Special Development Services Committee Minutes

Meeting Number: 15
Live streamed
Roll Call
  • Mayor Frank Scarpitti
  • Deputy Mayor Michael Chan
  • Regional Councillor Jim Jones
  • Regional Councillor Joe Li
  • Regional Councillor Alan Ho
  • Councillor Keith Irish
  • Councillor Ritch Lau
  • Councillor Reid McAlpine
  • Councillor Karen Rea
  • Councillor Andrew Keyes
  • Councillor Amanda Collucci
  • Councillor Juanita Nathan
  • Councillor Isa Lee
  • Andy Taylor, Chief Administrative Officer
  • Arvin Prasad, Commissioner, Development Services
  • Trinela Cane, Commissioner, Corporate Services
  • Claudia Storto, City Solicitor and Director of Human Resources
  • Joseph Silva, Treasurer
  • Giulio Cescato, Director, Planning & Urban Design
  • Darryl Lyons, Deputy Director, Planning & Urban Design
  • Frank Clarizio, Director, Engineering
  • Stephanie DiPerna, Director, Building Standards
  • Eddy Wu, Acting Commissioner, Community Services
  • Sabrina Bordone, Manager, Development - Central District
  • Rick Cefaratti, Senior Planner, West District
  • Loy Cheah, Senior Manager, Transportation
  • Duran Wedderburn, Manager, Policy
  • Rajeeth Arulanantham, Election & Committee Coordinator
  • Hristina Giantsopoulos, Election & Committee Coordinator

Alternate formats for this document are available upon request


We begin today by acknowledging the traditional territories of Indigenous peoples and their commitment to stewardship of the land. We acknowledge the communities in circle. The North, West, South and Eastern directions, and Haudenosaunee, Huron- Wendat, Anishnabeg, Seneca, Chippewa, and the Mississaugas of the Credit peoples. We share the responsibility with the caretakers of this land to ensure the dish is never empty and to restore relationships that are based on peace, friendship, and trust. We are committed to reconciliation, partnership and enhanced understanding.

The Special Development Services Meeting convened at 2:05 PM with Regional Councillor Jim Jones presiding as Chair.  

There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest. 

Note: Please refer to item 4.2 for staff report.

  • Moved byCouncillor Isa Lee
    Seconded byCouncillor Andrew Keyes
    1. That the communications submitted by the following interested parties, providing comments regarding the above subject matter be received:
      • Edwin Siu, Logos Baptist Church (Milliken);
      • MHBC Planning and Urban Design;
      • Macaulay Shiomi Howson Ltd.;
      • Jonathan S Cheng, Stikeman Elliot;
      • Wai Ying Di Girorio and Brandon Simon, The Planning Partnership; and,
      • Darrin Cohen, Weston Consulting.

Arvin Prasad, Commissioner, Development Services, addressed the Committee to provide opening remarks in relation to the February 7, 2024, Council request, that staff undertake a visioning exercise for the Bayview Avenue and John St. Secondary plan to help identify new connections in the area.  He introduced Rick Cefarrati, Senior Planner, who presented the Visioning Exercise Work Plan, Bayview Avenue and John Street Area, which provided an overview of the proposed workplan steps and their timing.  

The Committee heard the following deputations from interested members of the community:

  1. Louis Olivera, Aileen-Willowbrook Ratepayers Association (AWRA), addressed the Committee to express concerns regarding the workplan in relation to the initial project objectives and the consultative processes.
  2. Brian Fischer, Ward One South Thornhill Residents (WOSTRI), addressed the Committee to express concerns in relation to the scope of the project, traffic congestion, current development projects, and the visioning exercise process.   
  3. Bill Hertha, addressed the committee to express concerns regarding the scope of the project, the proposed boundaries, the types of development in the area, and road connections.   
  4. Alena Gotz, addressed the Committee to express concerns with the concept and vision for this area and the consultative process for all stakeholders.

The Committee discussed the current development aspects of this project and noted that there will be additional, public, stakeholder, and, community consultation to review urban design, build-form and land uses.                           

This item will be brought back to a Development Services Meeting Agenda in the fall 2024.

  • Moved byMayor Frank Scarpitti
    Seconded byCouncillor Keith Irish
    1. That the report titled, “RECOMMENDATION REPORT, Visioning Exercise Workplan for the Bayview Avenue and John Street Area, Thornhill (Ward 1)”, be received; and,
    2. That the deputations from, Louis Olivera, Brian Fischer, Bill Hertha, and Alena Gotz be received; and, 
    3. That the communication from Barry Nelson be received; and,
    4. That Development Services Committee endorse the proposed work plan to complete the Visioning Exercise for the Bayview Avenue and John Street Area and retain a moderator to facilitate public, stakeholder and community consultation on urban design, build-form and uses of this area; and further,
    5. That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.

Arvin Prasad, Commissioner, Development Services, provided opening remarks and indicated that staff are seeking Committee endorsement to the City Initiated Official Plan Amendment to incorporate the Milliken Centre Secondary Plan into the City of Markham Official Plan, 2014.  He introduced Duran Wedderburn, Manager, Policy, who made a presentation that outlined the proposed amendments which allow for a more permissive approach to densities, incentivizes affordable housing, and incorporates a minimum parkland requirement for Pacific Mall lands.  Mr. Wedderburn indicated that once the amendments are adopted, they will be forwarded to the planning approval authority for approval.  

The Committee heard the following deputations in relation to the proposed amendments:

  1. Nick Pileggi, expressed concerns with the Secondary Plan in its current state and requested a deferral of this item.
  2. George Shi, expressed concerns with the proposed amendments as they relate the height of proposed adjacent building and their proximity  to the Logos Baptiste Church.
  3. Lance Gao, expressed concerns with the zoning by-law amendments as they relate to densities and building heights of proposed developments in the area.
  4. Tim Ho, expressed concerns relating to Bill 85 and the impact it may have on development in this area.  

The Committee thanked staff for the presentation and made the following inquiries in relation to the presentation:

  • The number of landlords or property owners in the area;
  • The amount of land the City owns in this area;
  • Whether there is parkland designated on the church property;
  • The benefits of the church joining a rate payers group;
  • The impact Bill 85 will have on development;
  • The date in which the church purchased the land; and,
  • The feasibility of builders increasing the size of buildings where there is no restriction on parking.

Staff responded to the inquiries made by the Committee and advised that a secondary plan is required to approve site plans and that even though there may not be parking on the site, height cannot be added to a building without the appropriate City approvals. Staff further advised that the implementation of Bill 85 encourages more homes to be built faster, however, the City is still responsible to build complete communities.  

  • Moved byCouncillor Isa Lee
    Seconded byCouncillor Andrew Keyes
    1. That the staff report dated June 25, 2024 entitled, “RECOMMENDATION REPORT, City Initiated Amendment for the Milliken Centre Secondary Plan” be received; and,
    2. That the Official Plan Amendment for the Milliken Centre Secondary Plan, attached as Appendix 2, be finalized and forwarded to Council for adoption, and subsequently forwarded to the planning approval authority for approval; and, 
    3. That the deputations from Nick Pileggi, George Shi, Lance Gao, and Tim Ho be received; and, 
    4. That the written communications from:
      • Edwin Siu, Logos Baptist Church; and,
      • Eldon C. Theodore, MHBC Planning, Urban Design, and Landscape Architecture; and,
      • Nick Pileggi, Macaulay Shiomi Howson Ltd; and,
      • Jonathan S. Cheng, Stikeman Elliot; and,
      • Wai Ying Di Girorgio and Brandon Simon, The Planning Partnership; and, 
      • Darrin Cohen, Weston Consulting, be received; and further,
    5. That staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution. 
  • Moved byRegional Councillor Alan Ho
    Seconded byCouncillor Karen Rea

    1. That the Special Development Services Meeting adjourn at 4:55 PM.
