

Special Development Services Committee Minutes

Friday, September 11, 2015, 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Council Chamber

Meeting No. 17

All Members of Council

Development Services                                               Economic Development

Chair:                      Regional Councillor Jim Jones                                Chair:                      Councillor Alex Chiu

Vice-Chair:              Councillor Don Hamilton                                       Vice-Chair:              Councillor Alan Ho


Transportation Issues

Chair:                      Regional Councillor Joe Li

Vice-Chair:              Regional Councillor Nirmala Armstrong




Regional Councillor Jim Jones

Regional Councillor Joe Li

Regional Councillor Nirmala Armstrong

Councillor Valerie Burke

Councillor Alan Ho

Councillor Don Hamilton

Councillor Karen Rea

Councillor Amanda Collucci

Councillor Logan Kanapathi



Mayor Frank Scarpitti

Deputy Mayor Jack Heath

Councillor Colin Campbell

Councillor Alex Chiu



Jim Baird, Commissioner of Development Services

Catherine Conrad, City Solicitor

Biju Karumanchery, Director of Planning and    Urban Design

Tim Lambe, Senior Project Coordinator, Policy & Research

Marg Wouters, Senior Manager, Policy & Research

Stephen Chait, Director of Economic Development

Alida Tari, Council/Committee Coordinator




The Special Development Services Committee convened at the hour of 9:12 a.m. in the Council Chamber with Councillor Don Hamilton in the Chair.  






None disclosed.





2.         YORK REGION
            DRAFT GROWTH SCENARIOS TO 2041 (10.0)



Marg Wouters, Sr. Manager, Policy & Research delivered a PowerPoint presentation regarding York Region Draft Growth Scenarios to 2041.


The Committee discussed the following relative to the York Region updated population and employment forecasts to 2041:

·        The importance of protecting agricultural lands

·        Lack of public transportation to accommodate the future growth

·        The importance of not converting employment lands to residential uses (it was noted that employment land conversions can only be considered during a municipal comprehensive review/Official Plan review)

·        What would be the effect if growth forecasts for population and employment are not met

·        Ensure there are suitable housing options

·        Sustainability should be a priority when expanding the urban boundary (e.g. ensuring growth is transit supportive, sustainable site development, energy & water efficiency)


Moved by Councillor Karen Rea

Seconded by Regional Councillor Nirmala Armstrong


That the presentation by Marg Wouters, Sr. Manager, Policy & Research entitled "York Region Draft Growth Scenarios to 2041," be received.





3.         ADJOURNMENT



The Special Development Services Committee meeting adjourned at 11:23 AM.





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