WHEREAS the City has received a number of residential – both high and low-density – development applications in and around the Thornhill Centre Area of Bayview Avenue and John Street, and anticipates the possibility of more, considering its proximity to future planned as well as already approved higher order public transit; and,
WHEREAS at the June 29, 2021, Council Meeting, Council directed “That Staff engage consultants determined by Staff to be necessary, such as urban design architects, TOC urban planners, transportation engineers, landscape architects and retail consultant to complete a secondary plan study for the lands shown on the attached Appendix A” which included the lands subject to this motion; and,
WHEREAS City staff have undertaken preliminary investigations of a local road and pathway network, land use plan, priority retail areas and areas of potential intensification in the context of Hazelview’s application for Thornhill Square at 288, 290, 292, 294, 296, 298 and 300 John St; and,
WHEREAS while Staff have determined that the area is not of sufficient size to constitute a secondary plan, particularly as the employment lands are not proposed to be converted in land use at this time, yet consider the area significant enough that a specific precinct plan is necessary in order to provide vision and policy guidance that includes determination of land use permissions to better inform the public and the development community (developers and builders).
Therefore, now be it resolved:
- That Markham Council directs Staff to undertake a visioning exercise for the Bayview Avenue and John Street area inclusive of publicly owned land as well as the surrounding residential and commercial properties that identifies potential new public roads, multi-use connections including, but not limited to, active transportation network, local trail network, new public parks, and an assessment for the need for additional community services and commercial amenities to support an appropriate mix of land uses for the lands of and surrounding the Thornhill Community Centre in order to achieve a “complete community” that serves existing and future residents; and,
- That staff be directed to retain a moderator to facilitate a consultative process comprised of a series of three topic-specific public meetings on various aspects of the plan to seek public input on the visioning work; and,
- That staff be directed to report the findings of the Bayview and John Visioning Exercise to the Development Services Committee by Q3 2024; and further,
- That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.