



FEBRUARY 19, 2013 - 7:00 p.m.

Council Chamber

Meeting No. 4

All Members of Council

Development Services

Chair:              Regional Councillor Jim Jones

Vice-Chair:      Councillor Don Hamilton




Deputy Mayor Jack Heath

Regional Councillor Joe Li

Councillor Howard Shore

Councillor Don Hamilton

Councillor Carolina Moretti

Councillor Colin Campbell

Councillor Alan Ho

Councillor Logan Kanapathi



Mayor Frank Scarpitti

Regional Councillor Jim Jones

Regional Councillor Gord Landon

Councillor Valerie Burke

Councillor Alex Chiu


Ron Blake, Manager, West District

Rick Cefaratti, Planner

Biju Karumanchery, Senior Development Manager

Kitty Bavington, Council/Committee Coordinator


The Development Services Public Meeting convened at 7:05 PM in the Council Chamber with Deputy Mayor Jack Heath in the Chair. Councillor Don Hamilton assumed the Chair shortly thereafter.







            BLOCK 371, PLAN 65M-3838 (RIZAL AVENUE)
            (ZA 12 115555 & SU 12 115555) (10.5, 10.7)



The Public Meeting this date was to consider an application submitted by Box Grove Hill Developments Inc. for Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment to permit 30 single detached dwellings on Block 371, Plan 65M-3838, Rizal Avenue (ZA 12 115555 &

SU 12 115555).


The Committee Clerk advised that 238 notices were mailed on January 30, 2013, and a Public Meeting sign was posted on January 30, 2013.  Six written submissions were received regarding this proposal and two petitions were received during the meeting.


Staff gave a presentation regarding the proposal, the location, surrounding uses and outstanding issues. A Hold provision would be incorporated, as servicing allocation has not yet been assigned to these lands. Staff responded to questions from the Committee regarding parkland, valleylands, and open spaces in the area. The Ward Councillor advised that a community meeting will be held regarding a community park being developed.


Roy Mason of KLM Planning Partners Inc., and Dave Stewart, both representing Box Grove Hill Developments, provided additional details on the proposed development. Mr. Mason discussed the School Board’s decision to declare the site surplus for school purposes, and options for the use of the land.


Discussions included the size of the lots, the potential size of the houses, and improvements to the existing parks. Staff confirmed that the amount of parkland being provided in this community exceeds requirements.


Jamie Junta, area resident, spoke in opposition to the proposal and in support of retaining the land for park use, and noted her failed attempts to obtain information on this proposal.


Members of Committee commented on the lack of response and asked that the Commissioner of Development Services respond to Ms. Junta in this regard, and copy the response to the Committee.


Emil Dysangco, area resident, spoke in support of the proposal, as the developer is already providing parkland and additional park lands would be at a substantial cost to the City.


Greg Morris, area resident, spoke in opposition to the proposal with respect to the character of the neighbourhood, the lack of playground equipment, and the importance of physical fitness for children.


Ravish Mitra, area resident, spoke in opposition, stating that the community lacks a meeting space, community amenities, and playground equipment, and suggested that the amount of parkland in this community does not compare to the amount provided in other areas.


Prashanna Patel, area resident, spoke in support of the proposal, as it will complete the community and provide parkland for the residents.


Michael Annamunthorso, area resident, provided comments and spoke of balancing the need for improved parklands for a healthy community, and the needs of investors. He also discussed the potential use of lands to the north.


Mr. Stewart confirmed that consideration is being given to changing the business use to residential use for some of the lands to the north.


Michael Benrubi, area resident, spoke on behalf of many area residents, in opposition. Mr. Benrubi discussed the existing two small parks within the community and safety issues related to crossing major roads to get to other designated parks. He suggested the entire subject site be used to create a substantial park. Mr. Benrubi read a statement from the residents and presented two petitions with 209 and 15 signatures.


Karim Mamdani, area resident, spoke in opposition and discussed the lack of community gathering space, and the welfare of the neighbourhood children.


Glen Hugh, area resident, spoke in opposition and reinforced statements from previous speakers regarding the lack of green space and a gathering place. Mr. Hugh read several comments from the residents on the petition presented by Mr. Benrubi.


Yong Yu, area resident, spoke in opposition with respect to the inconvenience of having to travel to other community playgrounds and sports facilities.


Rasheed Khan, area resident, spoke in opposition and stated that the builder had informed him when he bought his home, that a large park was going to be built on the subject site. Mr. Khan spoke of the need for community space and connection. 


Mark and Kimberly Williams, area residents adjacent to the subject lands, spoke in support of additional park lands, and expressed concerns regarding the park with respect to lighting, fencing, and impacts from additional traffic and the new entrance. They questioned if alternate plans, such as a cul-de-sac, are being considered, and suggested a committee be formed to work on this project. The Committee advised that there is a public consultation process for park development. 


Priush Jasinala, area resident, spoke of the loss of the school facilities. The Committee advised that the School Boards have jurisdiction over school decisions.


Claudia Ferryman, area resident, spoke in opposition and discussed drainage and flooding issues.  Staff responded that a storm water management study will be required as part of the process.


Mohammed Razzad, area resident, spoke in opposition, and noted the loss of open space and the importance of providing a safe and enjoyable family environment. He questioned legal liabilities for injuries sustained when children play at an inappropriate location as a result of inadequate play space being provided.


The Committee briefly discussed a suggested land swap to provide residential development elsewhere in the area and retain the subject land as parkland, central to the community. The cost of purchasing surplus school sites was also discussed.


It was suggested that the practice of developing parks at the end of the community development process should be reviewed. It was also suggested that development signs posted on properties should be reviewed to ensure they are simplified and that contact information is accurate.


Staff will be incorporating the comments and concerns received, into a report for presentation to the Development Services Committee. The Ward Councillor indicated he would hold an additional community meeting, if necessary, when the staff report comes forward.


Moved by: Councillor Logan Kanapathi

Seconded by: Councillor Colin Campbell


1)                 That the written submissions by Yanan Song, Daniel Ng, Padmini Persaud, Mark & Kimberley Williams, Cherry Lee, and Tracy Stuart, and two petitions submitted by Michael Benrubi regarding applications by Box Grove Hill Developments Inc. for Block 371, Plan 65M-3838 (Rizal Avenue), be received; and,


2)                 That the deputations by Jamie Junta, Emil Dysangco, Greg Morris, Ravish Mitra, Prashanna Patel, Michael Annamunthorso, Michael Benrubi, Karim Mamdani, Glen Hugh, Yong Yu, Rasheed Khan, Mark and Kimberly Williams, Priush Jasinala, Claudia Ferryman, and Mohammed Razzad, regarding applications by Box Grove Hill Developments Inc. for Block 371, Plan 65M-3838 (Rizal Avenue), be received; and,


3)                 That the report titled “PRELIMINARY REPORT, Box Grove Hill Developments Inc., Zoning Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision to permit 30 single detached dwellings on Block 371, Plan 65M-3838 (Rizal Avenue), File Nos. ZA 12 115555 & SU 12 11555,” dated January 22, 2013 be received; and,


4)                 That the Record of the Public Meeting held on February 19, 2013, with respect to the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision, be received; and further,


5)                 That the application by Box Grove Hill Developments Inc., to permit 30 single detached dwellings on Block 371, Plan 65M-3838 (Rizal Avenue), File Nos. ZA 12 115555 & SU 12 11555, be referred back to staff for a report and recommendation evaluating the proposal.





            60 RESIDENTIAL UNITS, BLOCK 226, PLAN 65M-3526
            (OP 12 120199, SU 12 120199 & ZA 12 120199) (10.3, 10.7 & 10.5)



The Public Meeting this date was to consider an application submitted by Grandfield Homes (Oakford) Limited for Official Plan Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment to permit 60 residential units, Block 226, Plan 65M-3526 (OP 12 120199, SU 12 120199 and ZA 12 120199).


The Committee Clerk advised that 219 notices were mailed on January 30, 2013, and three Public Meeting signs were posted on January 30, 2013. Two written submissions were received regarding this proposal.


Staff gave a presentation regarding the proposal, the location, surrounding uses and outstanding issues. There is currently no servicing allocation assigned to this proposal. It was confirmed that the total amount of parkland conveyed to the City within this community is 5.273 hectares, which exceeds the Planning Act requirements. The applicant is requesting to purchase a small strip of land from an existing park for the completion of the right-of-way for a street, for which the applicant will provide compensation at standard market value.


Keith McKinnon of KLM Planning Partners Inc., representing the applicant, provided additional details on the proposed development. 


The Committee discussed the lot sizes, density calculations, standard street widths, mitigation of the slope to the south, and the semi-detached product. Information was requested regarding the exact road boundary, any other instances were land has been removed from a park for development purposes, and photos of the land without snow. The density being proposed in relation to the land purchase price was questioned.



John Lee, area resident, spoke in opposition to the proposed density and referred to the Official Plan policies regarding detached and semi-detached homes. Mr. Lee suggested that the proposal would result in a lack of open space and community facilities to provide activities for children and would have a negative impact on his property and on the neighbourhood.


Connie Leung, area resident, stated her concerns for the increased density and traffic, the loss of parkland, the safety of children using the park, and for grading and storm water management issues.


Lisa Huang, area resident, objected to the loss of parkland and suggested reconfiguration of the lots.


Chris Ioannou, area resident, objected to the loss of open space and parkland, and had concerns for increased density and traffic, and stormwater management issues. He suggested similar lot sizes to the existing neighbourhood.


Mike Kan, area resident, spoke of the loss of open space used for tobogganing, and concerns for stormwater management and narrow roads with respect to snow storage. He objected to semi-detached dwellings.


The Committee questioned street numbering and naming options, and discussed semi-detached houses with respect to yard space and compatibility with the neighbourhood. Impacts include the   slope and stormwater management on the park to the south, and the loss of a tobogganing hill.

Staff will be incorporating the comments and concerns received, into a report for presentation to the Development Services Committee.


Moved by: Councillor Alan Ho

Seconded by: Councillor Colin Campbell


1)                  That the written submissions by Richard Kwok and Siu Ho, regarding the applications by Grandfield Homes (Oakford) Limited, Block 226, Plan 65M-3526, be received; and,


2)                  That the deputations by John Lee, Connie Leung, Lisa Huang, Chris Ioannou, and Mike Kan, regarding the applications by Grandfield Homes (Oakford) Limited, Block 226, Plan 65M-3526, be received; and,


3)                  That the Development Services Commission report dated January 22, 2013 entitled  “PRELIMINARY REPORT, Grandfield Homes (Oakford) Limited, Applications for Official Plan Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment to permit 60 residential units, Block 226, Plan 65M-3526, File No. OP 12 120199, SU 12 120199 & ZA 12 120199” be received; and,


4)                  That the record of the Public Meeting held on February 19, 2013, with respect to the proposed Official Plan Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment by Grandfield Homes (Oakford) Limited to permit 24 single detached dwellings and 36 semi-detached dwellings for a total of 60 residential units (OP 12 120199, SU 12 120199 &, ZA 12 120199) be received; and further,


5)                  That the Official Plan Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment applications (OP 12 120199, SU 12 120199 & ZA 12-120199) by be referred back to staff for a report and recommendation.







The Development Services Public Meeting adjourned at 10:15 PM.



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