2025 Meeting Calendar
Regan Hutcheson, Manager of Heritage Planning, noted that the Development Services Committee (DSC) and Council meetings will be held once per month in 2025 which will require staff to carefully plan and coordinate any reports that need Council consideration to meet the prescribed timelines in Ontario Heritage Act. Mr. Hutcheson noted that as a result of reduced DSC/Council meeting frequency, Heritage Markham Committee's ability to defer an item to a later meeting date may be reduced. The Committee requested that for agenda items that are time sensitive in nature, Staff include a notation indicating that item is time sensitive and/or urgent and that a timely decision must be made.
Designation of Priority Properties
Councillor McAlpine, Chair, noted to the Committee that Council at its last meeting decided to not move forward with designating four properties that were recommended for designation. The Chair noted that the Priority Designation program as a whole has been successful and thanked Staff for their work.
For those properties not designated and later demolished, the Committee inquired about the possibility of a requiring a plaque on the properties as some form of commemoration. Mr. Hutcheson advised that it is possible to make that a condition of future Planning Act development approval (if staff are aware of the building’s former heritage status which is not a given if the property has been removed from the Heritage Register). The Committee also requested clarification on the possibility of relisting a property after it has “fallen off” the Heritage Register at the end of 2026 and the process of recommending the property for designation a second time. Staff advised that once a property is removed from the Heritage Register as a listed property, it cannot be re-listed for five years. Yet, at any time, Heritage Markham Committee, could recommend that Council issue a new Notice of Intention to Designate for the property, even if not listed. However, if the property is subject to a "Prescribed Event" (Official Plan or Zoning By-law Amendment or Plan of Subdivision application) and is not listed, Council cannot initiate designation. Staff also advised on the possibility of creating a new internal City database of formerly "listed" properties at the end of 2026.
Heritage Holiday Dinner
The Committee thanked Councillor Rea for organizing the holiday dinner and thanked those for attending in-person. Elizabeth Wimmer and Nathan Proctor conveyed their thanks and departing words to the Committee.