supported holding a Community Information meeting.
  • Thanked residents for their deputations and written submissions.

Stephen Lue, Senior Manager, Development, read the Council extract outlining the reasoning why the proposal to make Victoria Square Community a heritage conservation district was denied. Community pushback was confirmed to be one of the reasons it was not recommended. Mr. Lue requested that the Community Information meeting on this development application be held as soon as possible, as Council has to make a decision on the application by June 15th or the City will be legally required to return the developments fees it has collected to the Applicant.

The Mayor asked staff to look into why the hamlet designation was removed from the Victoria Square Community, and if there are other policies in place protecting the community. The Mayor suggested that the Community’s questions regarding the removal of the hamlet designation be addressed at the Community Information Meeting, and inquired if the hamlet designation had been removed from any other communities in Markham.

Mr. Lue advised that staff will research why the hamlet designation was removed from the Victoria Square Community, and if the designation has been removed from any other communities in Markham. Mr. Lue clarified that the Applicant has requested to move the house proposed to be designated as a heritage property to the southern part of the site and that the Applicant plans to refurbish the property, add an addition to the back of the house and sell it.

  • Moved byRegional Councillor Jim Jones
    Seconded byMayor Frank Scarpitti
    1. That written submission by Willie Corenlio, Annie Pinteric, Brian Irish, Nadia, Irish and Elena Cesaroni, be received; and,
    2. That the deputations by Arthur Keoshkerian and his wife, Neil Coultom, Matthew McKinlay, Rayson Ho, Denise Charron, Nick Givalas, Annie Pinteric, Bethany McMullen, and Michael Davis, be received; and,
    3. That the report entitled “Public Meeting Information Report, Ledgemark Homes Inc., Applications for Official Plan And Zoning By-Law Amendment to Permit a Six-Storey Apartment Building Comprised Of 66 Residential Units and the Relocation of the Existing Heritage Dwelling at 3009 Elgin Mills Road East, and 10731, 10737, 10743, and 10745 Victoria Square Boulevard (Ward 2), File No. Plan 24 160555”, be received; and,
    4. THAT the Record of the Public Meeting h eld on April 16, 2024, with respect to the proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments, be received; and,
    5. THAT the applications by Ledgemark Homes Inc., for an Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment, File No. PLAN 24 160555, be referred back to Staff for a report and a recommendation; and further,
    6. THAT Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.

The Development Services Public Meeting adjourned at 8:57 PM.