Evan Manning, Senior Heritage Planner, provided an update on the progress of priority heritage designations and outlined the steps undertaken to designating a property. Mr. Manning advised that 151 research reports have been prepared, 121 Statement of Significance completed, and 70 properties have so far been designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act. Mr. Manning noted that five designation by-laws have been appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT). One of the appeals has been settled while the remainder are anticipated to progress to a contested hearing. It was noted that if a Notice of Intention to Designate is approved, but Council does not ultimately approve a designation by-law, the property must be removed from the Heritage Register.
Regan Hutcheson, Manager of Heritage Planning, advised that this item is a quarterly update on the status of the Priority Designation Program which is examining 158 properties for potential designation. Mr. Hutcheson noted that staff will consult with Heritage Markham in the new year on specific properties for which designation may not be warranted.
The Chair provided background on the discussion of the Designation of Priority Properties item at the November 12, 2024 Development Services Committee meeting with respect to when the notice period starts. Mr. Manning clarified to Heritage Markham Committee that the 120-day period starts when Council passes its Notice of Intention to Designate and the actual notice is placed on the City website.