Heritage Markham Committee Minutes

Meeting Number: 12
Canada Room
  • Councillor Reid McAlpine, Chair
  • Councillor Karen Rea
  • Ron Blake
  • Victor Huang
  • Vanda Vicars
  • Tejinder Sidhu
  • Kugan Subramaniam
  • Lake Trevelyan
  • Steve Lusk
  • Councillor Keith Irish
  • David Butterworth
  • Richard Huang
  • David Wilson
  • Regan Hutcheson, Manager, Heritage Planning
  • Peter Wokral, Senior Heritage Planner
  • Evan Manning, Senior Heritage Planner
  • Rajeeth Arulanantham, Assistant to Council / Committee
  • Stafford Hughes, Technology Support Specialist II

Councillor Reid McAlpine, Chair, convened the meeting at 7:01 PM by asking for any disclosures of interest with respect to items on the agenda.

There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest.

  1. Addendum Agenda
  2. New Business from Committee Members

Regan Hutcheson, Manager of Heritage Planning, advised that Item 6.3 was added to the agenda.

  • Recommendation:

    That the December 11, 2024 Heritage Markham Committee agenda be approved.


See attached material.

  • Recommendation:

    That the minutes of the Heritage Markham Committee meeting held on November 13, 2024 be received and adopted.


File Numbers:

R. Hutcheson, Manager, Heritage Planning

Regan Hutcheson, Manager of Heritage Planning, introduced two new members of Heritage Markham which were appointed by Council and started their terms on December 1st: Steve Lusk of the Markham Village area and Richard Huang, an at-large member. 

Steve introduced himself as a Markham resident for over 10 years living in the Main Street Markham area and expressed enthusiasm for serving the community on the Heritage Markham Committee and a desire to preserve the character and culture of Markham's heritage. Steve noted his previous experience in governance as a member of Markham's Public Art Committee and other boards and committees.

Richard Huang was absent from the meeting with regrets.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Heritage Markham welcomes new members Richard Huang and Steve Lusk. 


1) Election of Chair and Vice-Chair
2) Sub-Committees of Heritage Markham
3) Heritage Markham Representative - Other Committees (16.11)

File Number:

R. Hutcheson, Manager, Heritage Planning

The Committee asked Staff to provide an overview of the various sub-committees that members could serve on and asked if nominations would have to be provided in advance.

Regan Hutcheson, Manager of Heritage Planning, advised that the sub-committees include the Architectural Review Subcommittee, Special Event Subcommittee (50th Anniversary), and Heritage Markham Awards of Excellence Sub-Committee. Mr. Hutcheson provided a brief overview of each and advised that there will be an election for Chair and Vice Chair at the January 8th, 2025 Heritage Markham Committee meeting along with appointments to sub-committees, and that nominations are not needed in advance.

  • Recommendation:

    That Heritage Markham receive the notice of the requirement for the election of Chair and Vice Chair and other appointments which will be on the January 8, 2025 Agenda.


There were no deputations.




File Numbers:
24 197005 HE,
24 197575 HE, 
24 197239 HE, 
24 198826 HE

R. Hutcheson, Manager, Heritage Planning
E. Manning, Senior Heritage Planner

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Heritage Markham receive the information on the Minor Heritage Permits approved by Heritage Section staff under the delegated approval process.


10225 KENNEDY RD., 10227 KENNEDY RD., 60 MAIN ST. N., 139 MAIN ST. U., 28 STATION ST., 328 MAIN ST. N. (16.11)

File Numbers:
DP 24 192623,
DP 24 192624,
SP 24 193046,
AL 24 197392,
HP 24 193647,
NH 24 175522

R. Hutcheson, Manager, Heritage Planning
P. Wokral, Senior Heritage Planner

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Heritage Markham receive the information on building permits approved by Heritage Section staff under the delegated approval process.



File Numbers:

R. Hutcheson, Manager, Heritage Planning

Regan Hutcheson, Manager of Heritage Planning, introduced this item and summarized the other applications for which the Committee had delegated review to Heritage staff. Mr. Hutcheson advised that Heritage staff are seeking to obtain delegated authority for the review of development applications that are adjacent to a Part IV or Part V - designated heritage property (within 60 meters) provided that the applicable Heritage Councillors are consulted and do not object to by-passing the Committee. Mr. Hutcheson also advised that in the event that the Heritage staff feel that there is a detrimental impact on the heritage resource or if the Heritage Councillor expresses any concerns, the application will be brought to the Heritage Markham Committee for review.

The Committee requested clarification if severances adjacent to Heritage Districts or individually designated properties are delegated to Heritage Staff. Mr. Hutcheson noted that the types of applications delegated to Staff are listed on Attachment 1 of the memo and severance application in any area are not currently delegated to Heritage Staff. The Committee noted that with the new Comprehensive Zoning By-law it would minimize the allowances for a severance unless there is an application for a bylaw amendment.  Committee suggested that those severances that comply with the adjacency criteria should be added to the list of applications delegated to Heritage Staff.

  • Recommendations:

    THAT the review of severance applications adjacent to a property of cultural heritage resource (individually designated or a heritage conservation district property) be delegated to Heritage Section staff provided that the Heritage Ward Councillor is consulted and has no objection to the proposal from a heritage perspective and for non-heritage conservation district adjacent properties, all three Heritage Councillors are consulted and have no objection;

    THAT the following Development Applications (Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, Condominium, Hold Removal and Site Plan Control) on adjacent property to a cultural heritage resource (individually designated or a heritage conservation district property) be delegated to Heritage Section staff provided that the Heritage Ward Councillor is consulted and has no objection to the proposal from a heritage perspective and for non-heritage conservation district adjacent properties, all three Heritage Councillors are consulted and have no objection;

    AND THAT should any of the identified applications be of concern to Heritage Section staff or the Heritage Councillor(s), the application be brought back to Heritage Markham Committee for consideration.



File Number:
24 194224 HE

R. Hutcheson, Manager, Heritage Planning
E. Manning, Senior Heritage Planner

Evan Manning, Senior Heritage Planner, introduced the item as it relates to a Major Heritage Permit Application for 354 Main Street North, a Class A property within the Markham Village Heritage Conservation District, to remove and replace a one-storey rear addition with a two-storey rear addition. Mr. Manning advised that the addition will have a self-contained residential unit in the front (existing) portion of the dwelling and another in the proposed addition. Mr. Manning displayed drawings showing the proposed front and rear elevation of the development that illustrated the scale, form, massing, and placement of the windows. Mr. Manning advised the Committee that Staff are in support of the proposal and would seek to obtain a restoration scope as a condition of approval.

The Committee made the following comments:

  • Questioned if any variances are being sought for the side yard setback and whether this application would be under the new Comprehensive Zoning By-law.
  • Requested that the driveway not extend to the rear portion of the property.
  • Advised that the current plan may pose challenges for the future tenants as only tandem parking is proposed.
  • Recommendation:

    THAT the driveway not extend past the rear addition of the property;

    AND THAT Heritage Markham has no objection from a heritage perspective to the proposed two-storey rear addition as detailed in the Major Heritage Permit application submitted for 354 Main Street North.



File Number:
24 194620 SPC

R. Hutcheson, Manager, Heritage Planning

Regan Hutcheson, Manager of Heritage Planning, introduced this as an addendum item relating to the construction of new storage facilities in close proximity to a Part IV - designated heritage building located at the Bayview Golf and Country Club. Mr. Hutcheson noted the building as the “John Cameron House” and that it is currently being used as a maintenance office. Mr. Hutcheson provided a summary of the work being undertaken while displaying pictures of the heritage building, site plan drawings of the area, and images showing the proposed massing of the storage facility. Mr. Hutcheson also noted that Heritage staff have asked for a Conservation Plan as part of the Site Plan Control (SPC) application package. Staff also went through the demolition plan and are recommending that Staff be delegated review of the SPC Application. Mr. Hutcheson also noted that Staff will visit the site to determine the scope of any restoration work required as a condition of approval.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Heritage Markham Committee delegate its review of the Site Plan Control Application 24 194620 SPC to Heritage Section Staff.


File Numbers:

R. Hutcheson, Manager, Heritage Planner

The Committee spoke to the need to have more public awareness of the Heritage Markham 50th Anniversary Event and requested that members of the 50th Anniversary Sub-Committee meet to discuss ideas to promote and advertise the event in addition to increasing awareness on the importance of heritage, the origins of heritage preservation in the City of Markham, and the accolades received by the City. As per the September 11, 2024 minutes, the Sub-Committee for the 50th Anniversary comprises of Lake Trevelyan, Tejinder Sidhu, David Butterworth, Vanda Vickers, Kugan Subramaniam, Councillor Rea and Councillor McAlpine. The 50th Anniversary Sub-Committee will meet on January 7th, 2025 at 7pm at Lake Trevelyan's residence.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT the 50th Anniversary Sub-Committee will meet on January 7, 2025.

File Numbers:

R. Hutcheson, Manager, Heritage Planning

Regan Hutcheson, Manager of Heritage Planning, introduced this item as an annual event held in February for the Heritage Day and Heritage Week Celebration. The Committee suggested that the 50th Anniversary Sub-Committee discuss the Heritage Day and Heritage Week Celebration during their January 7th meeting for coordinated efforts on the rolling out of events and report back to Heritage Committee to further discuss.

  • Recommendations:

    THAT Heritage Markham receive the update on Heritage Day and Week 2025 as information;

    THAT Heritage Markham supports the proclamation of Heritage Week in Markham (February 16-22, 2025) and the flying of the Prince of Wales Prize flag as the Markham Civic Centre for the week;

    AND THAT the Heritage Markham 50th Anniversary Sub-Committee discuss the Heritage Day and Week 2025 events and report back to Committee.

2025 Meeting Calendar

Regan Hutcheson, Manager of Heritage Planning, noted that the Development Services Committee (DSC) and Council meetings will be held once per month in 2025 which will require staff to carefully plan and coordinate any reports that need Council consideration to meet the prescribed timelines in Ontario Heritage Act. Mr. Hutcheson noted that as a result of reduced DSC/Council meeting frequency, Heritage Markham Committee's ability to defer an item to a later meeting date may be reduced. The Committee requested that for agenda items that are time sensitive in nature, Staff include a notation indicating that item is time sensitive and/or urgent and that a timely decision must be made.

Designation of Priority Properties

Councillor McAlpine, Chair, noted to the Committee that Council at its last meeting decided to not move forward with designating four properties that were recommended for designation. The Chair noted that the Priority Designation program as a whole has been successful and thanked Staff for their work.

For those properties not designated and later demolished, the Committee inquired about the possibility of a requiring a plaque on the properties as some form of commemoration. Mr. Hutcheson advised that it is possible to make that a condition of future Planning Act development approval (if staff are aware of the building’s former heritage status which is not a given if the property has been removed from the Heritage Register). The Committee also requested clarification on the possibility of relisting a property after it has “fallen off” the Heritage Register at the end of 2026 and the process of recommending the property for designation a second time. Staff advised that once a property is removed from the Heritage Register as a listed property, it cannot be re-listed for five years. Yet, at any time, Heritage Markham Committee, could recommend that Council issue a new Notice of Intention to Designate for the property, even if not listed. However, if the property is subject to a "Prescribed Event" (Official Plan or Zoning By-law Amendment or Plan of Subdivision application) and is not listed, Council cannot initiate designation. Staff also advised on the possibility of creating a new internal City database of formerly "listed" properties at the end of 2026.

Heritage Holiday Dinner

The Committee thanked Councillor Rea for organizing the holiday dinner and thanked those for attending in-person. Elizabeth Wimmer and Nathan Proctor conveyed their thanks and departing words to the Committee.

The Heritage Markham Committee adjourned at 7:55 PM.