WHEREAS it is the opinion of Council that a 10-storey building is a more contextual height for a property in proximity to a Heritage District and with limited future redevelopment due to several prominent heritage assets; and,
WHEREAS Council supports the need for housing and the recommended Gross Floor Area of the proposal;
- That the Recommendation Report, dated July 16th, 2024, 648321 Ontario Inc. (c/o Gatzios Planning Consultants), Applications for Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments to permit a 13-storey mixed use building at 5871 Highway 7 (Ward 4), File No. PLAN 22 244910, be refused; and,
- That Staff bring forward an implementing By-law for a 10-storey mixed use building with a minimum Gross Floor Area (GFA) of 13,100 square metres and minimum non-residential GFA of 165 square metres on the lands municipally known as 5871 Highway 7, following review of revised plans to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning and Urban Design or his designate; and,
- That Staff bring forward the amending Official Plan and Zoning By-law documents for Council approval to permit a 10-storey mixed use building on the lands municipally known as 5871 Highway 7, following review of revised plans to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning and Urban Design or his designate; and further,
- That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.